September 3, 2021
Connect with Galt is a biweekly news briefing from the City of Galt intended to provide the citizens of Galt with recent news, updates on key initiatives and projects, along with important dates to be aware of. The City of Galt continues to look for creative ways to share information and engage with residents in the community.
City Seeks Community Input for Use of ARPA Funds

Only a few more days left to give us your input! Take the survey today!

The City of Galt has been allocated $6.3 million from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) for COVID-19 pandemic recovery assistance. The City is seeking input from community members to help guide the use of funds and maximize the impact in our community.

The survey will be open until Sunday, September 5, 2021. Thank you for participating!
C Street Enhancement Project Workshop Planned for Thursday, September 9
The next community workshop for the C Street Enhancement Project is scheduled for Thursday, September 9 at 6:00pm at the Chabolla Community Center - 610 Chabolla Ave. During this workshop, the design team will reveal a number of conceptual designs developed as a result of input received during the first community open house and walking tour. Community members and stakeholders are encouraged to attend the September workshop and provide their feedback on the individual plans being presented.  Register for the workshop at the link below.
Groundwater Sustainability Workshops

The Cosumnes Subbasin is the sole source of water for the City of Galt and other areas in south Sacramento County. The City, working with six other agencies, has developed a (state-mandated) draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP, or Plan) for the Cosumnes Subbasin to ensure the supply of water for all users remains sustainable. The draft Plan is available for public review and comment through October 20, 2021. The Plan will then be finalized with all comments incorporated.

The final Plan must be adopted by all seven agencies and submitted to the State Board of Water Resources by January 31, 2022. The City of Galt City Council will consider the Plan for adoption at the December 21, 2021 (tentative) city council meeting. Various public workshops are being held for the community to be involved and learn more about the plan. Upcoming workshops include:
September 16: 3:30-5:00pm or 6:30 - 8:00pm (in-person)
October 6: 6:30 - 8:30pm (webinar)
You can register for a workshop, review the draft Groundwater Sustainability Plan (and provide comments) or view other informational resources at:

Organic Waste Reduction Requirements to Impact Businesses and Residents
Public Works is currently working to amend the City’s Solid Waste Ordinance in accordance with SB 1383’s Organic Waste Reduction Requirements that take effect January 1, 2022, and includes the following:

  1. Provide organics collection services to all residents and businesses. Recycling of all organic materials, including food waste, will be required for all residents and businesses in California. Businesses in our community have recently been notified of the requirement to subscribe to an organic food waste service, and the City is currently working with Cal-Waste to determine how food waste will be collected for the residential community.
  2. The City must establish an Edible Food Recovery Program for generators such as grocery stores, warehouse markets, hotels, and food distributors. Food recovered from these generators is taken to others such as soup kitchens, food pantries, churches and others for distribution to those in need.
  3. The City must have a policy regarding and purchase Recycled and Recovered Organics. This means the City will be required to purchase recycled organic materials such as compost and mulch based on the City’s population.
  4. The City is required to monitor compliance with the above requirements and conduct enforcement as needed. Monitoring and education must begin in 2022 and enforcement actions must start January 1, 2024.
It is required, by the State of California, to have an ordinance that is consistent with these regulatory requirements prior to January 1, 2022. We are working to educate all generators of the upcoming Organic Waste Reduction Requirements with outreach through Social Media, letters, and promotional materials. In addition, the City’s attorney is currently updating our ordinance to meet the requirements of the upcoming state mandates.

A workshop will be offered on September 21, 2021, to update City Council and the community on the upcoming mandates. Formal action on the ordinance amendment is scheduled for October 19, 2021, where it will be introduced, and then return on November 2, 2021, for final consideration and approval.

Please contact the Public Works Department with any questions regarding the upcoming Organic Waste Requirements.
380 Civic Dr
Galt, CA 95632
Phone: (209) 366-7100