Confirmation Prep News
SEPTEMBER 30, 2022
White crosses will be placed around the church campus for the next week for the start of Respect Life Month.

Please read Father Brad's letter regarding the crosses here. The Joliet Diocesan Life Office provides additional information here.

Thank you to the students who helped clean and prepare the crosses for this impactful display.

In past years, the Confirmation students have participated in “Harvest Sunday” a Naperville-wide food collection, collecting up to 7 TONS of food for West Suburban Community Pantry and becoming their biggest single donor each year. Due to the pandemic, we have not run this food drive since October 2019. Dwindling numbers of students are making our previous means of collection impractical. However, the need for food assistance in our communities is greater than ever.

The parish is holding a Service Day on Saturday, October 22, 2023. Each Confirmation II student is asked/required to donate a minimum of 5 bags of food on that day. Students are encouraged to collect donations from neighbors and friends, or they are welcome to make the donation entirely on their own. (For each extra 5 bags donated, the student will receive an additional hour of service credit.)

Service Day will run from about 8:30 AM until approximately 3:00 in the afternoon. Donations can be dropped off any time during that day. All those volunteering at Service Day will be encouraged to drop off donations as well.

Confirmation 1 students are not required to donate food, but those wishing to participate will receive one hour’s service credit for a 5-bag donation. 

This was our first week for handing out homework. If your student was absent or misplaced the sheet, copies can be downloaded here or through the link below. Please make sure your student completes the homework and returns it next week to class.
Students should come prepared for class with their textbook and Bible. If your student needs a New American Bible, it can be purchased through the RE Office for $10.
All completed Confirmation paperwork is due to the RE office no later than Friday, November 18th, 2022.
Remind your children to cross only at the crosswalk with the crossing guard. And parents, please SLOW DOWN and pay extra attention as you arrive at and leave.