Compliance Outreach

Newsletter: Vol XVI

2-Stroke Emissions Proposed Rule Feedback Opportunity

The Utah Division of Air Quality is proposing a rule to reduce emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds and nitrogen oxides from small 2-stroke gas powered lawn equipment as part of the Northern Wasatch Front Ozone State Implementation Plan. We are asking stakeholders for feedback on the proposed rule before the formal rulemaking process begins.

Learn more about the proposed rule, how you can provide feedback, and about ongoing lawn equipment incentive programs for businesses at

Statewide Emission Inventory Program

The inventory Section has an intern this summer, James Lore, who is reviewing the 2022 inventory reports. If you receive an email from him(, please help him out by answering his questions.

Emissions Control Rules

Two new boiler NOx emission limit rules R307-315 - NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers 2.0-5.0 MMBtu and R307-316 - NOx Emission Controls for Natural Gas-Fired Boilers Greater Than 5.0 MMBtu will take effect on May 1, 2024. See rules:

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