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President's Message


I hope everyone remained safe through the storm. Thankfully, we were not impacted as expected, but unfortunately the Bahamas were heavily impacted. We need your help as we collect supplies for them. Please refer to the details below of the items needed and donation centers. Every donation counts.

We will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15th through October 15th. Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to celebrate and recognize the many contributions both economically and culturally, and the extensive histories of the American Latino Community in the United States.

Since 1968, the month has been celebrated through festivals, art shows, conferences, community gatherings and much more. This year is no different. Northeast Florida has a variety of events throughout and I hope to have you join me.

Below are a few interesting facts…

  • Did you know that the term Hispanic refers to a person from or of descent from one of the 21 different countries in Latin America and Spain?
  • Did you know that Florida is one of the 10 states with the population of 1 million or more Hispanic Residents as of 2018? According to the Census, Florida’s Hispanic population is now at 26.1%.
  • According to the USHCC, there are 4.37 million Latino-owned businesses in the US which contribute to more than $700 billion to the economy annually. Latino entrepreneurs are starting companies 50 times faster than any other demographic group according to Forbes press release.
  • Latinos owned 12% of all U.S. enterprises in 2012, with annual revenues of $661 billion, according to a study conducted by the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

So What’s next….

Join us on October 11th, 2019 at TIAA Bank Field from 6 PM – 10 PM. In partnership with the Jacksonville Jaguars as the Presenting Sponsor, we will honor the recipients of this year’s scholarships. We will have Ramiro Cavazos, President and CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber as our keynote speaker, Mark Lamping, President of the Jacksonville Jaguars will deliver the message as the Presenting sponsor and Lorena Inclan, Investigative Reporter and anchor from Action News, as the Master in Ceremony. You can purchase tickets now (see the flyer below under the section "Upcoming Events"). This is an event you can't miss!

FCHCC is also proud to partner with the Hispanic Culture Film Festival (HCFF), that will be hosted on Oct 3rd and Oct 6th. HCFF aims to show, share and provide those in attendance the opportunity to learn the origins of and the differences among the Hispanic community through film, food, wine and art. Click here to learn more!

Thank you for all your continuous support!


Monica Hernandez, MBA
FCHCC President

Espero que todos hayan permanecido seguros durante la tormenta. Afortunadamente, no nos afecto como se esperaba, sin embargo, desafortunadamente, las Bahamas se vieron muy afectadas y necesitamos de su ayuda. Consulte los detalles que se proporcionan a continuación de los artículos necesarios y el centro de recolección.
El 15 de Septiembre es la fecha de inicio, ya que comenzaremos a celebrar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Desde el 15 de Septiembre hasta el 15 de Octubre, cada año es un momento para celebrar y reconocer las numerosas contribuciones tanto económicas como culturales, y las extensas historias de la comunidad latina Estadounidense.
Desde 1968, durante este mes se ha celebrado a través de festivales, exposiciones de arte, conferencias, reuniones comunitarias y mucho más. Este año no es la excepcion, El noreste de Florida tiene una variedad de eventos en todo momento y espero que me pueda acompañar.
A continuación hay algunos datos interesantes ...
  • Sabía que el término Hispano se refiere a una persona de origen o descendiente de uno de los 21 países diferentes de América Latina y España?
  • Sabía que Florida es uno de los 10 estados con una población de 1 millón o más residentes hispanos a partir de 2018? Según el censo, la población hispana de Florida ahora es del 26.1%.
  • Según la USHCC, hay 4.37 millones de negocios propiedad de latinos en los Estados Unidos que contribuyen anualmente a la economía con más de $ 700 mil millones. Los empresarios latinos están iniciando compañías 50 veces más rápido que cualquier otro grupo demográfico, según el comunicado de prensa de Forbes
  • Los latinos ya poseían el 12% de todas las empresas estadounidenses en 2012, con ingresos anuales de $ 661 mil millones, según un estudio realizado por la Stanford Graduate School of Business.
Qué es lo siguiente….
Acompañanos el 11 de Octubre de 2019 en TIAA Bank Field de 6 PM A 10 PM En asociación con los Jacksonville Jaguars como el patrocinador principal, honraremos a los beneficiarios de las becas de este año. Tendremos a Ramiro Cavazos, Presidente y director ejecutivo de la Cámara Hispana de los Estados Unidos como nuestro orador principal, Mark Lamping, Presidente de los Jacksonville Jaguars, presentara el mensaje como patrocinador Principal y Lorena Inclan, reportera investigadora y presentadora de Action News, como Maestra en ceremonia. Puede comprar boletos ahora (consulte el volante a continuación en la sección "Próximos eventos"). ¡este es un evento que no puede perderse!

