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President's Message

Greetings to all!

It is incredible that we’re already past mid-way of 2019! This year so far has been filled with great events, attendance and most important, I continue to see the support of YOU, our members.
The Excellence in Business Awards showed how important it is that we continue to celebrate and recognize our Business owners for their work and commitment in their fields and the community. Thank you again to our sponsors, and the PGA Tour for being the presenting sponsor, President Scott Wilson, Councilman Bowman, Dr. Moreland and Mr. Hightower for their attendance. If you missed it, visit our website to learn more about each of the winners and see pictures of the event. Again, congratulations to all the winners- it fills me with pride and joy continuing to see your success! (Winners announced below!)
So, what’s next? Well, we still have half a year filled with more to bring forth. In partnership with the SBDC , FCHCC will have a series of workshops, Acelerando el Exito Latino en los Negocios , to cover the basic requirements for a business start-up. The programs will cover, starting your own business, incorporating legal structure into your Strategic Business Plan, Access to Capital and your Marketing toolbox. The programs will be taught by a bilingual experts and light breakfast will be provided by Mambos Cuban Café . Come join us and learn together to help you continue on your path to success.
We have also started to prepare for the Achieving the Dream Gala to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month. On October 11th, the event will be hosted at the TIAA Bank Field in partnership with the Jacksonville Jaguars as our Presenting sponsor. Ramiro Cavazos , President and CEO of the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce will be our keynote speaker. We will also have Lorena Inclan , Investigative reporter and Anchor from Action News as our emcee.
Visit our website to learn more on our sponsorship packages and tickets. If you’re interested in attending, purchase your sponsorship or tickets soon, this year, all of our events have sold out. Secure your spot soon, this event, you do not want to miss!


Monica Hernandez, MBA
FCHCC President
Saludos a todos!

¡Es increíble que ya estamos a mediados del 2019! Este año hasta ahora ha estado lleno de grandes eventos, asistencia y lo más importante, sigo viendo el apoyo de USTEDES, nuestros miembros.
Los Premios a la Excelencia en los Negocios mostraron lo importante que es que sigamos celebrando y reconociendo a nuestros dueños de negocios por su trabajo y compromiso en sus carreras y la comunidad. Gracias nuevamente a nuestros patrocinadores, y al PGA Tour por ser el patrocinador principal, el Presidente Scott Wilson , el Concejal Bowman , el Dr. Moreland y el Sr. Hightower por su asistencia. Si no pudiste estar presente, visita nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre cada uno de los ganadores y ver fotos del evento. Nuevamente, felicidades a todos los ganadores, ¡me llena de orgullo y alegría seguir viendo su éxito! (Los ganadores anunciados a continuación!)
¿Qué es lo siguiente? Bueno, todavía tenemos medio año lleno de eventos e informacion para presentarles. En asociación con SBDC , FCHCC tendrá una serie de talleres, Acelerando el Exito Latino en los Negocios , para cubrir los requisitos básicos para la creación de un negocio. Los programas cubrirán, comenzando su propio negocio, incorporando estructura legal en su Plan Estratégico de Negocio, Acceso al Capital y su caja de herramientas de Marketing. Los programas serán impartidos por expertos bilingües y Mambos Cuban Café brindará un desayuno ligero. Únase a nosotros y aprenda como podemos ayudarlo a continuar en su camino hacia el éxito.
También hemos comenzado a prepararnos para la Gala Achieving the Dream para celebrar el mes de la Herencia Hispana. El 11 de Octubre, el evento se realizará en el TIAA Bank Field en asociación con los Jacksonville Jaguars como nuestro patrocinador principal. Ramiro Cavazos , Presidente y CEO de la Cámara de Comercio Hispana de los Estados Unidos será nuestro orador principal. También tendremos a Lorena Inclan , reportera de investigación y presentadora de Action News como nuestra maestra de ceremonias.
Visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información sobre nuestros paquetes y entradas de patrocinio. Si está interesado en asistir, compre su patrocinio o boletos pronto, este año, todos nuestros eventos se han agotado. Asegura tu lugar pronto, este evento, no te lo puedes perder!

S inceramente ,

Monica Hernandez, MBA
FCHCC President
Stay connected with FCHCC!
You can also follow us on our website:
Instagram: FCHCCFlorida 
FCHCC Congratulates the 2019 Excellence in Business Awards Winners

The event was a HUGE success! We appreciate our Presenting Sponsor: The PGA Tour at TPC Sawgrass and Special speaker, Ryan Hart.

Thank you to Guest speaker, Augusto Sanabria, President and CEO of Prospera, for delivering an impactful and motivating message. And, a big thank you to our sponsors: Arlington Toyota (Silver Sponsor), Florida Blue, Luis Vienrich Allstate Insurance, EMED Multispecialty Group, Rebecca Black Immigration Law (Bronze Sponsors), C. Vargas & Associates, Vystar Credit Union (Table Sponsors), DEX Imaging and Decofruit (In-kind sponsors) . And, thank you goes to  Lorena Inclan with Action News JAX who emceed the event. Finally, we applaud all our volunteer workers who helped make this awards ceremony so successful! Below are some of the highlights!
View the entire Photo Gallery on our website !
Monday Editorial: Local Hispanic chamber recognizes top business figures
Read the full article in the
Florida Times-Union here !
Monica Hernandez, FCHCC President, on Action News JAX
FCHCC President,  Monica Hernandez  sat down with Reporter,  Lorena Inclán of Action News JAX  to talk about Hispanics in Jacksonville and the FCHCC chamber. Click here to watch the full video!

