Dear Friends,

It was another busy week in Albany, with a snowstorm putting session on pause for a day, the One House Budget Resolutions being introduced and passed in each house of the Legislature, and several of my bills passing the Senate.  

The Senate One House Budget Resolution represents the Senate’s priorities and policy positions. I am pleased with many aspects of our budget, including important measures for education. Read more about it below.With the April 1 deadline approaching, negotiations continue between the Governor, Senate, and Assembly, and I remain hopeful that a final budget will be put forth with policies that are reflective of the needs of all New Yorkers, and those in District 37. 

This Friday, I will co-host a Women’s History Month panel alongside Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, featuring three women writers from Westchester County. More details on this event and how to join are below.  

As always, if there is anything my office can assist you with, please email me at [email protected] or call (914) 934-5250.


Warm regards,

Shelley B. Mayer
State Senator
37th District

Legislative Update

One House Budget Proposals 

In response to the Governor’s proposed budget, the Senate and the Assembly have each presented their own budget resolutions. 

Education: Our resolution proposes historic investments in schools – including the full phase in of the Foundation Aid Formula. We propose to continue and increase our investment in full-day Pre-K for four- year-olds, to provide universal free breakfast and lunch for every eligible school in New York, and to increase investments in our 853, 4201, and Special Act schools to help put them on a sustainable path for the future. I am proud to be part of a Senate Majority that believes deeply in investing in our education system that serves the next generation and supports the diverse needs of our students.

Housing Compact: The Senate resolution also responds to the Governor’s housing proposal by rejecting the mandatory housing growth targets and the overriding of local zoning while increasing the available incentives for smart growth and creating a land use advisory council to review municipal growth over the next three years. The Senate also included language in support of the principles of placing reasonable limits on residential rent increases and ensuring tenants are not removed from their homes without “good cause,” as well as providing $250 million for a new Housing Access Voucher Program. We are committed to addressing the affordable housing crisis in a way that honors the unique character and existing efforts of all of our communities. 

Our work is not complete. The Governor’s office, the Senate, and Assembly will begin negotiations to craft our final enacted budget, due April 1st. I will continue to fight for the needs of Westchester residents and all New Yorkers, and I look forward to providing details about the final budget. 

Here’s a description of the NYS budget process which shows the stages of the process.

Watch the video below for my remarks on my vote of the proposed One House Budget Resolution.

Passing Legislation

I am very pleased that two of my bills passed the Senate this week which will encourage students' civic participation and will modernize New York Education Law.

My bill, S.1732, requires school districts to provide students with the opportunity to participate in student government while in high school. In recent years, we have seen a lack of civic preparedness in students graduating high school. Student government is a remarkable teaching tool that gives students a voice in their school and prepares them to be active citizens in their communities throughout their lives. 

S.4041 also passed the Senate. This bill will modernize New York Education Law and ensure we use appropriate language for people with disabilities by replacing the

words “handicapping conditions” with “disabilities.” Currently, New York Education Law uses outdated language from 1976. This legislation will make New York’s statute consistent with Federal law. 

In the Community

Fighting Higher Energy Bills Webinar with PULP and

Sustainable Westchester

I was joined by the Public Utility Law Project (PULP) and Sustainable Westchester for a very informative webinar about the policy efforts to bring down high utility costs, as well as individual home energy savings measures and financial assistance available to New Yorkers. It was great to have a number of constituents on the webinar, and submitting questions - which we were able to answer during the webinar. If you missed it, click here to watch the presentation. 

Opening of “We are White Plains” at the White Plains High School

I was honored to attend the grand opening of “We are White Plains,” a traveling, interactive exhibit that teaches about the Holocaust and focuses on identity, bridging, belonging, and building community. I am also humbled and honored to have been featured in the exhibit, alongside other members of the Westchester community. Students of White Plains High School have interacted with this exhibit throughout this past week, and each student has left learning more about history, empathy, and shared connections.  

I applaud and thank Common Circles, the Non Profit that led this initiative, with their Founder Marla Felton and Creative Director Sue Spiegel; along with the Photographer, Bayetè Ross Smith. I also applaud the White Plains School District, the USC Shoah Foundation’s Dimensions in Testimony,

and Ellen Berger for their unwavering support of this remarkable exhibit.

