Volume 21 | Issue 8 | August 2021
Christal Mymryk (PDD - Traffic), Chair of the Women's Committee, spent her evening on July 26th purchasing feminine products to donate to the YWCA on behalf of 594 and the Women's Committee.
On any given night in Canada, more than 6000 women and children sleep in shelters because it isn't safe at home. The YWCA in Regina helps to provide the basic needs for women while creating an environment of support, safety and empowerment. They are an organization that makes our society better, and we are proud to support them!
  • Congratulations Sierra Bachmeier (MRP) and Ron who welcomed son Oliver born June 26th.

  • Congratulations Dan Ross (Pipeshop) and Chelsey who welcomed son Eamon James born August 7th, 2021.

  • Congratulations Tysen Piniach (Pipeshop) and Chantille who welcomed son Bennett born August 7th, 2021.
To ensure we don't miss anyone, we will rely on each and every one of you to let us know of any schooling, births, marriages, etc. of your friends & coworkers that we can share with the membership!

Please let Ashlyn know of these noteworthy milestones at [email protected] or message her directly.
As we all know, the Union set up many dates to give blood as a group. We encourage you to continue to support this cause and give blood. You can still use the Unifor 594 Partners For Life ID when you book your appointment.

ID: UNIF155195

The ID will have a permanent place at the bottom of the front page on our website if you misplace it. Check it out HERE.
to the following 594 members:

No Retirements for August.
594 SWAG
Are you interested in sporting Unifor 594 Swag?
Check out our list of swag at:

Mental Health can affect anyone at any point in their life. Did you know that one in three workplace disability claims are mental health related? Many supervisors and Union Executive have completed the Mental Health First Aid training. Please, if you are struggling, contact EFAP or reach out to a trusted confident.

EFAP is through Homewood Health and is available 24/7/365. Call 1-800-663-1142