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Industrial Dehumidifiers

When Extremely Low Relative Humidity is Required

Condair DA Applications

Dehumidification Solutions from Condair


Does your project or facility require extremely low RH?

Condair DA desiccant dryers are designed to be used especially when an extremely low relative humidity of 10 - 20% RH is needed, such as in industrial drying processes, or where there are very low temperatures to deal with. 

Common DA Applications Include:

Food Processing, Clean Rooms, Pharmaceutical Industry, Museums and Archival Storage, Electronics Industry

Condair DA

  • The devices’ powerful sorption rotors mean that they can be used to bring humidity values down to a minimum at temperatures as low as -22°F (-30°C).

  • Standard designs have drying capacities of 7lbs/h – 40lbs/h (0.45 kg/h –182 kg/h).

Contact your local TBCo branch to discuss the details of your specific project, and visit our website to read more.

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www.tombarrow.com | 800-229-8226

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