We are proud to share that all CESMII members are eligible to attend the Smart Manufacturing Experience free of charge - a $495 value. To take advantage of this offering you must complete your registration through the member-only link below*. | |
*If you have not already registered in CESMII's Confluence Portal please contact education@cesmii.org
to complete your registration before accessing the complimentary registration link.
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Not a CESMII Member? But still interested in taking advantage of early bird rates?
Access the link below to register before rates increase May 31.
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Many in the industry might not realize it, but the term “smart manufacturing” has been with us for
15 years now. It originated at a 2007 National Science Foundation workshop on a then-novel
Internet capability known as “cyberinfrastructure.”
That workshop led to the formation of the Smart Manufacturing Leadership Coalition (SMLC) and ultimately the Clean Energy Smart Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CESMII).
CESMII’s sole purpose is to accelerate the democratization of Smart Manufacturing throughout the United States. As with the rest of the CESMII leadership team and its 100-plus member
companies, John Dyck, CEO, is firmly behind that mission, but is quick to point out that he’s standing on the shoulders of other leaders who have helped to promote Smart Manufacturing throughout the United States over the past 15 years.
We look forward to celebrating the efforts of all individuals who have made a significant impact in creating a more competitive manufacturing environment in the U.S. these past 15 years.
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Smart Manufacturing Magazine
CESMII was featured in the April 2022 edition of SME’s Smart Manufacturing magazine. The 8-page supplement highlighted:
• The 15th Anniversary of Smart Manufacturing
• National Smart Manufacturing Executive Council
• Smart Manufacturing Marketplace™
• Smart Manufacturing Experience 2022
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Workforce Development Support for Smart Manufacturing
Conrad Leiva. Director of Ecosystem and Workforce Development, CESMII & Lisa Masciantonio, Chief Workforce Officer, Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute discuss the new skills and competency requirements and what organizations like CESMII, ARM, and Tooling U-SME are doing regionally and nationally to foster awareness of the demand for high skills in manufacturing and provide more tools and programs for upskilling the incumbent workforce.
Register below to watch on demand.
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Need for Trained Workers Greater Than Ever
The shortfall of manufacturing workers is growing larger amid a two-year-old pandemic that has employees quitting their jobs in unprecedented numbers. We have had seven straight months where postings have exceeded 800,000 openings. Efforts to upskill the existing workforce include programs at community colleges, like El Camino College, and universities, like NC-State, where professors are developing and delivering Smart Manufacturing education working along federally funded Manufacturing USA institutes, like CESMII, American Job Centers, and leveraging multiple sources of funding at the state level. More information in this SME article by Ilene Wolff.
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CESMII to Join OPC Working Group:
Power Consumption Management
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This is a new OPC Joint Working Group with ODVA, PNO, VDMA and CESMII.
The Working Group will develop an OPC UA information model for power consumption management in automated industrial applications. The primary focus is on the communication of energy consumption data, which is to be used in subsequent systems to fulfill use cases from discrete and continuous production, especially concerning the efficiency of the production and consequently the protection of the climate. Existing OPC UA models for Energy Management (e.g., OPC 30141) together with other energy management profiles present in the market will be considered.
It will allow management of power consumption by automated equipment in manufacturing and processing applications. The model is intended to be scalable from small stand-alone devices to complete machines to production cells or entire factories and plants. Therefore, the energy-related Use Cases of existing fieldbus technology shall be considered.
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Sustainability in Manufacturing Whitepaper | |
Leveraging the 4th Industrial Revolution to
Reduce Emissions and Improve Health
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Are you curious about how manufacturing facilities and operations can become more sustainable?
This Sustainability in Manufacturing report lead by the Los Angeles Sustainability Executives Roundtable (LASER) explores the state of smart manufacturing and smart technology integration and examines areas for energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality improvements in industrial facilities.
