July 13, 2022

Dr. Matthews Discusses Impact of SCOTUS Decision on Abortion

Glenmarie Matthews, MD, assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductive sciences, spoke with several news media outlets last week following the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade to discuss its impact on women's health and how states are adapting to help patients.

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Parental Depression Screening Could Broaden Access to Important Resources for New Parents

Screening both mothers and fathers for depression beyond their child’s first birthday in pediatric offices – the current standard practice – could identify families in need of mental health and other critical resources, according to a Rutgers study. 

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Call for Requests:

Community Engagement Virtual Salons (CEVS)

CEVS bring researchers together with patients, community members, and health care stakeholders to actively participate in cross-talk. It provides a forum for generating research questions, identifying evidence gaps, and defining outcomes meaningful to patients. To see a CEVS in action, take a look at the summary video featured below.

If you're interested in working with us, click here to learn more.

Upcoming Events
Funding Opportunities

Policies to Build and Sustain Economic Security and Wealth for Families and Communities of Colo

Racial disparities in COVID-19 infections and deaths have brought to the forefront well-documented and longstanding inequities in family and community wealth and opportunity. Upending centuries of policy decisions that perpetuated racism will require significant transformation to elevate the voices of communities historically excluded from decision-making. The goal of this P4A call for proposals is to build the evidence base investigating how national, state, local, or private-sector policies and practices can reduce growing levels of racial inequality in wealth, and significantly improve the financial wellbeing and economic security of families and communities that have been systematically subject to disinvestment, and therefore are unable to enjoy a fair and just opportunity to be healthy.

The deadline for letters of intent is September 7, 2022.

Learn more here.

Community Resources
New Jersey COVID-19 Information Hub: The State of New Jersey has put together a list of resources about the COVID-19 virus including testing sites, signs and symptoms, and FAQs about social services. 

You can find community-based and local COVID-19 testing site locations and hours here.

Middlesex County residents can register for a free COVID-19 test at sites throughout the county. Appointments required. The sites provide saliva-based test kits developed at Rutgers University.

Visit New Jersey’s COVID-19 Vaccine Registration site to pre-register for the vaccine. New Jersey's Covid-19 Vaccine Appointment Call Center can be reached at 855-568-0545.
New Jersey Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science

This newsletter is supported by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under award number, UL1TR003017 to Rutgers University. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not represent the official views of the NIH.

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Send story ideas to njactscommunity@rwjms.rutgers.edu

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