The E-Pistle of Thursday
March 2nd, 2023
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Please note that due to the length of content, the full E-pistle may not appear on your screen. Please click the 'View Entire E-pistle Here' button above to access the whole newsletter. | |
Weekly Ministries
St. Elizabeth's Jubilee Center is offered every Tuesday from 8:30 am to 11 am.
The Food Pantry is open from 9 am to 11 am every Thursday.
Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.
The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist gathers weekly in Emmanuel Chapel. Join via Zoom.
Contemplative Prayer is offered every Thursday at 4:30 pm via Zoom.
Compline is also offered weekly on Friday from 8-9pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry
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Meetings of the Lesser Chapter and
the Cathedral Finance Committee
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Vestry Retreat Postponed
Please note that the vestry retreat scheduled for this weekend has been postponed to a later date (TBA) out of concerns with the winter weather.
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Lent 2023: “Our Hope for Years to Come – The Search for Spiritual Sanctuary”
Meditations by Micah and Martin Marty
Explore the depths of the soul on a journey of “ressourcement” (or a return to the divine source) in this modern spiritual classic. Through images, hymnody, and words let us wade into the “well-spring of living water” and discover the Spirit’s own sanctuary. This individual journey begins on Ash Wednesday and triumphs on Easter morning. Throughout Lent, this theme will be uplifted in a number of ways – from sermons to the “mere Christianity” of CS Lewis.
Several meditation “spaces” around the cathedral will be available to encounter this book. We are invited to pause, ponder, and perhaps reflect upon the divine beginnings (or sparks) of our faith. Books are also available for purchase. Access the book here– or any online bookseller.
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"Walking with Jack” (The Story of C.S. Lewis)
Thursday Evenings beginning March 2nd
7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Location: The Upper Hall
Contact: The Rev. Dr. Paul St Germain
Considered by some the greatest Christian writer in the English language, this tells the story of how a brilliant atheist embraced faith in Jesus Christ in the mid Twentieth Century.
“Walking with Jack” is a series of multimedia events that will include illustrated presentations reflecting 40 years of study and travel to Oxford University and Lewis’ home – The Kilns; the biographical tribute: “The Magic Never Ends”(narrated by Sir Ben Kingsley); and an old-fashioned “reading-group style” gathering to hear passages from Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, A Grief Observed, and the beloved Chronicles of Narnia.
Thursday evenings 7:30 to 9:00 PM. Refreshments will be served. Presented by The Rev. Dr. Paul St Germain.
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PPEAT Lenten Resources
The Public Policy and Environmental Action Team recommends these two resources for Lenten practice and reflection.
The Creation Justice Ministries 2023 Lent Resource: Daily Reflection-Action Calendar to Cultivate Creation Justice can be downloaded here. This calendar includes daily tips for personal action, learning, advocacy and reflection.
The Rev. Mary Jane O'Connor-Ropp, of St. David's in Kennebunk, has developed Walking with Suffering Creation: A Meditative Experience in Eight Days, which can be downloaded here.
Each meditation includes an invitation, reflection and prayer, and they need not be done on consecutive days.
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In case you missed last Sunday's service, please see the Youtube Video below which was streamed Sunday morning.
Please read last week's the Sermon from the Rev. Christopher Worthley Here
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Choral Evensong This Sunday Evening
Sunday, March 5th|4:00pm
Location: The Cathedral Nave
Contact: Christian Clough
Join us this Sunday evening as our cathedral choir under the direction of
Christian M. Clough (Canon for Music and Liturgy), offer a service of choral evensong.
Musical Offerings include:
INTROIT Farrant: Hide not thou thy face from us
PSALMS 8 & 84, plainsong/fauxbourdon
SERVICE Stanford in B-flat Major, Op. 10
ANTHEM Farrant: Call to remembrance
HYMN "Eternal Lord of love, behold your Church”, Old 124th
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Community Suppers are Back!
Thursday, March 9th|5:30pm
Location: The St. Luke's Community Kitchen and the Lower Hall
Cost: $5.00/ Per Person
Contact: Dawn Brennan Daly
Join us March 9 for a great evening with good food and friends. Reservations (required) are limited to 50 guests and costs $5pp payable by cash or credit card at the door. Doors open and seating at 5:00 PM. Supper is served at 5:30 PM promptly.
