
“Happy New Year! I hope everyone was able to enjoy some well-deserved time off with friends and family. It was so nice to see so many of you at last month's City holiday party. It was a great night filled with good food and good friends. 


As we turn our focus to 2023, I am excited to see what the year ahead has in store for our organization and Lake Forest. Even though we are only a few weeks into the New Year, we are already wrapping up the latest City Manager Conversations. Thank you to everyone who has participated to date. I very much value the engagement and feedback. As I mentioned previously, I will send a recap to the entire organization of those discussions and highlight some important themes that came out of the working groups. Please feel free to continue sharing comments or questions anonymously at any time via the feedback form.


Communication is an important priority for the organization in 2023. I look forward to sharing ongoing organizational priorities, as well as providing opportunities for continued feedback throughout the year. Keep an eye out for future opportunities to share your thoughts! 

Since there is no time like the present, included in this newsletter are two pulse surveys where your input is needed. The first survey is related to our effort to update performance evaluations. The second survey/poll seeks feedback on the 2023 holiday schedule. 

Take care,



We value your feedback! You will find these pulse surveys throughout the year. The information will help inform organizational decisions.

Performance Evaluation Survey
Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year. What is your preferred day to observe the holiday?
Friday December 22
Tuesday December 26

We hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and New Year!

The MS & City Hall crew enjoyed a holiday luncheon on 12/15.

If your department has photos from holiday festivities, please share with us!

Join the Finance Team!

The Finance Department is looking for an Accounts Payable Clerk.

Join the Cemetery Team!

The Cemetery is recruiting for a Maintenance Worker II.

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Dustin Spence

Public Works- Fleet

Parts Technician

Dustin comes to the City from Wirfs Industries. He has an Associates of Science. Dustin enjoys hiking, camping, off-roading, powersports, wakeboarding and snowboarding.

We would like to congratulate Charlie Franco on his retirement after 21 years of service to the City. Thank you Charlie for all your hard work and dedication throughout the years, we wish you well.

We would like to congratulate Pete Abel on his retirement after 34 years of service to the City. Thank you Pete for all your hard work and dedication throughout the years, we wish you well.

Log in to your Think Healthy account and stay up to date on City challenges.

Visit the Lake Forest Library to view upcoming events!

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Accounts Payable Clerk


Community Service Officer


Athletics Program Assistant

Girls Softball Coach

Maintenance Worker II - Cemetery

Skate Pond Guard


We're Listening

To continue improving, we need to hear from the people who know us best. Please take a minute to check out our:

Idea/Feedback Form

Help us recognize your colleagues!

Do you work with a City Star? If you know a colleague who has gone above and beyond in their job, go ahead and shout it out!

City Star Nomination

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