There are several things to be mindful of as you manage a reported concern.
Discuss the University’s Non-Retaliation Policy
Fear of retaliation is a concern for reporters, so it’s important to do what we can to prevent retaliatory behavior and make everyone aware of the University’s Non-Retaliation Policy. If you meet with employees as a part of the review process (whether witnesses or the subject of the concern), discuss the University’s Non-Retaliation Policy. This helps employees know that the University encourages good faith reporting of concerns and that retaliation against any individual who does so is strictly forbidden; it also signals that you take this responsibility seriously.
Maintain Privacy
Keeping the information related to the review private helps build confidence and trust in the process. Additionally, ask any employee you meet with to also keep the matter private. In general, information should only be shared with those who have a “need to know” in order to review and address the concern.