Confirmands, November 2023 | |
Sunday Worship Schedule
8:00 AM • Holy Eucharist, Rite I Markley Chapel
10:30 AM • Holy Eucharist, Rite II Church
10:30 AM • Holy Eucharist, Rite II Markley Chapel
Sunday Evening Worship Schedule
First Sunday of the Month
5:00 PM • Solemn Choral Evensong Church
All other Sundays
5:00 PM • Holy Eucharist, Rite II Markley Chapel
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First and Third Tuesdays
5:30 PM | Healing Eucharist
Markley Chapel
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10:30 AM | Rite I Holy Eucharist
Markley Chapel
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Second Sundays
3:00 PM | Rhythms of Grace
Markley Chapel
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Can't join us in person?
The 10:30 AM service in the church will be live streamed beginning at 10:25 AM.
Please visit this link to join in the service online.
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The Common Table, Wednesdays
5:30 - 7:00 PM, All Saints Center
No Common Table November 22.
We will return on November 29.
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Healing Service, Every First and Third Tuesday
Did you know that every person in Scripture who went to Jesus for healing received it? We believe that God continues to heal people today! At the Healing Service, your clergy, and members of the Order of St. Luke, pray that our Lord will be present in a powerful way and heal and restore people to wholeness. Join us on the first and third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in Markley Chapel for Holy Eucharist, followed by prayers for Healing. This service is open to anyone who desires healing for physical or emotional needs. The prayer team includes the clergy and members of the Order of St. Luke, who have training and experience in healing prayer. Bring a friend to this meaningful service!
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Sunday, November 19
A Busy Morning!
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Harvest Home: Day of Thanksgiving
10:30 AM, Church
We gather together to give thanks and to celebrate all that we have. The
10:30 AM Church service will include a litany of thanksgiving and a blessing of bread for your Thanksgiving table. On that Sunday, we will be collecting Thanksgiving dinner items for our less fortunate neighbors. For more information regarding the service, contact Sarah Marczynski at For more information regarding food donations, contact Kevin Mertens at
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Children’s Sabbath
10:30 AM
Markley Chapel
Guide us waking, and guard us sleeping...Children’s Sabbath participants have spent the last 4 weeks learning about how God’s people pray throughout the day using prayers found in The Book of Common Prayer. Come and celebrate all they have learned (and maybe learn something yourself too!) at Morning Prayer. For more information, contact Sarah Marczynski at
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Christ Church Annual Meeting
Following 10:30 AM services
All Saints Center
Join us for lunch and a brief state of the parish report from our Rector and Wardens. A delicious lunch and children’s activities will be provided during the meeting. Registration is now open! For more information, contact Anne Green Buckner at
Register Here
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2023 Christmas Flower Dedications
Poinsettias and greenery will be used to decorate the Church and Markley Chapel for Christmas services. Donations of $20 or more and dedications will be received starting tomorrow through Friday, December 11 and will appear in the Christmas bulletins. (Dedications received in person or by mail December 12 and after are appreciated but will not appear in the bulletins.) For more information, contact Kristin Bennett at
Register Here
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A Message from Our Wardens
Our Wardens, Bill Hardaway and Bryant Nixon have an important message to share regarding the Annual Giving 2024 campaign. Please click the link to read their letter to the parish. Thank you!
The Wardens' Letter
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Bring a side dish or dessert (let us know which) and join your parish family for turkey and all the trimmings. Let’s celebrate together. Register by November 20 online, on the bulletin board outside room 234, or with Annette Cook at 864.672.4141 or Register Here | | |
Thanksgiving Eve Service
Wednesday, November 22, 6:00 PM, Markley Chapel
We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessings. This intimate Rite II service in Markley Chapel will offer a chance to give thanks for all that we are and all that we have.
Giving Tuesday
Save the Date - Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. Christ Church plans to participate in Giving Tuesday, and has set a $15,000 goal to help continue the mission and ministry of the newly-launched Church Street Choral Academy. CSCA brings students from a variety of backgrounds together for tutoring, leadership training, mentoring, and music training. Success begins with a single voice. For more information contact Kristin Bennett at
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On November 29 during The Common Table, we will have a variety of seasonal activities that everyone can enjoy. From practicing carols to making Advent wreaths and Advent Nativity Banners, you won’t want to miss this special evening! The following Wednesday evenings we will enjoy Advent-themed programming and the children will prepare for the Christmas pageant which takes place on December 24 at 4:00 PM in the church. For more information, contact Claudia Coleman at Cost varies by activity.