Speaking at Mercy College’s Women Empowerment Panel 

I was honored to be a panelist for Mercy College’s 2023 Women Empowerment Conference, to discuss “The Future of Women’s Rights - Challenges and Opportunities.” It was incredible to speak to a room of bright, young college women alongside esteemed professionals in their fields — Kristen Bowe, Mercy College General Counsel; Catherine Lederer-Paskett, President of Westchester Coalition for Legal Abortion; and Licia Sandberg, Founder and Senior Director of the Sexual Assault Abuse and Victims Empowerment Program.

Supporting School Meals for All

I was proud to stand with many of my colleagues, Westchester leaders, and champions of education to urge the Governor to fully fund school meals. I am extremely pleased the Senate and the Assembly both included $280 million for universal breakfast and lunch in the One House Budget. Every teacher, staff, and administrator in our schools knows how difficult it is for children to learn when they are hungry. Thank you to Senator Hinchey and Assemblywoman González-Rojas for sponsoring this legislation. We must continue to prioritize children and their education by ensuring no child is hungry while at school.

Pictured with Chair of the County Board of Legislators, Catherine Borgia; Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg; and Assemblywoman MaryJane Shimksy.

Meeting with Families Together NYS

I was happy to participate in the Families Together NYS discussion regarding mental health, school discipline, and how best to reach students struggling with absenteeism. As Chair of the Education Committee, I am committed to helping all of our students succeed.

Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with the

Irish-American Legislators Association

I was pleased to join my colleagues in celebrating St. Patrick's Day with the Irish-American Legislators Association, and in honoring Senator Sean Ryan as he received the Daniel O'Connell Award.

Pictured with Senator Michelle Hinchey, Senator Sean Ryan, Senator Jessica Scarcella-Spanton, Senator Jamaal Bailey, Senator Tim Kennedy, and New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli

Upcoming Community Events

“Women Who Tell Our Stories” Panel

Please join me and Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins for a zoom panel discussion, featuring three Westchester County authors: Linda Tarrant-Reid, Phylisha Villanueva, and B.K. Fischer. 

When: Friday, March 24

Time: 5:00 P.M. - 6:30 P.M. 

Where: Here is the Zoom Link

League of Women Voters - Vote 18 Voter Registration

The League of Women Voters, White Plains, is beginning its spring semester voter registration activities at local high schools and Westchester Community College! They are looking for volunteers to help students navigate the registration process and distribute and collect materials and forms. If you are interested, the deadline is March 20. There will be a 30 minute zoom orientation on March 22 at 7 pm for first time volunteers. Here is the link to sign up.

If you have any questions, you can contact the Vote 18 Student Registration Coordinators: Alan Cass - [email protected] and Beth Kava - [email protected].

Resources & Opportunities

Home Energy Assistance Program Deadline

Applications for the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) and Emergency HEAP (E-HEAP) grants are due March 31. Please visit to learn more and apply.

New York State Senate Youth Leadership Recognition Award

Do you know a future leader? The NYS Senate’s Youth Leadership Recognition Award program honors student leaders who make their schools and communities proud! Current sophomores, juniors, and seniors who excel academically and through leadership in extracurricular and volunteer activities are eligible. Students selected for the award will receive a personalized certificate. To learn more and to nominate a deserving student, visit All nominations must be submitted by March 24, 2023.

Ways We Can Make Every Day Earth Day

Every day should be Earth Day! The NY State Senate invites K-12 students to help increase awareness of recycling and waste reduction by creating a poster, writing an essay, or a poem. For more information or to submit your work, visit Submissions are due by April 14, 2023

New York State Legislative Fellowship

The New York State Senate is accepting applications for the Fall 2023 Legislative Fellowship! As a fellow, you will be placed with a Senator, and will have hands-on experience in the legislative process. Click here to learn more and apply.

222 Grace Church Street, Suite 300
Port Chester, NY 10573

Phone: (914) 934-5250

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