Bishop Peggy Johnson and the Eastern PA Conference Cabinet will lead conference churches and members in a mid-Holy Week online worship service on Wednesday, April 8, at 11:30 AM. The service should last about 45 minutes.
Cabinet members offer this invitation to everyone:
We hope you will join us for this unique, virtual experience. Friends and families are welcome. Together, we will pause in the midst of Holy Week to remember Jesus' walk to the cross amid those who likely understood what God was doing and those who did not.
We will pray together and remember our connection as sisters and brothers in Christ.
You can join us via computer, tablet, smartphone or landline with the Zoom video-conferencing link below. We can host up to 1,000 people for this mid-week service.
We hope you will join us in celebrating the Christ,
who is the balm in Gilead and will not leave or forsake us.
Topic: Holy Week Worship
Day/Time: Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020
11:30 AM Eastern Time
(Length: about 45 minutes.)
Meeting ID: 766 144 817
Telephone participants in the Eastern PA region should use: +1 646 558 8656
The Cabinet plans to record the worship service for later viewing also.