A collaboration with smart manufacturing research & development experts including the Smart Manufacturing Institute (CESMII) and energy consultants like GreenEconoME that have led energy efficiency analyses and retrofits in several local manufacturing plants. The paper also features case studies that highlight everything from advanced sensor integration to the installation of high-performance LEDs and HVAC optimization.
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We were honored to have two of our CESMII Member companies share their project progress during this months' National Members' Meeting. | |
Ananth Seshan, 5G Technologies
A Minimalist Approach for Implementing
Smart Manufacturing in SMMs
Mission to dispel the belief that Smart Manufacturing is only for the larger companies and prove by a successful demonstration that SMMs can adopt a minimalist approach to Smart Manufacturing.
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Jason Impson, Nutrition Bar Confectioners
SM Journey on How a Small Food Manufacturer Drove Significant Productivity Gains in Just Three Months
How we applied G-WPO’s ESP2 (Equity/Security/Productivity/Profitability) methods
and made NBC CESMII-ready, more productive and growth-oriented in under six months.
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CESMII's New Member Spotlight | |
Help us in welcoming our newest members who are on the leading edge of
Digital Transformation and leveraging Industry 4.0 for Smart Manufacturing.
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Visit acetechnologies.net
for more information
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ACE Technologies is an engineering consulting firm specializing in manufacturing IOT. ACE consists of developers, consultants, and integration experts for medium and large-scale intelligent manufacturing solutions. They primarily focus in the automotive sector. In addition to services, they are also a reseller for various manufacturing equipment such as mobility and visualization hardware. As a member of CESMII, ACE Technologies would like to foster collaboration with like-minded industry experts. They would like to learn and expand their smart manufacturing knowledge base. | |
Visit amatrol.com
for more information
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Amatrol designs, develops and manufactures technical training systems, highly interactive eLearning, hands-on simulators, and more to train tomorrow's global workforce for many diverse industries such as manufacturing, oil and gas, packaging, etc. Didactic organizations such as colleges, universities, and high schools as well as companies use their made-in-the-USA products to teach individuals technical and workplace skills ranging from entry level basic technical skills to advanced technology troubleshooting for both degree and certification preparation. Membership in CESMII will enable Amatrol to remain up to date with the latest Industry and CESMII-specific smart manufacturing initiatives, so that they might incorporate into their products and promote with their user | |
Visit phoenixcontact.com/en-us
for more information
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Phoenix Contact produces future-oriented components, systems, and solutions for electrical controls, networking, and automation with a worldwide network reaching across more than 100 countries with over 17,100 employees. The company focuses on the fields of energy, infrastructure, process, and factory automation.
Phoenix Contact empowers its customers with numerous products, solutions, and application examples to actively shape the transformation towards a sustainable industrial society. They pursue the vision of an All Electric Society through the application of technology to produce an abundance of regenerative energy and economic opportunity in a carbon-neutral and sustainably developing world.
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Visit throughput.world
for more information
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ThroughPut Inc’s AI-Powered software suite enables holistic and granular industrial management from the front-lines to the bottom-lines, empowering companies to see both cash flow through their end-to-end supply chain, as well as their profitability and productivity through each activity. ThroughPut taps into existing time-stamped data tied to your sales, purchasing, distribution, and manufacturing activities and puts operational improvements on autopilot. ThroughPut predicts demand, reorients production capacity, reassigns warehouse space, and reorders materials just- in-time, so you never miss out on customer demand again. On a single software, ThroughPut improves material flow and free cash flow, across your end-to-end value chain enabling companies to meet supply chain goals and objectives by tracking-down those ever-shifting bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas of waste across dynamic operations. | |
Do you know someone interested in becoming a CESMII Member? | |
Event Schedule
We are looking forward to attending, exhibiting and speaking at more industry events in 2022.
See what conferences are on our radar for the year and let us know if you have an event we should consider attending. Please contact info@cesmii.org.
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2022 National Members' Meeting | |
Do you have information you'd like to share with us or the broader
CESMII ecosystem? If so, please get in touch with us!
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