Liebe TCGIS Schulgemeinschaft,
I hope this week of spring break has been kind to you. I hope your small children started to sleep later. I hope your big children helped out without being asked. I hope you connected with someone whom you would not have ‘seen’, were we in normal times. I hope you took a walk when you could have been getting something done. I hope a coworker impressed you in a surprising manner. I hope you caught your kids being nice to each other. I hope you let someone help. I hope you are keeping it together despite all of it.
I hope you are coping well with the return of SNOW. Not fair. Seriously.
No matter how your week went, I want to thank you for giving your educators and kids a needed break from school.
...und nun zur Sache:
[oont noon tsooohr ZAHkheh = and now to the point…]
TCGIS EQUITABLE distance learning starts on Monday. Here’s what you need to know:
- Submit your attendance daily. Auto-fill should make this quick and easy.
- K-4: Your teachers have been in touch. Follow their plan.
- 5-8: Your kids should be able to navigate themselves from the weekly academic breakdown by grade embedded in the website linked below.
- Special Education: Case managers have scheduled times with kids and are in regular contact with general education teachers.
- Math, Literacy, Behavior help: Interventionists will schedule times with students as needed.
- We will likely have connectivity challenges this coming week as we roll this out. Please be patient …
- This will not only feel like a NEW school year, but also a NEW KIND of school year. We are simultaneously establishing routines AND evaluating what works.
- Feedback will be key. Let your educators know how things are working. Solutions focused collaboration between school and home will be essential.
- Be patient with us. Be patient with your kids. Be patient with yourself. TCGIS Administration will work this week to make sure we are connected with ALL families and that ALL kids have access to our equitable distance learning plan.
While the governor has publicly expressed doubt that we will return to school this year, no official announcement has been made. TCGIS will pass on any change in state mandates as soon as they are official. For now, it’s distance learning until May 4.
In closing, you are working, you are managing kids of all ages, you are keeping tabs on friends and loved ones, you are dealing with unprecedented levels of uncertainty, personal and financial stress. Success for TCGIS in this time will be the level to which we stay connected - to each other and to our mission of whole-child education through German immersion.
As always, curiosity, kindness, challenge & support, intercultural engagement and community will be our guiding values as we continue to hear others, see others and act with openness to the world.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride but I’m glad to be in the same boat with you all.
Mit gespanntem, dankbarem Gruß
Ted Anderson
Executive Director