Message from Your Principal and Assistant Principal

Dear Connect HS Families,

We hope this newsletter finds you well.  As the school year unfolds please be sure to check your students Canvas account to see how they are doing AND what their asynchronous (at-home) assignments are.  If you did not receive your parent access code to Canvas last month please email Luis at and he will send it to you.

Students should be recording their school work daily in their learning logs.  They can use information from their courses Canvas accounts to fill in what assignments they worked on that day.  For on campus school days, they would write “At School Day”.  In addition to completed learning logs they need to have 3 work samples to turn in with learning logs.  Click here for more learning log details.

We are excited to host a New and Returning Parent Orientation on Saturday, September 17 at 9:30am.  In order to prepare please fill out the questionnaire here.  We want to plan our time with by you sharing the information you would like (and give you a campus tour!)

Have a good weekend!

Tami and Robert

Da Vinci Student Board Members Applications Due SEPTEMBER 16, 2022

There are two Da Vinci student student board member positions available.  One is for the Coordinator of Student Board Members and the other is for a Student Board Member.  Please click on the here for Coordinator of Student Board Members and here for Student Board Member Application.

Senior Meetings with Erin

Please sign up for a day and time to meet with Erin to discuss your student’s post-secondary plans, college systems, deadlines and requirements, Naviance, etc.  Click here to sign up.


We will have picture day for students on Tuesday, October 4th and Thursday, October 6th.

More Important Dates… (check our full calendar here)

September 16– NO SCHOOL Da Vinci Professional Development

September 17–Parent Orientation 

September 27–Learning Log #1 Due

October 19th, 20th, and 21st– Student Led Conferences (SLC)

SLCs give families the opportunity to hear about their students' classes.  Students will be sharing with their families what they have learned in each class.


Learning Logs-FAQs click here

An extremely important aspect of our program is how we collect attendance. As a hybrid program, we fall within the category of an “independent study” program and as such, we must provide a record of the learning students do 5 days a week, both at school and at home. 

We do this through “Learning Logs” and every single day students must record their learning! It is mandatory from the state and students who fail to do so lose attendance credit and put our school at risk with funding and state compliance. Thank you for understanding and supporting this important aspect of what we do.

We are thrilled to have a dedicated teacher, Tina Hannouche, assist your students' advisory teacher in tracking student progress and reviewing learning logs.  If you have Learning Log questions please email Tina at:

Don't forget to click here for Learning Log FAQs

(Learning Log #1 Due 9/27

What's Happening on Connect HS Campus…

Spirit Week

Da Vinci Connect HS Students come join us in our first spirit week of this semester! Use this school event to show off your DaVinci school spirit. Enjoy your time in high school to the fullest from September 12th-16th with activities to participate in with friends!  

Hispanic Heritage Month

During the Month of September, we will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American champions who have inspired others to achieve success.  

Athletics Blog

Do you want Da Vinci Athletic information sent directly to you?  If so, please subscribe to the athletic blog by clicking here.

COVID reminders

Please report all positive cases to School Nurse Emily Green: 

Close contacts should wear a mask indoors for 10 days from exposure. Contacts do NOT have to quarantine at home. 

COVID testing is available at school. 

  • Rapid Covid tests are available at school sites before school and during lunch, no appt needed. Students, please pre-register for testing here. It is a rapid test and results are available 15 minutes later. 
  • Home Tests are available at school sites during school hours, please request from the health office/front office.

Email Connect HS Front Office |

Email Tami Email Robert Office Phone (310) 725-5800 x5208

Family Handbook School Calendar