Community Update
for Sunday July 18, 2021
Pastor's Note
It is your parochial vicar Fr. John again. The July 13th Fatima Mass and procession was a success, and it will keep improving as we continue to participate and venerate Our Blessed Mother. Of course, this time we had adoration and benediction to end the night. Our Blessed Mother always leads us to her Son, and what a way to recognize that walking with her and ending with a blessing from her Son. We could not have done it without the help of the Men’s club and those who worked with Tomas Lopez to help carry Mary; Theresa Mai, Olive (A&E), Melanie, Cecile, Monique, Angelica, Jesse (decorated flowers for Mary), Art (reader for blessing), and the mix of various choir groups. In fact, all who were there participated in some way, so let us keep spreading the faith and the Word. 

In this Sunday's gospel we hear that Jesus’ “heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd...” Fr. Joe is still on vacation for two more weeks, where is our Shepherd?... He is there in our prayers, he is there in our church, he is there in the confessionals, in every sacrament that we receive, and ultimately at every mass celebrated. He is always there in the tabernacle in every Catholic church, so let us be reminded of our true shepherd; Jesus Christ truly present to us in the Eucharist. I want us to focus on this, because I recently heard from a parishioner who told me that they found Jesus broken up on the floor in our church, and this was last weekend. Let us be attentive to those around us and help those who do not know the shepherd, and if we notice someone who has not consumed our Lord, please let them know to consume right away. 

St John Vianney, pray for us! 


Fr. John (parochial vicar) 

Fr Joe


August 7th with Fr Steve Brown
The final part of the Fiesta is August 7 with special guest Fr Steve Brown. Mass, lumpia & adobo, live music and a raffle in the Community Center Parking Lot. All food must be pre-ordered here.
Priests versus Seminarians Soccer Cup
Jubilee games are here! Come and cheer for your favorite Priest, Seminarian, Religious Sister, Postulant or young player at the “First Annual Vocations Cup” at Mitty High School tomorrow Saturday July 17.
Details here. Come and witness how Bishop plays Golie one on one Penalty against our young church and blocks goals.  
SJV School Applications for 2021-2022
Congrats to Ms. Suty, staff and faculty for a job well done for this pandemic year. Join this stellar faculty for next year. Applications for the 2021-2022 School year can be done here
 Each referral for a family adds $500 to our parish’s School Scholarship Fund. Make a referral! Donate to the Scholarship here
Camp Thrive for Kids 
July 12th-23rd
Camp Thrive is full. Signups now will be on waitlist. Camp Thrive is for incoming first-fifth graders that focuses on Communication (brainstorming, leadership, journaling), Recreation, Spiritual Reflection, and Technology (cloud computing, digital photography, website, blog). Details and registration here. Contact Rosie Ramirez if your teens want to be on the Thrive Leadership Team
Wild Goose: Who is the Holy Spirit? 
This is SJV Summer Faith Series as we learn our faith in small groups via Zoom every other Monday in English and Spanish. Details here.
Ministry to the Sick and Homebound 
Any parishioner who would like to bring communion to the sick should join a training on Tuesday, August 10, 2PM in the Parish Office. Any parishioner who is currently bringing communion to a family member should send Yolie an email who is receiving communion and who is bringing communion. The August 10 training is mandatory for family members bringing communion to family members.
Institute for Leadership and Ministry
Open Registration
ILM Registration is open! Answer your call to assist leading within your community! If you participate in some form of pastoral ministry and you want to improve your skills to serve better your community then explore attending the ILM this year. The ILM is accepting nominations for the academic year 2021-2022, classes begin September 2021.
Please find more about the ILM and how to apply here.
Faith Formation Registrations  
Faith Formation registrations are now open and available online or in person in our parish office. All those looking to prepare for the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, First Communion and or Confirmation please visit our parish website to register online or stop by our parish office to pick up the registration. Students who completed their first year of preparation for First Communion and/or Confirmation must register once again. Please note that you will need a baptismal certificate at the time of registration.To register online please  click here. You will be directed to the Faith Formation page where you can choose the sacrament you would like to register to. Catechetical sessions will begin in September.  
Calling all former and new catechists!  
As we prepare for the new catechetical year, we would like to meet with all our former and those who are interested in joining the catechetical ministry. We invite you to join us on Tuesday, July 20th at 6 pm in the Community Center to share what we have planned for this new year. Please note this meeting is for those interested in supporting and participating in English catechetical program. If you know anyone who would like to join us, please have them reach out to Joselyn at  Everyone is welcome, stop by and see how you can be part of the great ministry!
The Valley Catholic has a new look!
Click here.
Covid19 Vaccinations 
at St. Elizabeth in Milpitas on July 24 and 25, 2021. 
Have you been vaccinated? Kaiser Permanente physicians will be providing free COVID-19 vaccinations for anyone age 12 years and older on Saturday, July 24, 2021 from 3:30PM to 6:30PM and on Sunday, July 25 from 7:30AM to 5:00PM at the Parish Ministry Center of Saint Elizabeth Catholic Church located at 750 Sequoia Drive in Milpitas. Protect yourself, your family and community by getting your COVID-19 vaccine. You do not need to be a Kaiser Permanente Member and no questions will be asked about immigration status. 
Scam Warning 
Please do not open any email from Fr Joe that is not sent from this email. There continues to be scammers. 
Thanks to the Catholic Community Foundation, all our parishioners have access! Go to, type in 95127, click on our parish and get your account to the “Catholic Netflix”.

Registering for FORMED is easier than ever:
1. Go to; click the 2nd button: Sign Up As A Parishioner
2. Select your parish: Enter parish zip code 95127 and select St John Vianney from the provided dropdown menu
3. Register with your name and email address
4. Check that email Inbox for a link to start watching FORMED
California Catholic Conference
The Roman Catholic Bishops of California have released joint statements on the ethics of the vaccines here. Our County is now offering vaccinations for those 65 years and older. Check with your health care provider or
First and Third Mondays
Join Fr Francisco Nahoe, OFM Conv. on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month for a study of the first book of the bible. The session starts at 7PM on this Zoom (passcode 123).  
Monday - Saturday
Join our parish Rosary Monday-Friday, 630PM on  Zoom or Facebook. Saturday 8:30AM (after daily Mass) Sunday at 11:00 AM on our Website or Facebook.
Please continue to be vigilant against the spread of the virus (masks, sanitize, distance). Contact Luis Estrada as soon you know you may have exposed our parishioners to the virus. 
We thank you for your continued support of our growing parish ministries.

Please consider extending an invitation to someone that might benefit from any of these events or officially joining our parish. God reward you.
Reminder to only open and respond to official email communications from the Parish and Fr Joe ( All other email inquiries should not be opened and deleted immediately.
408-258-7832 |