Thank you New and Renewing Members
We could not achieve our mission without our members. THANK YOU very much for your partnership!

Members that joined or renewed in July 2019:

Large Corporation 1
PGA Tour, Inc.

Small Business 1
Clelia's Party Dresses, LLC
JB Investment
Jevco Group, LLC

Non-Profit 2
Feeding Northeast Florida (FNEFL)

Non-Profit 1
Peruvian American Association

Individual Members
Isaac Amaya
FCHCC congratulates this year's winners of the 2019 Achieving the Dream Scholarship Awards! We will be recognizing these students on October 11th at the Hispanic Heritage Gala & ATD Awards (see below for details) .

These applicants undergo a rigorous process handled by a committee of community leaders determined to award the 10 scholarships to outstanding, qualified Hispanic students of Northeast Florida. We are proud of all our applicants!
  • Anthony Kerr, University of Central Florida, Major: Health Sciences
  • Ashlie Malone, Harvard University, Major: Molecular And Cellular Biology
  • Jessica Perez-Garcia, Florida State University, Major: Biological Sciences
  • Katherine Rodriguez, Ohio State University, Major: Biology/Pre-Medicine
  • Linda Echt, Florida State College at Jacksonville, Major: Human Services
  • Luis Trejo, Duke University, Major: Civil Engineering
  • Magyanis Ruiz, Jacksonville University, Major: Mathematics
  • Nicholas Leonard, University of North Florida, Major: International Business
  • Nicole Nuñez, University of South Florida, Major: Biology
  • Romina Rojas Correa, University of North Florida, Major: Biology
Guest Speaker:  
Ramiro Cavazos , President/CEO
United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

Lorena Inclan , Anchor and Investigative Reporter
Action News JAX

 This is an event you won't want to miss!
Awards and Recognition
Maribel Hernandez Receives Toastmasters International Recognition
FCHCC congratulates Maribel Hernandez, First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club President, for Outstanding Accomplishment and Leadership Excellence in the Pursuit of Toastmasters International's Mission.

The First Coast Multilingual Toastmasters Club provides a 
friendly, fun and supportive environment where members 
that speak English as their first or second language have an
opportunity to grow as speakers and leaders.

Check out the flyer below for more information about the club!
First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club meets August 13th & 27th
The club meets on the  2nd and  4th Tuesday  at  7 PM (please arrive by 6:45 PM)   at the Southeast Branch Library  near Town Center.  Guests are welcomed!

For more information, email:
August Member Spotlight:
 Clelia Peters, Clelia's Party Dresses
Clelia spent many years as a social event and wedding planner at a prominent hotel in Boston and has more than 30 years of fashion experience. Looking at all the beautiful gowns, she knew what she really wanted to do.

In 2014, she opened her own retail store Clelia’s Party Dresses in Saint Johns. Two years ago, she moved to the Saint Johns Town Center at 4818 River City Drive, Suite 105. This beautiful store offers a stunning variety of dresses and also carries shoes, jewelry, and handbags making it a one stop shop for gala, quinceañeras, wedding or prom needs. Clelia has a reputable relationship with designers and personally selects styles from around the world to ensure her customers find their dream dress at an affordable price.

Clelia offers a unique registration service for your dress/event so another customer won’t purchase the same dress for the event. She also takes appointments to dedicate personal attention to customers and their needs. 

Clelia is a successful business owner and a caring person who wants every lady to walk away from her store experience knowing she will look and feel spectacular at her event and also with a new fashionable friend. Visit her website at:
Can one girl in a small town, an architect in a major city, and a
suburban high school coach shape the future of the United
States? Yes, they can. Because every ten years, the census gives us that power. You can shape your future by responding to the 2020 Census!

Watch this video, " Shape Your Future: The 2020 Census "
The #USHCCPitchYourBiz   contest provides small Hispanic-owned businesses with the opportunity to get the full experience of their National Convention – the largest gathering of Hispanic businesses in the United States! Three winners will receive an expense paid trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico thanks to sponsors: American Airlines, Hilton and Lyft, Inc., with an almost free, expense paid trip!, (the winners’ flights, stay and on-site transportation will be covered.) The deadline to apply is August 30th, 2019. For more information, send an email to Fernando Meersohn, Manager of Corporate Affairs,
Do you shop on Amazon? You can choose to support FCHCC as you shop! Donations made through your purchases will go to benefit our Achieving the Dream Scholarship Program.
Job Listings at Florida Blue
Check out current positions at Florida Blue on our Jobs Board! Browse listings!
Our Jobs board is the perfect place to come to see new jobs or submit a job posting! Click here to learn more!
Looking for upcoming workshops, webinars or events? Check out our web calendar!
Renew your Membership

Renew your membership easily on our website, click here . To join FCHCC, click here . We also accept checks and/or money orders. Make checks payable to:

First Coast Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 57972
Jacksonville, FL 32241
Be a Member Spotlight!

We love to share stories about our active members and it's very easy to submit your article and photo to us!

Get more information about submitting your article on our website here!
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FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!
Monica Hernandez
Kim McDougal
Director of Interactive Communications,
Creative Director