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Hello all! Check out all what's going on at FCHCC in this May 2019 issue!
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Nominations Open for the 2019 Excellence in Business Awards
FCHCC is proud to recognize our Hispanic business owners and leaders for all their work, dedication and commitment. This year, FCHCC host and celebrate those business owners and leaders who continue to go above and beyond to succeed at what they do.  Deadline to send in your nominations is July 15th.

Visit our  website to submit your nominations! We want the opportunity to recognize YOU for all your hard work. Prizes will be awarded to nine (9) different winners, so don’t let this opportunity pass you by!
Take our Survey

How are we doing? We welcome your feedback! Please take a minute to answer a few questions as we want to improve our networking events to better serve you!
Click here to go to the Survey!
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FCHCC Workshop at
Northwestern Mutual
It was a great event on May 2nd in partnership with  Steve Strum of Northwestern Mutual with Special guest, William Kock .

Visit our Photostream
to see more photos!

Thank you New and Renewing Members
We could not achieve our mission without our members. THANK YOU very much for your partnership!

Members that joined or renewed recently:

Strategic Partner
Florida Blue

Small Business 2
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network

Small Business 1
Decons Energy, LLC
DEX Imaging
Miranda Contracting, Inc.
Point Seven Seas Acupuncture Wellness Center, LLC
Rebecca Black Immigration
Reyes Legal PLLC
Veronica Garcia-Brown, CPA

Non-Profit 3
Vystar Credit Union

Non-Profit 2
Jacksonville University

Individual Members
Paul Trinidad
Upcoming Events
Join FCHCC for our next event!

Date: May 23, 2019
7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
RSVP by May 17th!

The goal is this event is to bring corporations, small businesses, government agencies, non-profit organizations, entrepreneurs and business and community leaders to learn about the programs and initiatives that can help them to achieve their goals. 
Location: Florida Blue Deerwood Campus
4800 Deerwood Campus Pkwy.
Jacksonville, FL 32246

Cost: $10 FCHCC Members / $20 Non-members & Guests
Continental breakfast will be served!
Kristi Aiello
Regional Director of Business Development
Florida Blue
Gilbert Colón
Deputy District Director
SBA North Florida District Office
Aaron Bowman
Senior VP, Business Development
JAXUSA Partnership
Presenters: Victor Cora , U.S. Census
Moderator : Betzy Santiago
2019 Hispanic Heritage Gala & ATD Awards
2019 Hispanic Heritage & Achieving the Dream Scholarship Awards Gala

Friday, October 11, 2019

Guest Speaker:  
Ramiro Cavazos , President/CEO
United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

We will be awarding 10 scholarships to our deserving Hispanic students this year.  This is an event you will not want to miss!   We are currently working out the final details and will announce the venue in our April newsletter!
May 2019 Member Spotlight
Maribel Hernandez, MBA, ACG ~ President
First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club
Maribel Hernandez  relocated to Jacksonville in 1989 from the New York/New Jersey area with her husband, Mike, who served in the U.S. Navy. They recently celebrated their 30th anniversary and have two grown children: Mike II and Melanie. Hernandez has over 30 years business experience in local government, corporate and non-profit sectors. She is the Director of Religious Education at  Holy Spirit Catholic Church  under the Diocese of St. Augustine, teaches Spanish to children with  Chamos Language Academy  and owns her own business  CELEBRATE! LLC  where she provides services such event planning, consulting and motivational speaking. 

Hernandez has an MBA from Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Florida and an Associate of Arts from Florida State College . She has been very active in the community for over 20 years having served on several Boards and active with a number of volunteer and professional organizations including past president of the  First Coast Hispanic Chamber of Commerce  as well as past Chairman of the  Jacksonville Urban League  and  PACE Center for Girls . Hernandez currently serves as President of the  Jacksonville Women’s Network  and President and the  First Coast Multilingual Toastmasters .

To learn more about the First Coast Multilingual Toastmasters club, check out the flyer below or  click here !
Meet Up with the First Coast Multilingual Toastmasters Club
If English is your second language and you want to improve your speaking skills, come check us out and see if Toastmasters can help you improve your communication and leadership skills.

The club meets on the  2nd and  4th Tuesday  at  7 PM (please arrive by 6:45 PM)   at the Southeast Branch Library  near Town Center.  Guests are welcomed!

The next meeting date is tomorrow, May 14th! Come learn more about the club!

Contact Club President, Maribel Hernandez, for more information at: or visit their website at: .
Job Listings at Florida Blue
Check out current positions at Florida Blue on our Jobs Board! Browse listings!
Our Jobs board is the perfect place to come to see new jobs or submit a job posting! Click here to learn more!
Looking for upcoming workshops, webinars or events? Check out our web calendar!
In Other News
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Renew your Membership

Renew your membership easily on our website, click here . To join FCHCC, click here . We also accept checks and/or money orders. Make checks payable to:

First Coast Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 57972
Jacksonville, FL 32241
Be a Member Spotlight!

We love to share stories about our active members and it's very easy to submit your article and photo to us!

Get more information about submitting your article on our website here!
FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!
Monica Hernandez
Kim McDougal
Director of Interactive Communications,
Creative Director