Register Here
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Men's Ministry Retreat 2023
December 1 - 2
Back after a 4 year hiatus, Men's Ministry welcomes all men of the Church to attend an overnight Retreat, Dec 1st and 2nd. At the Bonclarken Conference Center in Flat Rock, NC, David Martin will lead our Men's Retreat as we discover what it means to be a husband, father, and pillar within the community as a follower of Jesus in today's world. Arrival will be Friday afternoon/evening into Flat Rock for some fun and Happy Hour. Following dinner over at Bonclarken we will open the session and end the evening by a campfire. Saturday morning will begin with a hike and breakfast followed by breakout sessions throughout the morning with the event concluding at noon. Please join us, the $150 registration fee is for breakfast, dinner, speaker led sessions and overnight stay at Bonclarken. For more information, contact Eric Jordan at
Register Here
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Advent Procession of Carols & Candlelight Fête
Sunday, December 3
Procession: 5:00 PM, Church
Fête: Approximately 6:00 PM, McKissick (immediately following worship)
Join us as we mark the beginning of the Advent season with a candlelight service of Advent Lessons & Carols. This beloved annual service, which begins in darkness and progresses towards light, will feature members of the Christ Church Choir singing beloved carols. Choristers from the Church Street Choral Academy will also perform.
Immediately following our Procession of Advent Carols service, take a walk in the crisp evening air through the churchyard to McKissick Refectory. Come enjoy a special, elegant evening and sip adult beverages followed by our joyous candlelight dinner. For this adults-only event nursery will be available per request to Trudy Bell at or by indicating interest on the reservation form. Dinner reservations required by November 30.
Register Here!
Christmas Downtown Concert Series
Wednesdays December 6, 13, 20
Concert, 12:05 PM, Church
Lunch, immediately after, McKissick Refectory
The season can be filled with hustle and bustle, so stop inside for a moment of peace and beauty. Christmas Downtown concerts feature some of the finest performers in the Upstate in an intimate setting. Concerts are free and followed by a soup and sandwich lunch for $10. This program is funded in part by the Metropolitan Arts Council with funds received from the City of Greenville, BMW Manufacturing Company, Michelin North America, Inc., SEW Eurodrive and the South Carolina Arts Commission.
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Holy Hikes, December 9, 10:00 AM
All are welcome to join us for a Holy Hike at Conestee Nature Preserve.
Rev. Scott Fleischer will lead us on a hike and Eucharist outdoors. Holy Hikes® is a Christian network of eco-ministries committed to rebuilding Communion between all of God’s Creation. We are committed to a common practice of worshiping God in the beauty of the outdoors and hold liturgical hikes throughout the year. For more information, contact Sarah Hall at to sign up!
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Explorers Sunday School Class, Starts this January, 9:30 AM
Are you hungry for fellowship and searching for community with others close to your age? Join fellow parishioners in a new Sunday School offering as we navigate the second half of our lives looking at how scripture speaks to us. Our goal is to share, learn, challenge and build relationships as we explore the lessons of the day. For more information contact Greta Parkinson at or Claudia Coleman at
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Faith In Action Opportunities | |
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Click the photo to sign up! | | |
Children’s Communion Class, January 7, 21, 28 & February 4, 11,
9:30 AM, Parish House
These four classes are designed to teach 2nd - 5th graders why we celebrate the Eucharist and how they can participate. Children must attend at least three classes and the celebratory Eucharist. Register by December 18. For more information, contact Cara Horn at
Register Here
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2023 Christmas Pageant Rehearsals
Starting November 29, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, ASC
Calling all shepherds, angels, shaggy donkeys, and curly horned sheep! All kids 3 years old through 5th grade, including non-Christ Church members, are welcome to join for music, art, and fun! For more information, contact Sarah Marczynski at
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Congratulations to:
Amelia & Andrew Roehl on the birth of their son Wesley Winn Roehl.
Allison & Rocky Rogers on the birth of their son, Graham Andrew Rogers.
Brannon Traxler & Tony Roach on the birth of their daughter,
Elizabeth Byrd “Bettie” Traxler. Tom & Beth Traxler are her grandparents.
Anna & Graham Talley on the birth of their daughter Margaret Riser Talley.
Shannon & Jackson Sisk on the birth of their son, Anderson Jack Sisk.
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Condolences to:
The family and friends of Robert S. White
The family and friends of Frances Pitts.
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