Conflict Management Series

offered in person at Boise State University

Exact building and room details will be sent in the confirmation email prior to the course

Conflict Management

Thu., Aug. 29, 2024, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Learn How to Take a Bite Out of Conflict

Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Learn how to leverage conflict so you can realize its benefits and potential for growth

Many of us have been conditioned to avoid conflict at all costs. Seldom do we learn to embrace conflict and the tools that make it manageable. This course will teach you the latest information and easy to implement techniques from the field of conflict resolution

You will Learn:

  • Causes of conflict
  • Listening techniques you have not likely considered
  • Understanding the difference between positions and interests
  • Balancing power
  • Embracing change
  • An introduction to our brains on conflict
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Neuroscience of Conflict Management

Thu., Sep. 12, 2024, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

Learn the latest brain science to help resolve conflict faster and prevent its frequency.

Learn the latest brain science to help resolve conflict faster and prevent its frequency. Conflict is unavoidable and neuroscience helps us leverage our brain power so we can best communicate during crucial conversations and times of stress.

This course explores the communication process from the perspective of how one’s brain manages information and reacts to stress with particular emphasis on conflict. Brain functions will be explored in bite-size pieces that will teach participants what occurs unconsciously and automatically during conflict and how to positively work with that knowledge.

You will Learn:

  • Microexpressions and non-verbal communication
  • Basic brain functions
  • Neuroscience techniques that improve conflict management and communication
  • How to begin crucial conversations and set the stage for success
  • Compassionate communication
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Nonverbal Communication

Mon., Nov. 18, 2024, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.

Learn to identify and utilize nonverbal communication in specific ways that will help resolve conflicts more effectively.

Conflict is unavoidable and a solid understanding of nonverbal communication is a key advantage that produces more effective results with others during crucial conversations and challenging times.

This workshop explores the communication process from the perspective of how information is conveyed using micro-expressions and other nonverbal communication with particular emphasis on conflict. Statistically, only a meager 7% of communication is related to the specific words spoken. We will explore nonverbal communication in bite-size pieces so participants end the day having learned specific techniques to interpret and utilize the remaining 93% and positively work with that knowledge.

You will Learn:

  • Microexpressions and facial expressions
  • Basic brain functions and how they relate to non-verbal communication
  • Eye contact, kinesics, posture, para-language, and physiological aspects of communication
  • How to utilize nonverbal communication to minimize conflict and stress
  • Compassionate communication

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