FCHCC también se enorgullece de asociarse con el Festival de Cine de Cultura Hispana, HCFF, que se realizará el 3 y 6 de Octubre. El objetivo de HCFF es mostrar, compartir y brindar a los asistentes la oportunidad de conocer los orígenes y las diferencias entre la comunidad hispana a través del cine, la comida, el vino y el arte. ¡Clic aquí para saber más!

S inceramente ,

Monica Hernandez, MBA
FCHCC President
Stay connected with FCHCC!
You can also follow us on our website:
Instagram: FCHCCFlorida 
Small Business Series: Acelerando el Éxito Latino en los Negocios Serie de talleres - August 2019
The next class session will be Thursday, September 12th!

Thank you New and Renewing Members
We could not achieve our mission without our members. THANK YOU very much for your partnership!

Members that joined or renewed in August 2019:

Strategic Partner
Que Tal Jacksonville Magazine

Large Corporation 1

Small Business 1
Latin Creations
Point Taken Communications

Non-Profit 2
Keiser University

Non-Profit 1
Alive Credit Union
Home-Call Healthcare
Latin Community Services

Individual Members
Katiria Figueroa
Mark your Calendars! 
On Friday October 11th from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., FCHCC will be hosting our Hispanic Heritage Gala & Achieving the Dream Scholarship Awards sponsored by the Jacksonville Jaguars. This year, we are showing our home team pride with “ A Black & Teal Affair”. 

As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage and our 10 Achieving the Dream Scholarship winners, the Jacksonville Jaguars are celebrating 25 years in Jacksonville. We encourage all attendees to dress in the Jacksonville Jaguars colors of black, teal, and gold for this semi-formal event. The event will be hosted at the home of the Jaguars, TIAA Bank Field, 1 TIAA Bank Field Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32202.

We have Lorena Inclan, Anchor and Investigative Reporter with Action News Jax, as our emcee for the evening. Our guest speaker is Ramiro Cavazos, President/CEO of the United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Mark Lamping, President of the Jacksonville Jaguars will be giving the presenting sponsor message and we will have entertainment by Baba Caiman.

Cocktail reception from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Our program will begin promptly at 7:00 p.m. 

 This is an event you won't want to miss!
Click the flyer below to purchase tickets!
Click here to download our packet!
The Hispanic Culture Film Festival (HCFF) will educate participants about the origins of and differences among the Hispanic community through film, food, wine, art, folklore, dance, music, and discussions, creating a unique “experience” in the first and oldest city in the United States, which was
founded by a Spanish visionary, making it an attractive, event that Saint Augustinians, Floridians, Americans and international visitors will anticipate each year. Watch the video !
Make plans to attend the HCFF Festival coming October 2019!
Click the flyer below for more details!
Awards and Recognition
Vienrich Allstate Insurance
Recognized by JD Power
FCHCC congratulates Vienrich Allstate Insurance for being recognized by JD Power as the #1 in the state of Florida for excellent customer service.

For more information, contact Luis Vienrich !
Attend the First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club Open House: Sept. 10th!
About the First Coast Multicultural Toastmasters Club: The club meets on the  2nd and  4th Tuesday  at  7 PM (please arrive by 6:45 PM)   at the Southeast Branch Library  near Town Center. Guests are welcomed!

For more information, email:
Do you shop on Amazon? You can choose to support FCHCC as you shop! Donations made through your purchases will go to benefit our Achieving the Dream Scholarship Program.
Job Listings at Florida Blue
Check out current positions at Florida Blue on our Jobs Board! Browse listings!
Our Jobs board is the perfect place to come to see new jobs or submit a job posting! Click here to learn more!
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Renew your Membership

Renew your membership easily on our website, click here . To join FCHCC, click here . We also accept checks and/or money orders. Make checks payable to:

First Coast Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 57972
Jacksonville, FL 32241
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FCHCC Partners
The FCHCC recognizes the leadership and support of these leading organizations!
Monica Hernandez
Kim McDougal
Director of Interactive Communications,
Creative Director