Portage Area Chamber of Commerce
April 2020
The Portage Area Chamber of Commerce has been working to facilitate solutions for you during the COVID-19 pandemic. We all know that business does not stop, and your Chamber has not either. We are keeping you informed of member changes in operations and services; notices of loans and grants for your business as well as other information to help get you through these difficult times.
We have been participating in joint webinars organized by Wisconsin Manufactures & Commerce (WMC) featuring state government officials and business industry leaders to keep our business community informed. Links to the latest webinars can be found on our Chamber homepage at
Please continue to support local businesses now as much as you can. Remember, Community Kindness goes a long way. #PortageWI
- Give support to our healthcare professionals with a call; send an email or a hand-written note; offer a thank you message of support.
- Order food from your local restaurant for take-out or drive thru. Remember to leave a tip, just as if you were dining in.
- Buy gift cards to your favorite local restaurants and retailers now for use or keep them for a neighbor in need for use later.
- Shop online or by phone with our local retailers, many will ship items from their websites, and others will gladly take orders over the phone.
- Purchase a gift card or hair care products from your local hair salon.
- Make monetary donations to your favorite charity, the local food pantry or volunteer to help package food.
- Like, share, and comment on social media posts to help increase business exposure and show that you support them.
- Thank those front-line workers for being open, providing services and caring for you.
- Check in with your family, friends and neighbors to help them during this time.
We have been updating a list of local business that have made changes due to the COVID
19 pandemic and this ‘Safer At Home’ order.
Click here
for the local business updates. Items listed are subject to change any time, so call ahead. If you would like your business listed or have a change of hours or services offered, please email
Please take the appropriate precautions with healthy habits like washing your hands, avoiding direct contact and staying home if you’re sick.
Please reach out to our office for information on the programs, grants and loans that are included in the newsletter.
Marianne and Brad
Portage Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Chamber Provides Small Business Guide for Emergency Loans
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act allocated $350 billion to help small businesses keep workers employed amid the pandemic and economic downturn. Known as the Paycheck Protection Program, the initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses who maintain their payroll during this emergency.
Importantly, these loans may be forgiven if borrowers maintain their payrolls during the crisis or restore their payrolls afterward. The administration soon will release more details including the list of lenders offering loans under the program.
In the meantime, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has issued this guide to help small businesses and self employed individuals prepare to file for a loan. The U.S. Chamber guide is available by
clicking here
WMC COVID-19 relief agenda seeks tax credits, payment deferrals, liability protections
The Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce's new COVID-19 Relief and Recovery Agenda, released last Thursday, focuses on providing economic assistance to statewide businesses to ease some of the burdens caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The relief and recovery agenda looks at a variety of ways to create economic stability and employee protection for businesses.
Hiring? Send Job Postings to Wisconsin Restaurant Association
The Wisconsin Restaurant Association is trying to help place individuals who are out of jobs with temporary jobs. They are asking the business community to send them a link with job postings, and they will get them out to their membership. If your business is hiring temporary employees, please send any open positions directly to Kristine Hillmer --
khillmer@wirestaurant.org, President & CEO of the Wisconsin Restaurant Association.
Gumz Farms is Hiring Now
Gumz Farms is hiring and they need your help so they can continue to supply potatoes and onions to everyone across the country during this time. Starting wage is $13 and you can start today. They are looking for dedicated individuals for multiple positions in the warehouse. These positions will have the opportunity for overtime and may have the potential to become full time.
All Non-Profits eligible for $10k Grants & SBA Disaster Loans
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) amends the SBA’s Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program. Non-profits, including 501(c)6s, are eligible for loans under the EIDL program. Specifically, under the CARES Act,
Applications are streamlined:
- Waives requirement for a personal guarantee on advances and loans less than $200,000
- Waives the requirement that an applicant be unable to obtain credit elsewhere
- Authorizes approval based on a simple check of borrower’s credit score or alternative method
The SBA can provide $10,000 cash advance (available within 3 days of application) to serve as a grant if the money is used to maintain payroll, mortgage or lease payments, increased costs due to supply chain disruption, or the repayment of obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Emergency Paid & Family Sick Leave
"We would like to be sure that the Portage Chamber Members are aware that our Firm, Cross, Jenks, Mercer & Maffei is available to assist them with the new Emergency Paid & Family Sick Leaves that must be provided to employees.
As of Wednesday April 1, 2020 all employers of 500 employees or less are obligated to provide leave under Families First Coronavirus Response Act. We know that you have many questions about what this means for your business and employees. We are here to help!
