Community Message: Covid-19 Reminder
Liebe TCGIS Familien,

As we enter our third week of school, we hope to remind our families of a few important and essential items. Our TCGIS community can support the health and safety of our students, teachers and staff.  

The Decision Tree produced and distributed by the Minnesota Department of Health is the tool TCGIS uses to guide families when they have any symptoms of Covid-19.  According to the Decision Tree there are several paths you could take depending on your symptoms. Please note symptoms are separated into the following categories:

More common symptoms are one or more of these: fever of 100.4℉ or higher, new onset and/or worsening cough, difficulty breathing, and new loss of taste or smell. 

Less common symptoms are two or more of these: sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, muscle pain, excessive fatigue, new onset of severe headache, and new onset of nasal congestion or runny nose.

Please review the Decision Tree document. If one of your students is experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms, please email Monika Avery ( and Ashley Weston Miller ( 

An important part of this document includes times when siblings and/or all household members should stay home as well. If one of your students or a sibling/household member has ONE or more common symptoms or TWO or more less common symptoms, siblings and household members should stay home. Again, please review the Decision Tree and Covid-19 Attendance Guide for additional details.

Also, as a reminder we are asking ALL families to complete a symptom check before bringing their student to TCGIS. Please review this linked Daily Symptom Check form and ensure you are taking your student’s temperature and checking for symptoms before bringing them to school.

In the event a student or staff member receives a lab confirmed positive Covid-19 test, their concerned cohort (yellow, green, or both) would be informed and expected to quarantine (distance learning) for 14 days after the last possible contact with the positive person. (The positive person's anonymity would be maintained.) In addition, members of the cohort will not be able to attend Kinderclub and/or after school activities. Siblings and household members would be allowed to attend school, Kinderclub and/or after school activities unless they are also a close contact of the lab-confirmed positive person. (A “close contact” is a person who has been within 6 feet, for more than 15 minutes, with a person who has a confirmed case).

If you haven’t signed our community pledge, please consider doing so: Pledge to my TCGIS Community.  

Again, if you have any questions, or if one of your students is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, please email or call Monika Avery ( / 651-492-7106) and Ashley Weston Miller ( 

Thank you for your collaboration and support during this unique year! Together we can keep our community healthy.

Ashley Weston Miller, Director of Operations
Monika Avery, Health Services Associate