November 3, 2022 - v. 2, number 11
24 Communities Achieve Prestigious Sustainable CT Certification for 2022
Five Towns Honored as Climate Leaders
Sustainable CT announced an impressive list of 2022 certified communities and an inaugural cohort of Climate Leaders this week.
Twenty-four municipalities earned 2022 Sustainable CT certification. The following towns met high standards in a broad range of sustainability accomplishments to qualify for bronze-level certification: Ashford, Cheshire, Deep River, East Haddam, East Lyme, Goshen, Lyme, New London, Rocky Hill, Southbury, Stonington, Torrington, Waterford, West Haven, and Windsor. Towns that achieved silver-level certification, the highest level of certification currently offered by Sustainable CT, are Coventry, Darien, Essex, Guilford, Manchester, Mansfield, New Haven, Vernon, and Wilton.
In addition, Sustainable CT awarded its first-ever Climate Leader designations this fall. The program was piloted in 2022 to support the acceleration of municipal actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the changing climate. Through successful implementation of multiple climate actions, five towns earned distinction as the first cohort of Sustainable CT Climate Leaders: Fairfield, Glastonbury, New Britain, Stratford, and West Hartford.
All 2022 certified communities and Climate Leader award recipients will be recognized this year at Sustainable CT’s Awards Celebration being held at the West Hartford Town Hall on Monday, November 14, from 3–6 p.m.
Yale Clean Energy Conference
Join intelligent and inquisitive minds from across the world to examine justice, finance, technology, policy, and careers in the clean energy field. Form connections and foster a broader, more informed, and more engaged community of clean energy leaders. This is an in-person event: Yale School of the Environment, 195 Prospect St., New Haven; November 3, 4:30-7 p.m., and November 4, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
YCCCH Seminar Series: Addressing the Climate Crisis through Carbon Emissions Reduction Policy
Join the YCCCH Climate Change and Health Seminar Series as they welcome Dr. Rebecca French, Director of the Office of Climate Planning, Office of the Commissioner, Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. As the first director of the new Office of Climate Planning, Dr. French advises the Commissioner of DEEP on mitigation, adaptation and resilience plans across all divisions of the agency. Her first charge is to administer the Governor’s Council on Climate Change. Webinar: November 7, noon - 1 p.m.
CPES: The Future of the Energy Economy
The Connecticut Power & Energy Society (CPES) 2022 Fall Conference, “The Future of the Energy Economy,” will spotlight the drivers of economic and workforce development within the energy industry. Panel discussions will highlight offshore wind, Connecticut’s hydrogen economy and deployment of new technologies, workforce development, and more. Including a live recording of The IMPACT podcast with top regional energy reporters! Virtual or in-person: Wednesday, November 9, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
CMSC Webinar: Using Public Art for a More Vibrant and Welcoming Community
When public art is supported and implemented thoughtfully and strategically, it adds tremendous cultural, aesthetic, and economic value to a community. In this webinar, you’ll be inspired to think differently about and incorporate public art in your communities. A panel from around the country and Connecticut will speak to innovative public art programs that provide economic impact and create more inclusive communities. A virtual event: November 8, 10-11 a.m.
Connecticut's Affordable Housing Conference: Building Stability
Partnership for Strong Communities (PSC) is hosting the third annual Connecticut’s Affordable Housing Conference (CAHC). This year the CAHC will focus on Building Stability and will feature a menu of sessions relevant to affordable housing developers, tenant advocates, lenders and funders, public housing authorities, municipal and state policy leaders, housing advocates, and the general public. A virtual event: November 14, 15 and 16, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The Greenwich Food System Forum Presents the Foodshed Network
Greenwich Food System Forum (GFSF) is a six-part educational series that engages thought leaders on the interconnectedness between the industrial food system and our greatest ecological and social challenges. Panel discussions explore the ways in which root causes are embedded in policy, practice and mindset, and how a connected web of networks provide pathways to systemic change. A virtual event: November 16, 7-8:30 p.m.
5th Annual Northeast Multimodal Transit Summit
A day of discussion on making our modes of transportation environmentally sustainable, equitable, and accessible. The Summit will bring together transportation professionals, community representatives, academics, activists and officials with the goal of helping decision-makers plan a future that meets the needs of our society. A virtual event: November 21, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Free Technical Support:
Community Resilience Building Workshops Available to Sustainable CT Communities
Governor Lamont Approves State Grants to Encourage Transit-Oriented Development in Six Municipalities
Governor Ned Lamont announced that he is approving the release of $6.8 million in state grants to fund seven projects in six municipalities across Connecticut under a competitive grant program that supports transit-oriented development and is targeted at boosting economic activity and creating jobs.
The IMPACT is available November 15 at sustainablect.org and wherever you get your podcasts.
It’s Never too Early to Chat About a CMF Project
Have you thought about your fundraising strategy for 2023? To help Community Match Fund leaders prepare for next year’s projects, we are dedicating November’s CMF Office Hours to a discussion of the best tips, tricks, and strategies for maximizing the success of your future CMF fundraising campaigns. The CMF team is always reviewing the program and considering how to support every project to success. Over the past year, we’ve discovered some consistent principals that differentiate wildly successful projects from those that struggle.
We have a saying at the Community Match Fund, “It’s never too early to have a conversation about a CMF project.” We’re hosting the conversation now, to facilitate early thinking about 2023. This conversation will include strategies and ideas successful project leaders utilized in the lead-up to launching their campaigns, and how those lessons can inform any leaders’ approach to a CMF campaign in 2023. By thinking 3-6 months ahead of your campaign launch, and working through these practices, you can save yourself a significant amount of time and effort while raising more funds.
If raising more money and having that process be easier sounds like music to your ears, please plan to join us on Thursday, November 17th, 12-1 p.m.
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The Next Sustainable CT Coffee Hour:
November 18 at 10 a.m.
The Reality of Municipal Recycling
We're not just talkin' trash. National Recycling Day is almost here - November 15th! - and Jennifer Heaton-Jones, executive director of the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority in Brookfield, will join us to talk about all things recycling. What is the current state of play in the world of recycling? Where does it really go when it leaves our curbs? Is the effort energy-efficient? Is it cost-efficient? Can we do it better? Bring your 80% post-consumer coffee cups for a refill on November 18th at 10 a.m. to find out.
Join Sustainable CT for (virtual) informal discussions most third Fridays of each month at 10 a.m. We share program updates and resources, explore your questions, and strengthen the network of Sustainable CT champions. These sessions are free and open to all.
For more fun and informative November events,
Celebrate with us at the West Hartford Town Hall!
Honoring 2022 Certified Towns and our first Climate Leaders
Please join us for this free, in-person event honoring 2022 certified communities and our very first cohort of Climate Leader designees. It's our fifth birthday, too, and we'll be celebrating at the West Hartford Town Hall on Monday, November 14th, from 3-6 p.m.
- Municipal certification and climate leader awards
- Introducing GOLD certification for 2023
- Appreciation recognitions
- Music, cash bar and light fare
Register now because space is limited, and you don't want to miss it!
Our event is generously sponsored by