We are offering a flat fee rate of $500.00 to all employers to answer any and all questions regarding implementation of or compliance with this law from now until the end of May. Included in the flat fee are sample notices and forms that you need to provide to employees. We have waived our initial consult fee and our hourly fees for this type of matter during this difficult time. As a small business ourselves we fully understand the stress and struggle we are all in right now. We get it and we are here to help! Contact Cross, Jenks, Mercer & Maffei today!"
Don-Rick Insurance is here for you!
"Don-Rick Insurance is committed to being responsive to all our clients’ needs during these difficult times. While a “Safer-At-Home" Order has been issued by Governor Tony Evers, insurance agencies are deemed an essential business. Don-Rick Insurance will remain open during the “Safer-At-Home" order while maintaining a safe working environment for all our team members to stop the spread of this virus.
Our office is closed to the public, but we can handle your needs electronically through phone calls, email or video conferencing. If you find yourself at home, we encourage you to give our office a call to do a complete review of your policies, whether personal or for business.
We are also creating a special web page at our website,
that will have Covid-19 related resources on it. Dialing 800-924-6536 will connect you to any of our offices. Additionally, our contact information can be located via our website and clicking on Contact Us.
For our Business Clients...
Business Interruption Coverage and Guidance
For those businesses that have property coverage with Business Interruption Coverage, we have special guidance for you.
Typically, business interruption (BI) policies respond when there is a direct physical loss to the property, such as a fire, windstorm, etc. We believe these policies will likely deny coverage for losses related to the Covid-19 outbreak. However, it is the job of the insurance carriers to properly determine coverage. If you would like us to file a claim on your behalf, we will gladly do that. Just give us a call and we will file the claim.
Regardless of how a claim may or may not be covered, we encourage you to take the time to track your lost net income, extra expenses related to responding to the outbreak, and continuing expenses such as mortgages, utilities, etc.
These are unprecedented times and it is important to be as prepared as possible if you decide to file a claim or if you can obtain government assistance in the form of loans or compensation for your losses."
What can Culver's make fresh for you?
"We know things are uncertain, and while we can’t solve everything, we’re committed to continue serving our communities in the best way we know how: by preparing meals for you and your family.
At Culver’s, we love nothing more than safely serving you delicious food. That’s why we wanted to take a moment to assure you that our drive-thrus remain open.
Whether you’re social distancing or sheltering in place, it would be our privilege to prepare a handcrafted meal you can enjoy from the comfort of your home.
Please come visit us the next time you crave a familiar routine or need a break from cooking – our team members would be delighted to serve you. Thank you, from all of us at Culver’s."
Rhyme is here with service and support
"Rhyme is going strong and working every day to keep our clients well taken care of with service and support. In times like these, we are prepared to help in any way we can.
- Our office products division is taking new orders every day, we can direct ship thousands of different office products to employee’s homes.
- Our IT department has been busy with equipment orders and helping companies set up to work remotely. Our document imaging team has been busy processing orders for a wide range of personal use print, copy, and scan devices that can be directly shipped to employee's homes and we can help with remote set up and training.
- We are helping companies evaluate their multi-function copier and printer contracts to see if there are ways to reduce costs and increase efficiency."
Contact Barry Blankenberg, Client Manager, at
800-362-4333 or visit
Rhyme took the Polar Plunge
The Rhyme group participated the 20th annual Lee Lake Polar Bear Plunge in Cazenovia, WI on February 29. The event raised over $33,000 in total, with Rhyme raising $3000 toward that total.
The Rhyme Time group has now raised over $63,000 in the 11 years of participation.
The Polar Plunge benefits the American Cancer Society and G.R.A.C.E. (Greater Richland Area Cancer Elimination).
WSC postpones 78th Annual Conference
Rapidly changing developments make it clear that it is not prudent to host the 78th Annual Wisconsin Safety Council Annual Conference from April 19-22 at the Kalahari in the Wisconsin Dells. The conference will be postponed to a date later in 2020, and we will provide updates as soon as they are available.
Wisconsin Safety Council looks forward to hosting the conference later this year, and we hope you will join us at that time. Click the logo to visit the Wisconsin Safety Council.
PCA Visual Arts Scholarship
Dedicated to a visual arts student pursuing an art degree or equivalent after high school, Portage Center for the Arts' scholarship is made possible by a generous gift from Eleanor Drury. The deadline is April 15 of each year.
