Foundation News: September 2023


Our Gift To You: Expert Estate Planning

The Foundation has openings in the Our Gift to You program! This program includes complimentary meetings with Johni Hays, an Iowa-based estate planning lawyer. She offers assistance reviewing or developing your will and estate plan. The benefit? You receive expert advice for free and leave knowing your plan tells your story, reflects your values and supports your loved ones in the ways you want. There is no obligation or pressure to leave a gift to anyone; and there is no Foundation representative present at any meeting. Contact us at or 515-974-8927 to set up your first meeting with Johni or learn more on our website.

IT'S NOT TOO LATE: Submit your Carma Mohler Applications TODAY

Applications for Carma Mohler hunger relief grants must be postmarked by October 1st to be considered. That means you only have a couple days to finish yours and get it in the mail! Download the application here.

We love to hear from previous grant winners and learn about the impact these grants are making. If your organization has received a Carma Mohler grant in the past, we welcome any updates and pictures at You may get featured in our next newsletter!

Did you know? We partner with UMHEF in Dollars for Scholars!

If you plan to apply for a Foundation or any UM scholarship this year, we encourage you to see if it is eligible for matching through Dollars for Scholars. Your $1,000 award could turn into $4,000!

The United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) is looking for more partner churches to help send students to college! Learn more and see their current list of partners on their website. They also have tips on how to ask your pastor or church leader to participate!

IUMF scholarships open for application December 1 and most UMHEF scholarships open January 1.

More Resources: Lewis Center: 4 Key Characteristics of Missional Congregations

Stelter: #1 Quality You Need for Successful Donor Stewardship

Iowa United Methodist Foundation
515.974.8927 |
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