Janeth Alexandra García Monge

Hermosillo, Sonora

Doctoral degree pursuing:
Ph.D. in Physics

The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)

How did you decide to join the ConTex fellowship program?

I completed my master’s degree in Mexico. When I was looking for Ph.D. programs I knew CONACYT had this kind of fellowship, so when I decided to apply to UTSA I learned about ConTex. 

Tell us about your research and what attracted you to this area.

I will be working in the characterization and study of properties of nanomaterials. There are still a lot of interesting things to study and apply in nanotechnology in order to improve devices.

Why did you decide to study at UTSA?

Mainly, it was because I received advice from a professor (now my advisor) about some projects that seemed interesting to me. When you decide to start a Ph.D. it is difficult to find the right program or university because the guidelines sometimes are too general, and you can't tell if it's not for you. Because of that I believe in some cases it's best to look for a specific project or directly ask professors about your interests or concerns. 

What has been your most rewarding experience so far at UT San Antonio?

It's hard to decide just one rewarding experience, I have been in San Antonio for 9 months. I really think every day is full of different and interesting things.

What has been a challenge, or a surprise for you since you have been studying in Texas?

My biggest challenge has been the language, mostly during classes. Here in San Antonio many people know Spanish and sometimes it seems that I'm still in Mexico, but that doesn't apply at classes.

How do you hope your research will impact the binational relationship between the U.S. and Mexico in the future?

It's difficult to say or have an idea of how my research will impact both societies at this moment. It would be great if more students could have the opportunity to leave the country to practice what they learn and demonstrate that Mexico has extraordinary young minds that just need more support to show their potential.

I hope my work could influence Mexican students to start a graduate program in the U.S. – to do more innovative and applied studies in science and technology. 

What advice would you give other Mexican students who may be considering studying in Texas?

If you find a good program for you and you are accepted, you will definitely enjoy it. Applying to the CONACYT-CONTEX is the last step and the process could be a little tedious, but it will be worth it.