Please reserve your seat(s) today by contacting Dawn Brennan Daly
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New Ventures Maine
Mar. 7, Apr. 11th
6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Location: St. Luke’s Cathedral Community Kitchen,
143 Park St., Portland, ME 04101
Contact: Sarah Hutchins
Event Details Here
New Ventures Maine is a statewide program of the University of Maine at Augusta, University of Maine System, an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
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The St. Luke's Public Policy and Environmental
Action Team Meeting and Eco Tips
Tuesday March 14
6:00pm – 7:00pm p.m.
Location: Zoom
Contact: Sarah Braik
All are welcome and invited
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Did you know that Maine produces only 0.3% of total US carbon emissions?
Did you know that Maine is the only state with both U.S. senators on the Climate Solutions Caucus? That’s the group of 14 senators who will hammer out whatever policy will be voted on by the Senate. Thus, we have potentially twice as much influence over what the Senate will do – or not do – than any other state in the union.
This is the time to exercise your political power as a person of faith by contacting Senator Collins and Senator King. Tell them that your faith requires you to protect God’s good earth and ask them to introduce policies that, by governmental regulation or market pricing, drive down U.S. emissions, take back power from the polluters and press foreign countries to do the same.
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Hannaford Giving Tag Program: Anytime you are in a Hannaford grocery store if you purchase new reusable bags and follow instructions on the tag to choose ST LUKE'S FOOD PANTRY from their list, $1 comes to us. Even better: throughout March, for all bags purchased at the Hannaford on Cottage Road in South Portland all donations automatically come to St. Luke's with no need to register online. | |
The Healing Team
This Sunday, March 5, the healing team will be
Oscar Mokeme and Sarah Schmalz
Please contact Judd Hume at (207) 773-5611 with any questions.
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The Young and the Restless
March Gathering
March 13th, 2023
6:30 p.m.
Location: Address will be available upon request.
Contact: Shana Rose
Please join us for this month's The Young and the Restless get-together! This month Madeleine Nowak and Shana Rose will be hosting a PowerPoint and Pizza Party!
Have burning passion for a special topic, such as sport, music or anything in between? Want to share something you just learned or deeply care about? Think you need to (re)introduce yourself to Y&R? Well tonight is your night!!
Come on over with your prepared PowerPoint and bring some goodies to munch on. Mads and Shana will take care of getting pizza from Leonardo’s.
The party will start at 6:30 pm, March 13th.
Please let Shana know that you are coming and what goodies you are bringing by emailing or texting: 610.568.8907.
Address will be available upon request. We hope to see you there!
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Realm Online Giving Platform
The Cathedral has launched our online giving platform, Realm, which also serves as our new database.
If you are interested in establishing monthly or weekly recurring gifts for your 2023 Pledge or other outreach gifts, now is the time to do so.
Please see the link here to be able to access our giving page.
Please note, Realm is not where you make your pledge. It’s where you will schedule payment of your pledge in whatever increments you might like to do. That could be weekly, monthly, or in one lump sum payment as you set up your recurring gift or one time gift please look at those options and make sure the amount that you enter is what you want withdrawn each week or each month.
You can also donate to St. Luke’s through our new and secure “Give and Text” feature. Please TEXT “TEXTCSL” to 73256. Our 2023 Pledge Campaign is ongoing. Pledge materials and information are available here.
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How to Get Involved at St. Luke's | |
Coffee Hour Sign-Ups
Sunday Mornings
Following the 10:00am Service
Location: The Upper Hall
Contact: Meredith Cough
Sign-Up Form
Coffee Hour is a ministry of fellowship that keeps our community connected, it is especially important during this leadership transition at St. Luke's.
Please consider hosting a coffee hour some Sunday this spring. Basic snacks and beverages are provided for you to serve, if you would like to augment that with fresh fruit and baked goods feel free to organize that beforehand.
A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board or you can click the link below and sign up online or simply contact me and I'll sign you up. Abundant amounts of gratitude come with the job, thank you!
