Road Construction Wrap-up &

Winter Weather Preparation: November 7, 2022

This is the final Cone Zone publication for the season. Cone Zone will start again in the spring of 2023.

Read the latest road construction updates from Los Alamos County

Find tips and information about how you can improve your commute or find alternative transportation methods in and around the Los Alamos area:

Visit or LANL’s “Life at the Lab” transportation page!

Winter Season: 

During the winter season, the public should stay informed by watching local weather forecasts, planning ahead, and slowing down in adverse weather conditions. Road condition updates will be broadcast on several popular regional TV and radio stations when streets become so hazardous that motorists might encounter delays. The Public can refer to the Los Alamos County Snow and Ice Control Plan for more policies, guidelines and tips related to inclement weather.

Check out the road conditions before you get there!

Winter Driving


Winter weather is here, and the County would like to remind residents of some important safety considerations for motorists to take to make their travel as safe as possible.

Motorists should make sure their vehicle is ready for winter driving by making sure the washer fluid reservoir is topped off with washer fluid that is winter rated, the windshield wipers are functional and working properly, the defroster is in good working order, each vehicle is equipped with a functional ice scraper, and that snow is cleared from the windows, roof, and hood of the vehicle before traveling on snowy days. Additionally, motorists are encouraged to equip their vehicles with chains and/or snow tires and carry a container of sand and a shovel in their vehicle. 

Barrels of sand for public use are placed at locations that historically become icy and slick during storms, including:

-      Esperanza (near mailboxes),

-      North Mesa Road (hill),

-      Quemazon Road (at intersection of North Road),

-      Quemazon Road (near mailboxes),

-      Cheryl Court (between 337 and 375 in shady area), and

-      Other locations as requested by staff or citizens.

Streets may be snow-packed and slippery during winter storms. It is the responsibility of every motorist to have their vehicle properly equipped and serviced to handle such conditions, and to drive their vehicle carefully and courteously during adverse conditions. 

During storms, drivers are asked to be alert and courteous to County crews, who will be doing their best to keep the streets open and safe for traveling. Please assist them in this difficult task by yielding to their efforts and keeping a safe distance away to avoid having vehicles struck by flying sand and salt.

Winter Sidewalk Guidelines


During the winter months, the County would like to remind residents it is important to keep sidewalks clear of snow and ice so that they remain pass­able for postal workers, children walking to school and others who need to use them. When possible, and depend­ing upon available resources, County crews will conduct sidewalk-clearing operations by removing snow first from the adopted “safe routes to school,” and then other selected sidewalks. The County does not clear every sidewalk due to limited resources. Sidewalk priorities are listed below:

1.     Safe routes to school and heavy pedestrian areas where sidewalks are adjacent to

primary arterials and the Central Avenue business district

2.     Public walkways for which the County is responsible

3.     Pathways along SR 4 in White Rock

4.     Ramps and steps at the Golf Course tunnel (cleared by Golf Course personnel)

5.     Steps at the tunnel at the Roundabout

6.     Sidewalk areas around bus shelters that require hand cleaning

The County’s complete Snow and Ice Control Plan has detailed listings of the sidewalks which are prioritized for clearing.

Unless significant accumulations are encountered (greater than 6 inches), residents are encouraged to wait until after the snowfall has ceased. If snowfalls are greater than 6 inches, residents are requested to periodically clear sidewalks around their property to allow for safe passage of pedestrians. Where practical, property owners should clear sidewalks within 24 hours after the snowfall ceases. In most areas it is to be expected that plowing operations will deposit snow in driveways and on sidewalks. These will be cleared only after emergency response has ended and mop up operations have begun.

In addition, if there is a drainage structure in front of or near the resident’s property, residents can assist crews by clearing it to allow snow melt to reach the structure and avoid ponding in the area. Ponded water can re-freeze and cause hazardous conditions.

The following suggestions are offered in the spirit of working together with the public, to simplify all snow and ice control efforts:

-      Place shoveled snow on the backside of the sidewalk. Direct the chutes of snow blowers and shovel snow toward lawn areas whenever possible, rather than toward the street. This will provide lawns with addi­tional moisture and prevent that same snow from being plowed back onto surfaces previously cleared by residents.

-      Park cars in off-street parking areas whenever possible. This allows for easier access by the snowplow operators and a more consistent and comprehensive snow clearing effort.

-      If it is necessary to park on the street, don’t park vehicles over storm drain inlets. This slows the drainage process and causes ice buildup, creating potentially hazardous conditions.

-      Place a mixture of sand and salt on sidewalks with persistent ice.

Residents with questions are asked to call the County’s Traffic & Streets Division at 662-8113 or email us at

LANL: Traffic News Hub

LANL employees should monitor the Traffic News Hub and the internal LANL website banner for LANL traffic alert updates during winter weather events.

