Register for an upcoming virtual training, explore what kept 

Connect the Dots busy right up to the end of 2023, and view the

new tool on our website!

Join a Training with CtD & PPS!

An Introduction to Inclusive and Equitable Community Engagement

CEO Marisa Denker and Principal Sylvia Garcia-García along with Elena Madison, Director of Projects at Project for Public Spaces are teaching this mini-course designed for practitioners currently working on or interested in leading community engagement as part of their projects (from urban planning efforts to transit planning to redevelopment and more).

Over two sessions, they will provide participants with the foundational theory, tools, and case studies to build an inclusive and equitable outreach and engagement strategy. Special attention will be given to overlaying topics such as building trust, accessibility, and human-centered design.

Early bird rate registration deadline is February 8, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.

Learn More and Register for March 5 & 7, 2024

Surveys, Paint Days, Questions and Cocoa

Philadelphia Airport - Mexican Community Outreach & Engagement

Connect the Dots is collaborating with Equitable Cities Consulting and the Philadelphia Airport to gather data from the Mexican community in the region on preferred flight destinations from Philadelphia Airport to Mexico. CtD conducted surveys in Spanish & English, receiving over 1,200 responses to determine preferred routes between Mexican cities and PHL Airport.

Jersey City’s Traffic Calming Toolkit

CtD is assisting Jersey City, NJ in developing a Traffic Calming Toolkit to support their Vision Zero work. The toolkit includes specific design interventions for pedestrian, biking, driving, and transit safety. CtD organized a traffic calming demonstration in October 2023, painting a roadway next to a park with community volunteers.

This showed the visible impact of design interventions to hundreds of pedestrians and vehicle passengers for two weeks following the event.

City of Philadelphia Office of Sustainability - Energy Poverty Alleviation Strategy (EPAS)

Connect the Dots aided the Office of Sustainability in conducting three virtual Focus Groups with stakeholders to discuss strategies for an energy poverty alleviation strategy (EPAS) and community members. The EPAS is a comprehensive roadmap to reduce residential energy bills and enhance energy security for low-middle income residents in Philadelphia. The strategy will be completed this spring.

CamTran Johnstown Transit Center Redesign Project

CtD created engagement activities to gather input from Johnstown PA residents for reimagining the Cambria County Transit Authority (CamTran) Transit Center. In December 2023, four engagement events and the debut of our Jolly Cart gathered input from 236 participants on desired amenities and design concepts for the new transit center.

A final round of engagement in January will be followed by a presentation of the plan in Spring.

2023 Highlights

The Connect the Dots team was hard at work engaging over 14,000 people across Maine, Delaware, New Jersey, and of course, our home base of Pennsylvania.

We explored new fields and service offerings 2023, helping to implement outreach and engagement, but also providing capacity building and strategy support for nonprofits and other project partners.

Check out the highlights from 2023!

Read the 2023 Highlights

New Feature on the ConnecttheDots.Us Website

Interactive Project Map

Explore the impactful work of Connect the Dots through an interactive Project Map and filter tool that provides a short summary of the projects the team has worked on over the years.

Explore the Project Map

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We’re available for Lunch & Learns, internal engagement, best practice sharing, and collaboration!

Take a look at our website, connect with us on LinkedIn, or send us an email at to make something cool happen!

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