The Golden Valley Community Club was chartered in 1952. We traditionally meet on the third Monday of the month at 7:00 in the evening. Meetings usually dismiss before 9:00. This is often a potluck dinner meeting, the first time you come please, come as our guest, the second time you come you come as a member. Directions: Google Maps |
The Cherry Mountain Fire Department Auxiliary Club has a few cookbooks for sale. At $10.00 each the cookbooks have been a great fund raiser for the Auxiliary and all of the recipes in the book were shared by members of the community. "Recipes to the Rescue" is the Cherry Mountain Fire Department's first cookbook and we've almost sold out. If you want one, call Karen or any of the auxiliary members.

Thank you to our Website Sponsors:
uh... we need Sponsors. |
The Golden Valley Community Club will meet on Monday, April 18, at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse for a regular dinner meeting. Sheriff Chris Francis, will be there to discuss some new projects and to talk about crime prevention. Former law enforcement officer, Fairview's Pastor Gary Smith will be here to talk about some crime prevention projects he's been working on. We hope everyone will come out to discuss this important topic.
Golden Valley's Facebook page is has 306 "likers". It has been suggested that if you get good service, if you "like" a local restaurant, if you "like" your contractor or beautician, if there's someone you would want to recommend, by all means write on our wall: more below.
Did you know Golden Valley got it's name from the Gold Miners who poured into the area in the late 1920's? Scroll down for more.
Community Announcements -- Bigfoot? Forward this email -- Links Below.
Twenty Years before the California gold rush, the Valley rang with the sounds of hammers, picks, and water blasters. This marked the beginning of the first placer mining on US soil. Whitesides, was inundated with prospectors and miners. Gold production was in full swing. North Carolina Gold
Other than the Bechtler's Mint there's scarcely any mention of the gold rush that swept through the foothills of Western North Carolina in gold articles that use the US Geological Survey. However, records show that Gold was found in Rutherford County in 1828 at about the same time gold was found at the Reed Mine near Charlotte.
Read the archived article: Gold for the Golden Valley, Brindletown, Samuel Martin story. |

Golden Valley on Facebook
Please join us and share your pictures on facebook. Hook up with old friends, meet new friends, invite your friends join our fan club today: Golden Valley's Facebook Page
Black and White photo courtesy of Tom and Dot Melton
Our Page has been designated as a Community Page by Google!
This is a perfect place to report your Knobby Sightings.
Community Announcements
Ann Calton is opening the old Biggerstaff Store near the corner of Whiteside's Road and the Bostic Sunshine Highway on the first Saturday of each month from 8 - 2. Stop by and see her. Buy something; everything's very affordable.
Washburn Community Outreach still needs volunteers, if you have (even) a couple of hours available, contact Sophia Sneed at the Center, 245-5603 or email:
Loyce Broughton with the Rutherford County Commumity Development Credit Union has contacted us to see if anyone's interested in learning more about the Community Development Credit Union. Documents: One, Two, Three Do you have questions for them? We can schedule a speaker. Contact Loyce directly to schedule a speaker for your group or to make a contribution.
Pesticide Disposal Day. Dispose of your old Pesticide products, in their original containers, at the Rutherford County Extension Center in Spindale from 10 - 2 at 193 Callahan-Koon Road, behind the Senior Center on Tuesday April 19th, 2011. Please copy and paste and share this with your friends.
Rutherford County Events
How do we find out what's going on? Well one place to look is at This is a county sponsored site where events may be posted for free. Find out what's going on in the Golden Valley, Sunshine, Duncan's Creek area.
Thank your for your interest in the Golden Valley/ Logan's Store Townships. Be advised I'm always looking for fresh content. It would be super to have some guest authors and we'd sure appreciate input regarding links, services and products.
Email me with your stories! |
Karen McCall Golden Valley WebPage |