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President's Message
Dear Chamber Members and Supporters:

Hope everyone had a great start to the year! At FCHCC, we have been very busy creating and scheduling programs and events to bring to YOU, our members and the community in 2019. We have a year filled with surprises!

We have begun the planning for the Hispanic Heritage Gala and ATD Awards and have confirmed as our keynote speaker,
Ramiro Cavazos , President and Chief Executive Officer of the
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) . Mr. Cavazos represents America’s largest Hispanic business organizations representing over 4.5 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the U.S. We are honored to him join us on October 11th as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and our scholarship recipients. 

Moreover, the applications for the Achieving the Dream Scholarships is now open and we will continue to accept applications until March 24th . I would also like to give a shout-out "Thank You" to the Valeria Kerr, ATD Committee Chair and Angela Merritt , Vice-Chair and ATD Gala Chair, who continue to work hard promoting and improving this program. Please help us spread the word about the ATD Scholarship Program with your colleagues!
It is a wonderful opportunity to help our students continue their educational endeavors and achieve their dreams!
Lastly, FCHCC has partnered with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to bring our small business and future business owners the tools and information needed to succeed. We will provide additional details in the next couple of weeks as we finalize the program. The SBDC Center at the University of North Florida offers entrepreneurs access to educational materials to help small business owners be successful. Thank you to Janice Donaldson , Regional Director and Marice Hague , Marketing Director at SBDC for their continuous support in of our small business owners. 

We look forward to seeing you at our next networking event on February 19th at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront!

Monica Hernandez, MBA
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January Networking Event &
Business Workshop Photos
Thank you to everyone who came out and joined us!

Visit our Photostream
to see all our photos!

Thank you New and Renewing Members
We could not achieve our mission without our members. THANK YOU very much for your partnership!

Members that joined or renewed in January:

Large Corporation 1
AT&T Services, Inc. Florida
Jacksonville Electric Authority (JEA)
Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Small Business 1
Brunet-Garcia Advertising
EMED Multispecialty Group
PR Latin America, Inc.
Luis Vienrich Allstate Insurance Agency
PQH Group, Inc.

Non-Profit 1
First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club
Jacksonville Public Education Fund

Individual Members
Lionel Perez
Calendar of Events
Apply NOW for the 2019 Achieving the Dream Scholarship
We are awarding ten (10) $2,000 scholarships to deserving Hispanic students. The deadline to apply is March 24, 2019. We will celebrate the winners at our annual Hispanic Heritage Gala and ATD Awards ceremony in the Fall. Click the flyer below to apply! Share this opportunity with anyone who can benefit!
Join the First Coast Multilingual Toastmasters Club Tonight!
If English is your second language and you want to improve your speaking skills, come check us out and see if Toastmasters can help you improve your communication and leadership skills.

The club meets on the  2nd and  4th Tuesday  at  7 PM (please arrive by 6:45 PM)  at the Southeast Branch Library  near Town Center.  Guests are welcomed! The next meeting date will be February 26th.

Contact Club President, Maribel Hernandez, for more information at: or visit their website at: .
Member Spotlight
Joshua is a senior partner at Brennan Manna Diamond . His practice is focused on complex business litigation, labor & employment law, property disputes, trust litigation and government affairs Joshua is very experienced as lead trial counsel in state and federal courts in Florida. He has also represented multiple clients in arbitration proceedings.

In addition to his litigation practice, Joshua routinely advises clients on labor and employment issues, including discipline and discharge, employment policies and procedures, investigations of employee misconduct, privacy issues, wages and hours, maintenance of business records, and protecting confidential business information. He also drafts and reviews employment agreements, non-compete agreements, severance agreements, independent contractor agreements and other business contracts.

Joshua also assists domestic clients seeking to do business in Latin America and foreign clients seeking to establish a U.S. presence through BMD’s Latin America & Caribbean Practice Group. Born and raised in Latin America, Joshua (Josué) is fluent in Spanish and has the cultural knowledge to assist our Latin American clients.

Joshua graduated number one in his law school class (#1 of 317). During law school, Joshua worked for the Florida Supreme Court as an Extern for the then Chief Justice, Barbara J. Pariente. In achieving his class rank, Joshua was an active member of the Law Review and received a total of nine Book Awards. 

Brennan Manna Diamond is located at: 800 West Monroe Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. Contact Joshua at (904) 366-1500 or by email at : .  

Courts & Bar Associations
  • Federal District Court, Middle District of Florida
  • Federal District Court, Southern District of Florida
  • United States Supreme Court of Appeals, Eleventh Circuit
  • Florida Bar Association
  • Jacksonville Bar Association
  • Hispanic Bar Association 

Florida Coastal School of Law, J.D.
University of California, B.A., Psychology, cum laude

Visit their website at .
Beaches Behavioral Medicine has job openings for a Certified Medical Assistant (2 full time positions available). Great benefits!
To apply, click here !


MOSH has a new job opening for an Environmental Services Technician (Part Time nights and weekends)! Click here to apply!
Our Jobs board is the perfect place to come to see new jobs or submit a job posting! Click here to learn more!
Looking for upcoming workshops, webinars or events? Check out our web calendar!
In Other News
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Renew your Membership

Renew your membership easily on our website, click here . To join FCHCC, click here . We also accept checks and/or money orders. Make checks payable to:

First Coast Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 57972
Jacksonville, FL 32241
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We love to share stories about our active members and it's very easy to submit your article and photo to us!

Get more information about submitting your article on our website here!
FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!