Confirmation Lesson Tomorrow
November 16th at 3:30pm in Church Hall
We haven't had enough host families come forward so we'll keep meeting in large group.

If you do want the kids to have small groups, please contact me so I can get those organized.
Christmas Sharing
All Teens Needed to Volunteer
Card Distribution Starts This Week!
About 140 families will have food and gifts at Christmas through Christmas Sharing
The Confirmation Teens are the ones who make this ministry happen.
Confirmation Retreat
January 18-19
Teens Sleep at Home Sat Night
Tentative Schedule
Saturday, January 18th, Mass & evening programming at Saint Bridget (5-9pm)
Sunday, January 19th, Retreat Day at Roslyn Retreat Center (9am-4pm)
Families are encouraged to attend Mass on Saturday evening with their teens.