CPS Weekly Update
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Weekly Update: Wednesday, November 6, 2019
First Quarter Report Cards
You will have access to view first quarter report cards through onCampus on Friday, November 8 after 3 pm. If you have a problem accessing the report card, please email
We are brimming with Saints Pride over the events from the past weekend! The CPS Theatre Department presented an outstanding production of Secondary Cause of Death last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. In addition, both the Varsity Boys' and Varsity Girls' Soccer teams won championships. This is the first time in school history that both the girls' and boys' soccer teams won championships in the same season!
CPS Theatre Department Presents: Secondary Cause of Death
Read all about the cast and crew of Secondary Cause of Death:

Before Sunday's performance alumna Cindy Bell '71, with assistance from Fine Arts Chairperson and Theatre Director Mrs. Joy Johnson, cut the ribbon to dedicate the Black Box Theatre to Ms. Bell's parents. The Black Box Theatre will now be called the Ron and Reba Hammond Black Box Theatre. The theatre was named in loving memory for their support of the Baltimore Lutheran School and Concordia Prep School Theatre Program. The renovation of the Black Box Theatre completes phase two of the Renew and Rejoice campaign.
2019 IAAM C1 Soccer Champions!
Varsity Girls' Soccer beat St. Timothy 1-0 in double OT last Thursday to advance to the IAAM Championship game. On Saturday they faced Annapolis Area Christian School and won in double OT 1-0 to become the IAAM C1 Champions. They finished the season with an 18-1-1 record.
2019 MIAA B Conference Champions
The Varsity Boys' first had to get past Severn last Thursday. They won 3-0 to advance to the MIAA B Conference Championship on Sunday. They beat Friends 2-1 in OT. The Saints are back to back B Conference Champions! They finished the season with an overall record of 18-2-0. 

In the News
Seniors Samantha and Victoria Lasshan were featured in the Baltimore Sun last Friday:  Lassahn Sisters in the Baltimore Sun
Congratulations to freshman Patrik Simons who was recognized by Maryland AAU last Sunday for Central Maryland Swim League leadership. He was recommended by his coach and swim team representative for outstanding leadership on his summer swim team the Swan Lake Swim   Stingrays.  
Boathouse Jackets Online Store
The online store to purchase boathouse jackets is open. It will close on  Monday, November 18  in order for the jackets to be delivered by Christmas.

Purchase a Boathouse Jacket:

Baseball Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A
Wednesday, November 6 from 5 to 8 pm
Support Concordia Prep Baseball for a Spirit Night! 20% of sales PLUS an extra $1 for every cookie purchased will be donated back to the baseball team! Chick-fil-A Joppa Road, 2008 E. Joppa Road.

Photo Retakes on Friday, November 8
Portraits that were taken and ordered in September will arrive later this week. If you would like a retake, please return the portraits to Ms. Bainbridge by Thursday, November 7th. Students that were absent on the original portrait day will have their portraits taken on November 8th.

If you have any questions, please email
Junior Achievement is Selling Water Bottles
Prep Products Inc., A Junior Achievement Company is selling clear Concordia Prep water bottles. Water bottles cost $15 each. For questions or to purchase, please contact Jacob Ehm at ! We accept cash or checks. Please make checks payable to Junior Achievement. Thank you!
Saints Boosters Club Corn Hole Tournament: Sunday, November 10

Attention Middle School Parents:
Corn Hole Tournament Dessert Donations
We are looking for the Middle School to show their support. We will be running a Dessert table. Please donate baked goods, candy, or snacks for our upcoming Tournament on Sunday, November 10. 

Donations need to be dropped off by Friday, Nov. 8th
Please contact Andrea Mitsos @410-493-0963

Suggested Items: Brownies, Cupcakes, M&M’s, Protein Bars, Cakes, Cookies, Individual Trail mix bags

Let’s Show off the Middle School’s Spirit and Support!

Help the Boosters Club raise money for locker room renovations to benefit all the students of our school. The Ravens game will be broadcast! For complete details email or visit our website .

CPS spirit wear will be available for purchase at the tournament!

Check-in is at 12 noon, bags fly at 1 pm, $30 for singles/$50 per team, food, beverage, including beer*, included in the fee. Cash prizes for first, second, third-place finishers. *This is a 21 and over event.
2019 Saints Bingo Update
The PTL is collecting a donation of $10 per student to purchase items to fill the bags. You can pay by cash, check (made out to Concordia Prep, include BINGO in the memo line) and return to Gloria Murphy at Concordia Prep or PayPal by going to . When returning your donation, please write the name and grade of your student on your envelope or the memo line in PayPal! Each participating student will get a pass for an out of dress code day on Bingo Day, November 15, 2019. Send in your donation ASAP!

We also need volunteers to help the night of the event.Below is a link to the sign-up genius for Saints Bingo with available time slots throughout the evening. Please consider signing up for one (or two!) slots to help make our event a wonderful success!

News from the PTL
The PTL has an ongoing Box Tops 4 Education (BTFE) fundraiser. People may sign-up by using this link(same one above) , clicking on join free, entering Concordia Prep School, and complete online form. 

Once signed up there are two options in which they may scan their clip-less box tops receipts electronically or send in the original clip-it box tops on clip-it form to school PTL mailbox labeled Box Tops. 
2019-20 School Year

Wednesday, November 6: Saints Boosters Club Meeting at 7 pm in the Media Center. Baseball Spirit Night at Chick-fil-A, Joppa Road.

Friday, November 8: Picture Retakes, Reports Cards Issued

 Sunday, November 10: Saints Boosters Corn Hole Tournament at 12 pm

Tuesday, November 12: PTL Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Media Center

Wednesday, November 12: Prospective Family Forum, 6:30 - 8:00 pm for Upper School Families

Friday, November 15: CPS Bag Bingo

Tuesday, November 26: Thanksgiving Chapel

Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: School Closed for Thanksgiving Break

Saturday, December 7: Junior Class Ring Dance

Tuesday December 10: PTL Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Media Center

Wednesday, December 11: Prospective Family Forum, 6:30 - 8:00 pm for Middle School Families.

Thursday, December 12: Upper and Middle School Christmas Fine Arts Festival at 7 pm.

Monday, December 16: Christmas Chapel at 8:05 am

Tuesday, December 17 - Friday, December 20: Mid-Term Exams, Noon Dismissal

Monday, December 23 to Friday, January 3: School Closed for Christmas Break

Monday, January 6: School Resumes

Daily Attendance
You may email the Attendance Office :

Lunch Orders
Order lunches from Terri’s Cafe here: 

Coca Cola Give Program
Concordia Prep is participating in the Coca Cola Give program.