June 2023 Conference eCommunication

Keynote Speaker Announcement

Dr. Denise Campbell-Sherer is a Professor of Family Medicine and the Associate Dean in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta. Her portfolio includes the Office of Lifelong Learning and the Physician Learning Program, which she co-leads with Dr. Thomas Raedler from the University of Calgary. Her research is on evidence-based health care with a focus on how to translate evidence to advance clinical care using complexity and implementation science.

Her 5As Team research group has focused on advancing primary care for people living with obesity. She served on the Executive Committee for the Canadian Obesity Guidelines and her Illuminate Lab focuses on innovative applications of sensemaking methodologies for complexity, with the receipt of the 2022 Outstanding Research Paper Award for the College of Family Physicians of Canada.

What you need to know about the

Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines

An overview of this patient-centred framework

for healthcare professionals, patients, and policy makers.

The international lymphedema community agrees that there is a close biological relationship between fat and lymphatics. In what has been described as a “vicious cycle,” we know that elevated weight can impair lymphatic function, and that impaired lymphatic function can lead to fat deposition. Our standard treatments for lymphedema address fluid but do not reduce fat, yet weight loss is a critical component of successful lymphedema management for many patients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify obesity as a chronic disease.
  2. Discuss changes to and key recommendations outlined in the comprehensive 2020 Canadian Adult Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines.
  3. Determine a patient’s obesity class and stage and describe how to do a root cause assessment.
  4. Explain how the “5A’s of obesity management” can be used to facilitate collaborative conversations around weight management between patients and clinicians.

The 5As Team approach to holistic obesity assessment and management

A 90-minute workshop for health professionals

Health care professionals: don't miss this interactive workshop designed to introduce lymphedema clinicians to the “5AsT toolkit” and equip you with the tools to support patients whose lymphedema is related to or impacted by elevated weight.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Support patients to understand how comorbidities and personal context are related to obesity management.
  2. Use the 5As Team approach to conduct clinical encounters for obesity management with patients that result in deep understanding of their unique situation and value-based goals.
  3. Use the 5As Team approach to work collaboratively with patients to develop a personalized care plan that aligns with the patient’s value-based goals.


The Scientific Committee of the Canadian Lymphedema Framework (CLF) invites abstract submissions for presentation at the 2023 National Lymphedema Conference being held November 3-4, 2023, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Important Dates:

Deadline for submissions: 

Friday, June 30, 2023

Decisions communicated by:

Friday, August 4, 2023

Presenters must register by: 

Friday, August 25, 2023*

Word count: 300-word limit

Click here to download Abstract Submission Guidelines.



Register now to take advantage of Early Bird Registration Rates.

Professionals: $369 | Patients: $169

Our Organizing and Scientific Committees are developing a rich conference program full of speakers, sessions, and workshops that you won’t want to miss. Throughout the summer, we will keep you informed as the Program develops.

Regular rates come into effect July 1.

Professionals: $399 | Patients: $199

All prices shown are Canadian Dollars.

No sales taxes apply.

Did you already register or submit an abstract? BOOK YOUR HOTEL ROOM NOW!

We are pleased to partner with the Toronto Airport Marriott Hotel to host the 2023 National Lymphedema Conference.

Our hotel room block is filling up fast and limited rooms are available. If you would like to attend the conference, please book your hotel room as soon as possible to secure the accommodations that you will need.

REGISTER NOW: Wounds Canada 2023 National Conference

Knowledge and Innovation to Drive Change

September 28-30, 2023 | Niagara Falls, ON

Early Bird Registration is on now until June 30th. Don't miss out on this opportunity to attend in-person, or virtually, Canada's largest wound care conference which features an eminent faculty presenting the latest updates, innovations, and research findings to advance your wound care learning. Network with other healthcare professionals, researchers, policy makers and industry members who are also passionate about wound care! Stop by to say hello - the CLF will be in the Exhibit Area at the conference.

Join us in Niagara Falls! To review the agenda and register for the early bird registration, go to: https://www.woundscanada2023.ca/

Can you help? Seeking respondents for online survey of those with or at risk to develop breast cancer related lymphedema

A team of healthcare providers, researchers, and guideline experts from across Canada are working together to update the Canadian Clinical Practice Guideline for Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema. This survey is Canada-wide involving individuals who have, or are at risk of developing lymphedema after treatment for their breast cancer.


The survey is being conducted online and will consist of a series of questions asking about your experiences at different phases of your breast cancer treatment. The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete, and is anonymous.

The survey will remain open until June 30, 2023

Learn more about the survey and read the official invitation here.

Meet Our Sponsors

The Canadian Lymphedema Framework gratefully acknowledges the participation of these companies whose support makes our 2023 National Lymphedema Conference possible.

You will have the chance to thank them in person and learn about their products and services by visiting with them in the Exhibit Hall during the conference.

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