News from Adams-Columbia Electric
The Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative Jon Steinhaus Line Worker Scholarship is now available! The purpose of the scholarship is to encourage men and women to pursue an electric line worker career. Scholarships are awarded annually in the amount of $1,500. The deadline for the scholarship is Friday, April 10. For more details and the application,
click here
The next deadline for Operation Round-Up is Wednesday, April 15. Applications are available
Save the date for ACEC’s 33rd Annual Meeting on Thursday, May 21 at the Pardeeville High School Auditorium. Registration begins at 5:15pm and the meeting begins at 6:00pm.
Fees Waived for WI State Parks and Trails
State Parks, Trails & Restrooms Remain Open; Property Buildings Closed
Fees have now been waived for all Wisconsin State Parks and Trails that continue to remain open to the public. Parks, law enforcement and property staff will also continue to provide routine sweeps of state park system properties.
Beginning March 24, 2020, the DNR implemented the following changes to the operation of all state parks and recreation areas across the state consistent with guidance provided by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Department of Administration. Here is the latest:
Fees Waived
• Entrance fees are waived.
• Please do not congregate at self-registration stations or electronic kiosks.
Restrooms Open
• Restrooms on state properties will remain open given there are enough resources, cleaning supplies and access to personal protective equipment for staff to maintain them.
• Please do not congregate at restrooms.
All state park offices, visitor centers, and non-essential buildings are closed for the duration of the public health emergency
Gov. Evers Suspends Evictions & Foreclosures
Gov. Tony Evers directed Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Secretary-designee Andrea Palm to temporarily order the suspension of evictions and foreclosures amid the COVID-19 public health emergency. The order can be found
The order prohibits landlords from evicting tenants for any reason unless failure to proceed with the eviction will result in an imminent threat of serious physical harm to another person and mortgagees from commencing civil action to foreclose on real estate for 60 days. Wisconsinites who are able to continue to meet their financial obligations are urged to do so. This order does not in any way relieve a person's obligation to pay their rent or mortgages.
This is a rapidly evolving situation and we encourage you and the public to frequently monitor the DHS website for updates, and to follow @DHSWI on Facebook and Twitter, or dhs.wi on Instagram.
Archaeology Kids' Camp registration now open
The Historic Indian Agency House is teaming up with Alliant Energy to offer an archaeology day-camp for students in third through fifth grades during the last two weeks in May.
Pre-registration is now open on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations are required, and the camps are filling
up quickly.
“Students will learn in a very hands-on way what it takes to be an archaeologist,” according to Agency House Executive Director and Curator Adam Novey.
School groups may choose a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday time slot lasting two and a half hours in either the morning or afternoon. Children in the general public may participate in a Saturday morning camp offered on May 30 only. The 2020 season theme at the Agency House is archaeology and frontier blacksmithing with a full lineup of related events and exhibits for adults, children, families, and school groups.
“This summer, we’ll be hosting a real archaeology dig on our property sponsored by General Engineering
Company,” Novey said. “It’ll be a community dig where the public is invited to work right alongside real
archaeologists. The camp in May is a great opportunity for kids to understand archaeology before coming back in the summer with their families to put what they learned into action.”
The corporate sponsorship of Alliant Energy has allowed the Agency House to offer the camps for only $3 per student with chaperones attending free.
“Alliant Energy’s support of STEM-based learning opportunities in the community dovetails our own commitment to come alongside parents, teachers, and students as an important community-based educational resource,” Novey said. For more details, including how to pre-register, visit
Join the Safer and Saner at Home Summit on April 5:
Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Self-Care for Families
This is a free one-day online summit of interviews with local experts in our community to share ideas and resources for being our best in unsettled times with a purpose to provide a timely, virtual resource for our community to support parents and kids during 'Safer At Home' to be held on Sunday, April 5.
This would be a completely free event, with no up-sell or sales generated. Each speaker could
offer a PDF of resources if s/he wants, but this is NOT intended to be a sales proposition.
The Summit will be hosted by Hall Chiropractic / True Self Coaching and Energetics / Whole
Choice Living, and they would introduce each speaker as an expert in his/her field. They would discuss
questions in advance so you could share strategies and insights on some topic of physical,
mental and/or spiritual self-care for families.
As a leader and expert in the community, your voice would be part of the message of hope and
strategies that parents, kids, and community members need, right now, as we work through
'Safer at Home.' You have a unique perspective and ideas to share personally that would target
the needs of our community.
