E Newsletter
June 29, 2017

Join us every Sunday  
10:30 a.m.

Sermon by 
Robin Carlson
"Giving and Receiving a Cup"
July 2, 2017
"Community UCC is an inclusive and progressive Christian church doing social justice, environmental faithfulness, interfaith collaboration and spiritual formation."
                                                  ---Dr. Christopher Breedlove
Stewardship Campaign Report
2017 Pledge Drive Goal Reached!
Our Joyful Giving Stewardship Campaign set a goal to raise $200,000 to secure the vibrancy of our church community. . 
  • We have raised $204,640.00 in pledges. Thank you joyful givers! 
  • We have reached 102% of pledged dollars needed to carry out the wonderful worship services and attain our church maintenance mission.
  • We still have many financial challenges ahead with projected maintenance of our air conditioning units and other expenses. But we also have plans in the works to increase the renting of our facilities and many more fundraising activities.
  • Let us not forget to thank God for the graces bestowed upon us during this time of hope.
Again, thank you to all of you who have made your pledges. 
Greeting New Visitors to CUCC
Visit our "Welcome Table"
As congregational members, we all have a part in inviting guests and friends to our Church. Many of us who attend regularly probably walk right by our "Welcome Table" without noticing our Extravagant Welcome Team that greets new visitors. Recently we have been fortunate to welcome several new visitors and having them join our church as new members. 

We officially receive new members four times a year during Kickoff Sunday September 10, 1st Sunday in Advent, Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday.

New members attend an information class usually a month before one of the four Sunday worship services to receive new members.   The information class is organized by the Extravagant Welcome Team, or "elders," which is currently organized by Donna Wright.

In addition, our ministry staff ensure that we connect with new members and help them find a way to participate in the life and community of our church.
Pastor Chris on Vacation
Pastor Chris is on vacation and will return July 17. If you have an emergency and wish to speak to Robin Carlson, you may contact her at 559-515-3923 or call the church office.
Office Coverage Needed During Marilyn's Vacation
We need volunteers to help with office coverage and assistance during Marilyn Wall's vacation period, July 31-August 14. If you are interested and have available days and hours please contact Marilyn as soon as possible or Ruben Fernandez at 559-288-3366.
Composer Showcase
A Choral Concert
July 15

The Fresno Composer Showcase concert event will feature choral music written by four of Fresno's local composers. Four composers featured will be Kevin Memley, Matthew Wheeler, Maxton Vieira and EJ Hinojosa. Join us at the CUCC Sanctuary,  July 15 at 7:30 p.m.. Admission fee is $5. Enjoy an evening of great music and company!
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Caring for Others
July 10-14
Children Ages 4 years through 6th grade
Mark you Calendars for VBS- "Caring for Others," July 10th - 14th, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 

The focus of this year's VBS is Caring for Others.  One of our projects is to prepare food jars for the residents of Dakota EcoGarden.   We need donations of lentils, quinoa, split peas, rolled oats, and dried fruit (raisins, dried cranberries, etc)  Nancy Waidtlow will be speaking to our kids on Monday July 10th and we will send her off with jars of love filled by our VBS kids.  Please bring donations to the church by July 5th.  Thank you for your help.

You may register your child by calling the church office at 435-2690. Free! 
2017 Pitman and Tidyman Scholarships- Deadline is June 30
Charitable Gifts Committee wishes to announce that scholarships are available from endowments established to help students continue their education beyond high school. The   2017 Pitman and Tidyman Scholarship applications are available at the church office. The Pitman Scholarship is a $566 gift for seminary,re-entry or graduate students (deadline is June 30). The  Tidyman Scholarship is a $372 gift for any educational pursuit of a student (deadline is June 30). 
Recycle Sunday
July 2
Our volunteers raise money for Community UCC by having you bring in your plastic and glass bottles and aluminum cans with California redemption value. Recycle Sundays happen on the first Sunday of each month.   So please bring your recyclables this Sunday.  Special thanks to Alfred Evans, Annie Van Patten, and Jack Van Patten for their continuous work in recycling for our church. Your efforts help us to save our planet.
Drum Circle and Meditation
Cancelled for the Summer
Sorry all drummers and meditators. Due to vacations and a busy summer, our monthly gathering will paused until fall. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Church Needs List
Here is a list of items that our  Community United  Church of Christ  needs.
  • Sunday School Teachers
  • Video camera with tri-pod
  • Volunteers for yard clean up
  • Tree service donations
  • Boom lift rental donations
  • #10 Window envelopes
  • #10 envelopes
  • Drum for printer
  • Name tags
Thank you to our generous donors for helping with our "needs list."  Please contact Marilyn Wall for more information.
Call for Photos by Worship Team
The Hope of Fresno Theme
The Worship Planning Team is working on a Service that includes the theme The Hope of Fresno. Photos are needed of what you view as The Hope of Fresno.  Please take some time to snap some pictures and send them to Amy Kilburn at kilburnamy@gmail.com by July 16th.  If you'd like, please include a caption for your picture.
Living the Question Series
June 29
Living the Questions
Living the Questions 2.0

