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President/Chairman's Message
Feliz Año!

It is with profound honor that I’m able to serve as the President of the First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Together with Jose Paredes , Chairman and the Board of Directors , we will continue to help and be resource to you, our members, and the Hispanic Community at large.
During the past 12 weeks, the board and executive committee reviewed and revised the bylaws and reinstated the committees which will spearhead different initiatives, in turn, it will allow the chamber to continue to grow and reach the community. In addition, in 2019, the Chamber will host small workshops to provide our members additional skills needed to drive their businesses.

We have added and will continue to add educational material in our new members site which all of you, as members, will have access to. As a result, our membership will grow as we further innovate the tools, benefits and added value from FCHCC.

We have started the year with two great events on the calendar. On January 24th, we will have our first professional networking event and on January 29th, we will have our first workshop to review and discuss: " What’s New in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act " and how it can impact you and your business. 
In closing, I’d like to welcome our new board for 2019. These professionals have been and will continue to be dedicated to represent, support and promote you as members, to the highest standard. 
Jose Paredes , Chairman
Angela Merritt , Vice Chair
Sally Reyes , Treasurer
David Manjarres , Secretary

Chad Dominicis , Director
Jorge Lopez , Director
Sandy Martin , Director
Gaby Perez-Pirella , Director
Jaime Avila , Mentorship Program
Our commitment to our members will continue to be our priority. There’s more power in numbers as we work together to make a difference in the business community. 
Thank you for your continuous support to FCHCC and I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming event!
Monica Hernandez, MBA President
Jose Paredes, Pastor
Chairman of the Board
Stay up to date with FCHCC!
You can also follow us on our website:
Instagram: FCHCCFlorida 
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Thank you New and Renewing Members
We could not achieve our mission without our members. THANK YOU very much for your partnership!

Members that joined or renewed in December:

Small Business 1
North Florida Transportation Planning Organization (NFTPO)
TD Bank

Individual Members
Sheila Trujillo

Student Members
Octavio Santos
Calendar of Events
We have Not 1, but 2
January Events!
Click the flyers below to register!
Make Plans to Attend our FIRST Professional Networking Event of the Year!
Sponsored by: Carmen Suarez, KB Home
Click the flyer below to register!
FCHCC's Achieving the Dream Scholarship in Hola News
Thank you to Hola News for featuring in their issue about our ATD Scholarship Program. Entering 2019, FCHCC began the year by opening the ATD application process. You can help us promote our scholarship by sharing with other students that may benefit from it.  To learn more about ATD, click here .

FCHCC is excited for a great 2019 ahead, keep checking our social media and our website to stay up to date as new initiatives are posted! Click here to read the full article in Hola News and check the flyer below for how to apply.
Apply NOW for the 2019 Achieving the Dream Scholarship
This year we've opened our Achieving the Dream Scholarship Application period early! And we are again awarding ten (10) $2,000 scholarships to deserving Hispanic students. The deadline to apply is March 24, 2019. We will celebrate the winners at our annual Hispanic Heritage Gala and ATD Awards ceremony in the Fall. Click the flyer below to apply!
Join the First Coast Multilingual Toastmasters Club Meets Tonight!
If English is your second language and you want to improve your speaking skills, come check us out and see if Toastmasters can help you improve your communication and leadership skills.

The club meets on the  2nd and  4th Tuesday  at  7 PM (please arrive by 6:45 PM)  at the Southeast Branch Library  near Town Center.  Guests are welcomed!  Our next January meeting date is January 22nd.

Contact Club President, Maribel Hernandez, for more information at: or visit their website at:
Our Jobs board is the perfect place to come to see new jobs or submit a job posting! Click here to learn more!
Looking for upcoming workshops, webinars or events? Check out our web calendar!
In Other News
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Renew your Membership

Renew your membership easily on our website, click here . To join FCHCC, click here . We also accept checks and/or money orders. Make checks payable to:

First Coast Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 57972
Jacksonville, FL 32241
Be a Member Spotlight!

We love to share stories about our active members and it's very easy to submit your article and photo to us!

Get more information about submitting your article on our website here!
FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!