Here we go, down the home stretch!
This column will be pretty much all nuts and bolts, preparing us for the tutti (all together) rehearsal on the 12th.
Next week, we'll spend the first half of our rehearsal on trouble spots in the various movements. Your job between now and then will be to check through your part and its markings, for trouble spots, then sending anything you found to your section leader. Section leaders will forward their lists to me, making our fix-it work far more productive: you can tell how hard it is for all of us to hear the spoken word in that room! If I have a written list in front of me we can just go for it. (Anything you find must be received by Monday, to enable section leaders to forward their lists to me.)
Now, I'm not at all expecting to get lots of notes about every movement! Some are short and need no further attention. Hopefully we'll find ourselves with enough time to focus on the "Amen" section, which remains confusing to many singers. That's because it's quite a bit harder than the other movements; maybe because Mozart didn't write it!
After the break, we'll "perform" the whole work for ourselves, after singing the choral part of the Laudate, which will open our actual performance.
WARNING NOTE: My goal is to do all of this nonstop, complete with stands and sits. Many of you remember that during COVID I promised that at our first rehearsal back together, we'd sing two pieces we'd learned on Zoom, nonstop, without my stopping at all. You can imagine the great derision that greeted my we placed a bet that I couldn't/wouldn't do it. The bet involved my favorite treat, an APPLE FRITTER! Ahem: I really enjoyed that treat!
Finally, in response to several requests, here are my tempo markings for everything we will be singing: