Community Update
for Sunday June 06, 2021
Pastor's Note
This weekend we celebrate Corpus Christi-the feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. What a gift that our Lord left us that we may never be alone but always connected. In a time of division, fear and violence, humanity is offered a great gift of unity, consolation and peace. Invite a friend to our Masses this weekend. Its one of the greatest gifts they could receive.  
We say goodbye to Msgr Jeronimo and PJ this weekend. Both have served our community in a difficult pandemic year and we thank God for them. Msgr Jeronimo will be enjoying his retirement with family and PJ will move on to the next phase of his discernment. You can leave your notes here for Mons. Jeronimo and here for PJ. Let’s accompany them with prayer at our monthly 24-Hour Adoration Prayer Friday through Saturday. 
Please read on for the details of Eucharistic procession with (newly ordained) Deacon Manuel Barrios, Fatima procession, our Parish Fiesta and upcoming changes with the State reopening. 

St John Vianney, pray for us! 

God bless,

Fr Joe


Corpus Christi Procession this Sunday
Join our parish in a special Eucharistic Procession after the 12PM Mass in the Pavilion in the Feast of the Body and Blood of the Eucharist. All children who received their First Communion this year are welcome to come in their First Communion suits and dresses to lead the procession. 
Congratulations to Deacon Manuel Barrios 
Our former Pastoral Year seminarian Manuel Barrios will be ordained a deacon Saturday, June 5 9AM. Join the livestream here. Deacon Manuel will preach and give blessings at the 10AM and 12PM Masses this Sunday.
Our Lady of Fatima Procession, June 13
There will be a special Evening Prayer and Procession with Our Lady of Fatima procession on Sunday, June 13, 6PM. A special Our Lady of Fatima Mass will be offered July 13, Aug 13, Sep 13, Oct 13 7PM.
California Reopening Changes at SJV
Starting June 15, the COVID restrictions will be changed in the State and County. Our Bishop has asked us to move in phases for our reopening. Starting the weekend of June 19/20, Masses will be offered inside the Church and outside in the Pavilion. The school parking lot will be reserved for in-car participation outdoor Pavilion Masses. The only Community Center Parking Lot Masses starting June 20 will be the 8AM Mass. All Masses will still require masks to be worn. Social distance inside the church will be maintained. For a full schedule click here. Thank you for your vigilance.
Training for All Ministers
All new and returning ministers should attend the following trainings offered bilingually 6:30-7:30PM in the Church:
  • Lectors on Thursday, June 17
  • Communion Ministers on Monday, June 21
  • Altar Servers on Tuesday, June 22
  • Ushers and Mass Coordinators on Wednesday, June 23
  • An additional new lector training is set for Thursday, June 24 630-830PM in the Church.  
Wild Goose:
An Introduction to the Holy Spirit
The Wild Goose will be loosed starting on June 7, 700-830PM. This SJV Summer Faith Series will study the Holy Spirit with small groups via Zoom every other Monday in English and Spanish. Watch the trailer here.
June 29, 2021
The Alpha Team will gather June 29, 6-730PM in the Community Center. All former participants are welcome to be part of the Alpha Fall and Alpha Winter Teams

SJV School Applications for 2021-2022
Applications for the 2021-2022 School year can be done here. Each referral for a family adds $500 to our parish’s School Scholarship Fund. Make a referral! Donate to the Scholarship here.

🌞🌞 Summer Vacation Camp 🌞🌞
June 21-25 | 9am –1 pm | SJV Campus 
Looking for activities for your children this summer? Register to attend a weeklong, day camp here at Saint John Vianney. June 21st -25th from 9a m – 1 pm, we will be hosting 50 children in grades K-5TH in our Summer Vacation Camp focused on prayers. This camp we will revisiting our basics, reconnecting with our faith and community. Children will be offered a space of prayer, song, games and crafts. Registrations are now open and available here. Please note that this camp not associated with Camp Thrive. For information on Camp Thrive continue reading below. 

🌞🌞Summer camp Volunteers Needed 🌞🌞
In person meetings: June 7, 9, 14, 16 @ 6 pm at the SJV Community Center
We are also in need of volunteers for this camp, we will be meeting in person every Monday and Wednesday at 6 pm in the SJV Community Center. All middle school and high school students are welcome to join as volunteers. If you or someone you know is interested in helping, join us or reach out to Joselyn.

Camp Thrive for Kids 
July 12th-23rd

Camp Thrive is full. Signups now will be on waitlist. Camp Thrive is for incoming first-fifth graders that focuses on Communication (brainstorming, leadership, journaling), Recreation, Spiritual Reflection, and Technology (cloud computing, digital photography, website, blog). Details and registration here. Contact Rosie Ramirez if your teens want to be on the Thrive Leadership Team.

Quo Vadis for Boys Grades 9-12 

Thank you to the Men’s Club and all our parish’s ministers for working together last Saturday. The second part of the Fiesta is June 26 with socially distant games, food led by our Comité Hispano, and Social Outreach Fair put on by PACT. Details forthcoming.
The Valley Catholic has a new look!
Click here.
Bishop Cantu
Graduation Mass for Class of 2021:
June 12th
Bishop Cantú will celebrate a graduation Mass for High School and College Graduates! Registration is open here.
Jubllee Games
Calling all young women and men to compete with nuns and priests for the “First Annual Vocations Cup” at Mitty High School on July 17.
Details here.
Institute for Leadership and Ministry
Open Registration

ILM Registration is open! Answer your call to assist leading within your community! If you participate in some form of pastoral ministry and you want to improve your skills to serve better your community then explore attending the ILM this year. The ILM is accepting nominations for the academic year 2021-2022, classes begin September 2021.Please find more about the ILM and how to apply here.
Thanks to the Catholic Community Foundation, all our parishioners have access! Go to, type in 95127, click on our parish and get your account to the “Catholic Netflix”.

Registering for FORMED is easier than ever:
1. Go to; click the 2nd button: Sign Up As A Parishioner
2. Select your parish: Enter parish zip code 95127 and select St John Vianney from the provided dropdown menu
3. Register with your name and email address
4. Check that email Inbox for a link to start watching FORMED
California Catholic Conference
The Roman Catholic Bishops of California have released joint statements on the ethics of the vaccines here. Our County is now offering vaccinations for those 65 years and older. Check with your health care provider or
First and Third Mondays
Join Fr Francisco Nahoe, OFM Conv. on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month for a study of the first book of the bible. The session starts at 7PM on this Zoom (passcode 123).  
Monday - Saturday
Join our parish Rosary Monday-Friday, 630PM on  Zoom or Facebook. Saturday 8:30AM (after daily Mass) Sunday at 11:00 AM on our Website or Facebook.
Please continue to be vigilant against the spread of the virus (masks, sanitize, distance). Contact Luis Estrada as soon you know you may have exposed our parishioners to the virus. 
We thank you for your continued support of our growing parish ministries.

Please consider extending an invitation to someone that might benefit from any of these events or officially joining our parish. God reward you.
Reminder to only open and respond to official email communications from the Parish and Fr Joe ( All other email inquiries should not be opened and deleted immediately.
408-258-7832 |