If you would like to be a part of the summit or would just like more information, please contact:
Dr. Angela Hall, Hall Family Chiropractic - 608-635-8915
Julie Saalsaa, Whole Choice Living - 608-333-6102
Emily Wright, True Self Coaching and Energetics - 608-215-6264
Fortifi Bank
Montello & Westfield
Call Cassie at 855-876-1500
Spread the word about Portage!
Use #portagewi in your social media posts.
Check out the Chamber's YouTube Channel
Job postings on portagewi.com
Check out these
job postings on our Chamber site from our member businesses. You are welcome to post job openings your business may have at any time. Call the Chamber office at 608-742-6242 for more information.
Want to submit an article for this newsletter?
The Chamber's monthly newsletter deadlines the 20th of the month. Members are always welcome to let others know: about new products and services; introduce new associates or promotions; provide updates about their industry or business; give helpful tips; promote a sale or event. For more information, call the Portage Chamber at 608-742-6242.
Text PACC to 51660
to receive information about upcoming Chamber events
Facade loan program available
The Portage facade loan program is available to help Chamber member Portage businesses upgrade exteriors.
For more information about the loan program guidelines,
click here
. For the application,
click here
Ribbon Cuttings
A ribbon cutting was held at Verlo Mattress to welcome the new owner Robert Hardt.
Question: So how has it been being the new owner at Verlo of Portage, after being a mattress specialist there for 17 years?
“Fun! With our annual Mismatch sale on right now, it’s really busy and challenging. I love helping people find ways to sleep better.” –Robert Hardt
For more information, please call Verlo Mattress of Portage, 2830 New Pinery Road, Suite C, at
A ribbon cutting was held at True Self - Coaching & Energetics to welcome Emily Wright and her business to Portage.
True Self creates a sacred and confidential space that provides you with the time and space to unplug from the world so you can connect inward and create breakthrough transformations. Where you can pause, breathe and get clear on who you truly are and what you deeply desire.
The work we do together through personalized Coaching and Energetics will take you on a journey to get you from where you are now to where you want to be – physically, mentally, emotionally, and in overall life.
For more information, please call True Self - Coaching & Energetics, 311 E. Wisconsin St., at 608-215-6264.
A ribbon cutting was held at Hall Chiropractic to welcome this new business to Portage.
"I'm Dr. Angela Hall of Hall Family Chiropractic. My chiropractic mission is to inspire strong posture for you and especially for your kids, so you don't live slumped, sick and sedentary in the digital age."
For more information, call Hall Chiropractic, 311 E. Wisconsin St., at 608-635-8915.
A ribbon cutting was held at Whole Choice Living - Nutrition & Wellness to welcome this new business to Portage.
Julie Saalsaa, NC, started Whole Choice Living with a mission to educate clients on what it means to make healthy, sustainable choices when it comes to their lifestyle and well-being.
WCL's approach to nutrition and wellness consulting is holistic: teaching the mind-body-spirit-world connection. Offering individual nutrition consulting, group wellness classes, and workshops, with a focus on nutrition
for women's health, immune support,
and stress management.
For more information, call Whole
Choice Living, 311 W. Wisconsin St.,
at 608-333-6102.
Looking for a Hot Deal? See our list?
Check out our Hot Deals webpage for deals our Chamber members are
offering. Have a Hot Deal of your own you want others to know about? Post
your deals on our webpage and join the Hot Deal brigade! There is no charge
for posting a Hot Deal, so post away!
If you have questions, call the Chamber office at 608-742-6242 to get started.
Click here
to see the specials that are currently running!
Text PORTAGE to 51660
to receive information about upcoming Portage events
Join a Service Club -
Meetings Postponed at this time
Rotary - Meets Mondays at Noon at Dino’s Restaurant, 2900 New Pinery Rd.
Lions Club - Meets the 2
nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm at Dino’s Restaurant, 2900 New Pinery Rd., summer month meetings change locations
Kiwanis - Meets on Wednesdays at Noon at Pizza Ranch, 2905 New Pinery Rd.
Optimists - Meets on Tuesdays at 7am at Dino’s Restaurant, 2900 New Pinery Rd.
Elks - Meets 2nd & 4th Tuesday at 7pm; 4th Tuesday only during July and August
Women's Civic League - Meets 2nd Wednesdays of the month at Dino’s Restaurant, 2900 New Pinery Rd.
Wauona Trail Women's Club - Meets 3rd Monday of the month at 11:30am at Dino's Restaurant, 2900 New Pinery Rd. (Sept-May)
April Chamber Meetings & Events
All meetings & events temporarily postponed.
Please check our website for to see if an
event has been canceled or postponed.