Join us for these
community engagement opportunities!
Join JFS Staff in a live virtual community event to discuss how the pandemic has affected us and ways we can cope. We will meet through Zoom technology every three weeks so we can see one another.

We would like to offer helpful tips for coping with isolation, illness fears, economic concerns, and more. Furthermore, we hope to create a safe space for sharing and discussion. Mostly we want to have a space where we can all feel connected in this time of social distancing. Please email if you are interested in participating!c
Yom Ha'Atzmaut!
Israel Independence Day
Marking 72 Years of Independence:
Celebrating Israel's Diversity!
Live on the Federation Facebook and Zoom !
11:00 AM-12:00 PM : Remembering 1st Sergeant Major Keren Tendler,
the first female flight mechanic in the Israel Air Force,
who fell in the 2nd Lebanon War.
12:00-1:00 PM : "Ethiopian Jews Then and Now": With Naftali Aklum, lecturer and community activist.
2:00-3:00 PM : Our speaker from Partnership2Gether: Noha Khatib, an Arab Israeli resident of Western Galilee will tell us her story and about her work at the Center for Humanistic Education at the Ghetto Fighters' Museum.
3:00-4:00 PM : "Where Are They Today?": A live zoom reunion with nine of our beloved past Shlichim. Don't miss it!
8:00-9:00 PM : Impressions from the Women's Momentum Trip to Israel, featuring six community members.
If you wish to participate via Zoom, please RSVP

Participants who send an RSVP will receive additional information via email on Friday on how to sign into these digital events.

To participate without an RSVP, join us Sunday via Facebook. Visit our Facebook page at
From Our Partners
A Treat for You from the Simon Foundation 

Watch Yom Ha'atzmaut Across America with Hadar Harshalimy & Sheldon Low
On Sunday, April 26th, 2020 in celebration of Israel’s Quadruple Chai 72nd birthday, communities across America will come together to co-host and celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut with a live virtual concert event by Sheldon Low and Hadar Harshalimy who have performed at our Biennial and for President Barack Obama. Because we don’t want to conflict with our Federation’s Yom Ha'atzmaut programming, the Simon Foundation is making this concert available for you to watch anytime on your own next week, from Monday, April 27, at noon until Wednesday, April 29, at 6:00 p.m. 

Make your reservation to watch “Yom Ha'atzmaut Across America” by clicking here: We will send the link and password on Monday morning.