The idea of prayer as the primary method of interaction with God is best thought of as a way of life rather than an activity reserved for specific times, places, and formulas.

When: July 2, 2017
Time: 9-10:15 a.m .
Where: Conference Room
What: Sessions will include a showing of a DVD series, 
Facilitated by: Patrick Furlong
All Church
Family Camp at Tamarack
September 1-3
Labor Day Weekend, September 1-3, 2017

Hi Everyone!  Just got back from Camp Tamarack where we spent a lovely, industrious weekend getting camp ready to open.  It is such a joy to be in the Tranquillity of the Tamaracks!  We had a small team of hard workers led by Wade Hobson.  We put up the canopies, set up the picnic tables, cleaned off the tent platforms, put up the tent cabins, moved in the stored beds and mattresses, made repairs where needed, cleaned up the kitchen and lodge, shared good food and fellowship and had a very personally satisfying time accomplishing all this for our beloved Camp Tam--and YOU!  Wade had previously connected the water line from the fresh water spring box up the hill.  Cold, refreshing water was a constant pleasure.  We even had patches of snow here and there.  Tamarack Creek was full and rushing for the first time in several years.  It was lovely and inspiring!
     Remember Labor Day Weekend!!  Our all church Family Camp, "Tranquillity in the Tamaracks" will take place at Camp Tamarack in this special setting.  Put these dates (September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd) on your calendar and plan to join us for fun (swimming, music, hikes, silliness, spiritual enrichment, diverse group of campers, excellent food, and fellowship, hot showers and flush toilets)  not to mention s'mores and songs around the camp fire, cups of coffee or juice and delicious cold water!
     Registration forms are in the Narthex.  Join us!  You'll be glad you did!        


For more information contact Annie Van Patten, Family Camp Director, at 209-902-2033 or email at  teechrannie@comcast.net
Register for Summer Camp Tamarack and Camp Cazadero 
Have you signed up your family or youth yet? Help us spread the word to your neighbors and congregation, and register online today: Read more  Email or call Sonny Graves sonny@ncncucc.org (510) 247-8990  to arrange a visit or have camps information/registration forms mailed to your church.  Also visit our website
CUCC Has a New Website
Visit:  communityucc-fresno.org

Community United Church of Christ has a new website at communityucc-fresno.org. To visit our new site please
Sign Up for Our E Newsletter
E Newsletter

If you would like to sign up for our E Newsletter or change your email address please contact Ruben Fernandez at rubenmark@comcast.net. E Newsletter is published every Thursday.
Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Find us on Facebook

Community UCC is actively making its presence on social media.   Visit Facebook here and the CUCC Website at   http://communityucc-fresno.org/ .  We are also on Twitter at  @UCCFresno  and Instagram ( communityuccfresno ).    
Upcoming Events
June 30 Scholarship Deadline
July 2 Recycle Sunday
July 4 Office Closed- Happy 4th of July
July 9 Trustees Meeting
July 10-14 Vacation Bible School
9am-12 Noon.
July 15 Fresno Composers Showcase 
July 15 at 7:30 PM
$5 admission

Save the Date

Aug 5 Boutique and Rummage Sale
Aug 6 Experiential Service
Aug 27 Confirmation Lunch
Sept 1-3 All Church Family Camp at Tamarack
Sept 10 Kick-Off Sunday
Nov 4 Boutique and Rummage Sale

In This Issue
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Birthdays and Anniversaries in June
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