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Support our Cathedral Communications by
Joining our Communications Committee
The Third Wednesday of the month
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: The Upper Hall
Contact: Avery Schott
Do you have an interest in engaging with our wider community? Do you have a passion for design of our web materials and newsletter?
If so, our Cathedral Communications Specialist Avery Schott needs your help! Consider joining our Communications Committee!
If you are interested in offering support, have ideas, or are simply interested in learning more about our communications please email Avery for further details.
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Sign Up to Support the Flower Guild
We’re pleased to announce that the 2023 Flower Chart is up on the bulletin board and ready for your memorials and celebrations. We thank the many individuals who signed up on the flower chart in the past for their donations and special flower requests in memory of, or in honor of loved ones, and in celebration of births and anniversaries. The requested donation is $75. Your memorials also contribute to the sanctity of each service and add to the beauty of St. Luke’s Cathedral.
For additional information contact Kathy Watt or Mary Doughty.
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St. Luke’s Food Pantry Needs a Deeper Bench on Thursday
Know anybody? We're looking for a few good people who can lift 20 pounds, roll carts around, and laugh at our jokes for a couple of hours Thursday mornings. I wouldn't say that St. Luke's Food Pantry Volunteers are the best people to spend time with, but our volunteers are the best people, they are interesting, caring, and sometimes witty.
Also: the work is compelling and satisfying. If we get a couple more folks we can staff an information table to address other community needs.
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St. Elizabeth's Mittens, Gloves, and Hats Collection
Winter has finally arrived, and our neighbors are in great need of mittens, gloves and hats for both adults and children. You can drop them off in the blue box next to the stairs at the Park Street entrance to the Cathedral.
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Family Promise Needs Your Help
The new Warming Shelter located at Woodfords Church is up and running and we need volunteers to help cover the 5 shifts a day in this 24/7 endeavor. If you could help, sign up with this link.
If you are new to Family Promise, we simply ask that you sign up to work with a trained volunteer. Again, thank you for all you do for our families! Call Lynne, Connie or Mary with any questions or concerns.
Lynne England: (207) 318-9848
Connie Bingham: (207) 415-1441
Mary Linneman: (207) 409-4253
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Support State Street Church Warming Center
March 5- April 28th
Location: State Street Church
Sign-Up Link
Volunteers are needed nightly for an evening shift (6-8:30pm) and an overnight shift (8:30pm - 7:30am).
2 volunteers are needed for each shift, every night.
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Monday Night Zoom Book Group |
Every First and Third Monday of the Month
6:00-7:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Contact: Linda Carleton
We will be reading Sophronia Scott’s Louie Award winning book, The Seeker and the Monk: Everyday Conversations with Thomas Merton. A 2004 nominee for the African American Literary Awards best new author, Scott was hailed by Professor Henry Louis Gates as “potentially one of the best writers of her generation." In The Seeker and the Monk, she writes an imaginary conversation with 20th century mystic, monk and activist Thomas Merton based on his extensive private journals and offers guidance on how to live in these fraught times. As a Black woman who is not Catholic, Scott both learns from and pushes back against Merton, holding spirited, an intimate conversations on race, ambition, faith, activism, nature, prayer, friendship, and love. She asks: What is the connection between contemplation and action?
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Events in the Wider Community | |
St. Alban's Lenten Series
St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Cape Elizabeth, will be presenting a Recital Series for the season of Lent. These 30-minute recitals will take place each Tuesday during Lent at 6:00 p.m., and are intended to serve as an opportunity to gather in a holy space and let go of our earthly troubles. Admission is free, but donations are kindly encouraged.
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St. Mary Schola
De Profundis:
Music for the Lenten Season
Saturday, March 25th
Location: The Cathedral Nave
St. Mary Schola will present two performances of the De Profundis: Music for the Lenten Season.
The program includes a capella works by Champion and Josquin and Cantata 131 Aus der Tiefen by J.S. Bach. Also featured is a rare performance of a Miserere mei setting attributed to Costanzo Festa which likely served as a model for the famous setting by Gregorio Allegri.
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Select the Episcopal Maine Logo to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese. | |
Physical Address:
143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101
Parking Available at:
134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101
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