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Monday, July 3, 2023

volume 3, number 8

Community Match Fund in Community

The Community Leadership & Action Conference comes to Hartford

The second in Sustainable CT's series of Community Leadership & Action Conferences took place at the Free Center, in Hartford, on Saturday, June 24. Four more conferences are scheduled between August and November of this year in Bridgeport, New Haven, Waterbury, and New London. Dates and times are TBD, but those interested are encouraged to SIGN UP NOW to receive information about each of the upcoming events.

Conferences manifest the efforts of the Community Match Fund (CMF) to deepen Sustainable CT's connection to local community leaders, and the connection of local community leaders to each other.

Each conference follows a similar format: two morning sessions provide an overview of how the CMF works, and a live testimonial/Q&A with a past CMF campaign leader. After an active networking lunch, a group-led discussion covers four topics: Your Vision, Your Needs, Your Wants, and What We Can Give. This discussion reveals the many hidden/unrealized resources to which we all have access, but don’t know, or don't know where or whom to ask. The beauty of the exercise is the power of community coming alive in a conversation about community.

For more information about the Community Match Fund or our Community Leadership & Action Conferences, contact Joseph Dickerson at or call 860-259-4730.

The Next Sustainable CT Coffee Hour:

July 21 at 10 a.m.

A question and answer session for 2023 fall certification


You don't want to wait until the last minute to have your questions answered about fall certification. We're dedicating our July Coffee Hour to all things certification - responding to your queries, helping with your challenges, and celebrating your best practices. Together, we can set up for success.


July's IMPACT: Alumni of the Sustainable CT Fellowship Program

Where are they now?

Our fellows have gone on to assume impactful (natch) positions, and they're accomplishing great things. We hear from Chad Schroeder, manager of Bridgeport Sustainability, Desira Blanchard, communications and community engagement manager with the Naugatuck Valley Council of Government, and Hamsa Ganapathi, currently serving as a member of the Sustainable CT Board of Directors. It's like a mini family reunion, only without the awkwardness.

This month's episode of the IMPACT will be available on July 15 at and wherever you get your podcasts.

The Community Match Fund

Compost never sleeps

Get in the mix before it's too late! For a limited time, only until August 13, Sustainable CT is boosting its Community Match Fund grants for all food waste diversion and composting projects. For every dollar raised to promote composting, Sustainable CT will match it, not just dollar-for-dollar, but with a dollar-and-a-half – up to a total project budget of $15,000. Don't waste this special funding opportunity: inquire today!

Learn more about the Sustainable CT

Community Match Fund

Register for Community Match Fund

Office Hours: July 19, 12-1pm

Sustainable CT is independently funded.

Discover how you can become a Sustainable CT sponsor.

Lamont approves $23.8 million to remediate blighted properties:

Governor Ned Lamont announced that he has approved the release of approximately $23.8 million in state funding to remediate 480 acres of land across 22 properties in 15 towns and cities across Connecticut and put them back into productive use.



Lamont announces $8.8 million in funding to support 21 climate resilience plans

Governor Ned Lamont announced that the State of Connecticut is awarding $8.8 million in grants through the inaugural round of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection’s Climate Resilience Fund (DCRF). These state awards will support 21 innovative climate resilience plans and projects across 17 Connecticut municipalities and councils of governments.


General Assembly passes significant housing bills

The 2023 legislative session concluded in June. This session, the Connecticut General Assembly considered several housing bills, including many for which the Partnership for Strong Communities advocated. See their summary here.

From Patch: Guilford receives Sustainable CT Climate Leader designation

Town officials said Guilford is one of the first nine municipalities in Connecticut to earn the Sustainable CT Climate Leader designation.


From The Greenwich Sentinel: Siwanoy Native Americans inspired forest project planned at Greenwich Audubon

Greenwich Audubon has an historic new planting project to be realized on its main Sanctuary grounds. The project will transform a fenced in near acre of land covered with a mix of grasses and invasive species to a landscape honoring the planting wisdom of the Siwanoy people once native to the Greenwich Audubon site – with an open-canopy forest dominated by oak, hickory, and other nut-producing tree species... Look to the organization Sustainable CT [Community Match Fund] for its generous support for half the cost of this indigenous forest planting project – that will see the planting of a total of 50 tree saplings – by offering a match of $7,500 for the project cost of $15,000.


Eversource First Thursdays Communities Webinar Series: Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Municipalities

Through the end of this calendar year, join Eversource each first Thursday of the month to learn about their energy efficiency programs in Connecticut. This month, Eversource provides an overview of the energy efficiency programs and incentives available to their municipal customers. Attendees will hear about energy-saving opportunities for municipal infrastructure from energy efficiency consultants who focus on government and school customers. July 6, noon-1pm.


CIRCA webinar: the CT Environmental Screening Tool

The Connecticut Institute for Resilience and Climate Adaptation (CIRCA) will guide you through the mapping tool’s interface, features, and datasets, revealing how it can be utilized to analyze and address environmental burdens in vulnerable communities. This session marks the start of the public comment period for the tool’s beta version. This webinar will equip policymakers, urban planners, environmental advocates, or just interested in environmental justice with valuable knowledge on leveraging geospatial data for positive community impact. July 10, 12-1pm.



Planning for extreme heat : how to use CIRCA's Climate Change Vulnerability Index

CIRCA developed the Climate Change Vulnerability Index (CCVI) to represent a community’s vulnerabilities to two of the most pressing climate change-driven threats in Connecticut – flooding and extreme heat events. This webinar will focus on the extreme heat CCVI mapping tool and describe potential uses of the tool for local and regional planning, selection of climate adaptation and resilience projects that address extreme heat, and how zoning regulations provide a change to land use policy for heat adaptation. July 13, 12- 1pm. This webinar is eligible for Certified Connecticut Municipal Official (CCMO) professional development credit from the CT Conference of Municipalities.


FEMA/Resilient Nation Partnership Network: partner connect

Join the RNPN for a new interactive session highlighting the foundation of this network: actively connecting partners for collaboration opportunities. RNPN hopes to catalyze lasting resilience partnerships across the whole community. If you would like to be a partner and present your specific needs during this session, please email with details. All are welcome to attend this virtual event. July 26, 1-2pm ET.


CT Main Street Center webinar: Main Street Management 101

Creating and maintaining a vibrant Main Street is a commitment. It does not happen overnight and requires consistent attention and management. There are many moving parts – stakeholders with different agendas, external market and economic factors out of your control, and limited resources. The good news is there is model that has been replicated across the country for decades to help guide your initiatives and priorities. In this webinar, you’ll get a high-level overview of the Main Street Management Four Point Approach and ideas on how you can start implementing the approach into your Main Street. July 27, 11am - 12:30pm.


DEEP accepting grant applications

The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is accepting applications from municipalities, land trusts, and water companies for the next round of the competitive Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Grant Program (OSWA) and from targeted and distressed communities for the Urban Green and Community Garden Grant Program (UGCG). The application deadline for both programs is October 2, 2023.

For more fun and informative July events,

check out the Sustainable CT Trainings & Events Calendar

A different kind of Independence Day

This Fourth of July, celebrate a different kind of freedom. Our Community Match Fund sets you free of the deadlines, lengthy applications, and laborious review processes normally associated with traditional grants. We've supported over 275 projects across Connecticut, resulting in an investment of more than $3.2 million in renewable energy, the arts, natural resources, equity & inclusion, public transportation, sustainable food systems, composting and waste reduction, and more! In celebration, we've created an interactive flipbook full of project samples - to inform, to energize, to inspire. Check it out, and let us know how we can help make this your Independence Day.

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