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Thank you to everyone who made it out to our Annual Holiday Party last Saturday. It was our first chance in 3 years to celebrate the holidays together as a team, and it was great to see everyone enjoying themselves.
Congratulations to our Award Recipients!
This was a big year for employee recognition, so it was fitting that we were able to be together in person to celebrate so many milestones!
Years of Service Award Recipients
Charlie Wadleigh - 25 Years
15 Years of Service
William Dexter
Zachary Thompson
John Wallek
10 Years of Service
Jeffrey Chase
Eric Schubert
Robert Towle
5 Years of Service
Peter Ancelli
Norman Arnold
Leif Bancroft
Robert Baptie
Jackson Bouchard
Daniel Caputo
Timothy Conway
Edward Gibson
William Grant
Martin Hannan
Charlene Hibbard
Philip Ketchen
Benjamin Layden
Jennifer Powers
Blake Quillia
Stephen Redin
Paul Ricard
Matthew Sawtelle
Employee Choice Award Recipients
Employee of the Year
Manager of the Year
Shout-out to our Runners-Up!
Safety Topic: Holiday Travel
This week there will be an increased number of people on the road traveling for the holidays. This includes people out of their home state driving on unfamiliar roads that could possibly be covered with snow. These drivers may not be familiar with traffic patterns, turning lanes, speed limits, and stop/yield signs.

People often rely on GPS when traveling out of state, which requires them to take their eyes off the road, leading to potential collisions. Make sure that you stay aware of the other drivers on the road and be ready for them to possibly pull out in front of you, even when they do not have the right of way

As the temperatures increase and decrease throughout the day, there is a greater possibility of black ice forming. Many drivers do not account for these conditions. Give yourself plenty of time to get where you need to go. Increased traffic and aggressive driving is also more likely this time of year.

Lastly, there are many more people who drive impaired around the holidays, and this could be at any point in the day. Whether someone is driving hungover or immediately after consuming alcohol, their reaction time can be reduced. Pay attention, be safe and responsible, and have a happy holiday.
Can you answer this week's holiday edition quiz?
Including Rudolph, how many reindeer guided Santa's sleigh?
Last Week's Safety Quiz Winner
Mark Dailey, winner of the 12/1/22 Safety Quiz, receives his Dunkin' gift card
Jobsite Photos
Velco Middlebury Contaminated Soil Project
Removing pcb-contaminated soil and loading it in trucks to be hauled to US ecology landfill in Michigan.
Photos by Brian Rossier
340 Line in Windham, VT
Cutting soft wood trees in knee-high snow.
Photos by Justin Brown
Send Us Your Jobsite Photos!
Click below to see what you missed:
New Project, Danger Trees & Congrats, Greg!
Casella Construction Awarded Best Builder & Congrats, Joe!
Project Praise & Congrats, James!
Casella Construction, Inc.
Phone (802) 773-0052
Fax (802) 747-7992