Public Works Projects: 
The projects listed in this section are being managed by County Public Works staff through contractors. For more information, please e-mail, call 662-8150, or visit “Projects/Public Works”. Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Please note the below information is based on a schedule provided by the contractors and may change due to weather or other delays.

Hilltop House Demolition to Continue


All Rite Construction, under contract with Los Alamos County Public Works Department continues demolition of the former Hilltop House hotel and gas station, located at the NM502/Central Ave roundabout. Regular truck traffic will be entering and exiting the project site throughout the duration of the project. The sidewalk along the site remains closed. Motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians are asked to use caution in the work zone. Demolition is expected to be completed by January 2023, weather permitting.

Sherwood Blvd. and Aztec Ave. Wrapping Up


Star Paving Company continues road and drainage improvements on Sherwood Blvd. between Piedra Loop and Aztec Ave.   


Sherwood remains closed early in the week, while crews finish concrete collars around utilities. The work is scheduled to be completed, before opening Sherwood to traffic next week. 

The contractor will remain on site to complete punch list work with no impacts to traffic. Motorists are reminded to drive safely and watch for workers, pedestrians, and bicyclists.  


Work schedules are subject to change pending weather conditions and any material shipping delays. Work Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Sidewalk & Driveway Construction

Weather permitting, early next week EMCO crews will be constructing a sidewalk at the intersection of NM502 (Trinity Dr.) and DP Rd. The work will be at the southeast corner of intersection. Motorists might experience minor delays.

Weather permitting, driveways at 1247 Central Ave. (Boomerang) and 1301 Central Ave.  (Subway) will be reconstructed by EMCO crews. Motorists can expect shoulder closures on the east bound lane of Central Ave. between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Traffic & Streets Projects: 

The projects listed in this section are being managed by County Traffic & Streets Division staff. Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Call Daniel Blea, Traffic and Streets Manager for concerns, 505-663-8206.

Asphalt Patching on 4th St., Deacon St., Ponderosa St., and Sombrillo Ct.


Crews will be patching sections of roadway for Los Alamos County Dept. of Public Utilities on 40th St., Deacon St., Ponderosa St., and Sombrillo Ct. Work will begin on November 7 and continue through November 10. Crews will begin daily at 8 a.m. and finish by 4 p.m. 

The sidewalk on Iris St. and 4th St. will be closed. Please watch for detour signs. 

A flagging operation will be in place at each location. Please follow all traffic devices. 

Utilities Projects: 

The projects listed in this section are being managed by Dept. of Public Utilities (DPU) staff. Please slow down and use caution within the construction work zones. Call Dennis Segura, DPU Project Manager, 505-662-8123.

4th St. Scheduled for Water Repairs


A portion of Quartz and 4th streets in Eastern Area will be closed on Monday, Nov. 7, during the day while water leak repairs are made by crews from the Los Alamos Department of Public Utilities. The work will start at 8 a.m. and is expected to be complete by 4 p.m. 

Signs warning motorists of the work will be placed at the corner of Quartz and 6th St., as well as at 4th and Rim Rd. The work zone is where Quartz becomes 4th. Traffic in the neighborhood will be restricted to only those residents who live on that stretch of road while DPU water crews repair the water leak.

Residents with questions about the project may contact the Customer Care Center at 505.662.8333 during standard business hours.

Non-County Projects: 

The following road construction updates are posted below in the interest of keeping residents informed but are being managed or conducted by others. Please obey all traffic devices and slowdown in work zones.

Sidewalk Closure on Diamond Dr. West of Arkansas Ave..

Beginning November 3 through November 14 Tala Excavation will be working behind the guardrail to excavate to locate gas lines on Diamond Dr. just west of Arkansas Ave. Crews will close the sidewalk on the north side of Diamond just west of Arkansas. The sidewalk will be closed to eastbound traffic at Urban St. and Diamond, at the Church of Christ, and all access points east toward Arkansas. Pedestrian traffic will be detoured at the intersection of Diamond and Arkansas to the south side of Diamond. Work will begin daily at 8 a.m. and end by 5 p.m. For questions and concerns about this project, please contact Tyler Miller, 505-470-0701.

Arizona Ave. Sidewalk Closure


Total Utilities Inc. will be closing a section of sidewalk at 3536 Arizona Ave. beginning November 7 through 18. Crews will be installing a new driveway. Pedestrian traffic will be detoured at 36th St. and at Woodland Ave. Work will begin daily at 8 a.m. and finish by 4 p.m. For questions or concerns regarding this project, please contact Stacy Warden with Total Utilities, Inc. at 505-975-4500.

LANL Completes Several Significant Projects in the Past Year


Laboratory delivers upgraded office and parking space


Los Alamos National Laboratory honors Enewetak Atoll people and history


Fire mitigation efforts at Los Alamos National Laboratory


New substation powered up