The month of January Represents the Power of Faith

“Metaphysical meaning of faith (rw = Revealing Word)

faith--The perceiving power of the mind linked with the power to shape substance. Spiritual assurance; the power to do the seemingly impossible. It is a magnetic power that draws unto us our heart's desire from the invisible spiritual substance. Faith is a deep inner knowing that that which is sought is already ours for the taking. "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for" (Heb. 11:1).”

Welcome to Unity Vancouver Island (UVI)

Sunday January 12, 2025

In Comox

UVI - Sunday Enrichment at 10:30 am

1729 Comox Ave, Rear Entrance

White Stone Ceremony: The Annual White Sone Ceremony at Unity is a sacred ritual of reflection and renewal, inviting participants to embrace a fresh start for the year ahead. Rooted in ancient traditions, the ceremony symbolizes spiritual freedom and the power of intention. Each individual selects a white stone, representing a clean slate, and listens in meditative silence to receive a guiding word or phrase that reflects their divine purpose. This meaningful practice serves as a reminder of the infinite potential within each person to create a life of purpose, joy, and harmony.

Respond to Our Sunday Event in COMOX on Facebook

In Nanaimo

UVI - Sunday Enrichment at 1:00 pm

2020 Estevan Rd. Nanaimo

Meditation at 12:15 - All Welcome

Love Faith and Fear: A Unity Perspective This talk explores the idea that every decision we make stems from either love or fear. By deepening our faith and embracing divine love, we can release fear-based thinking and align with our higher purpose. Through spiritual practices, we cultivate a conscious awareness of our choices, allowing love to guide our actions, relationships, and personal growth. Together, we’ll reflect on how faith empowers us to transcend fear, embody love, and co-create a life of harmony and fulfillment.

Join us LIVE on YouTube
Respond to Our Sunday Event in NANAIMO on Facebook
Donate to Unity 

Nametags. If you are a current member and would like a name tag please respond with an email ASAP and send us your name, email address and what you want on your nametag. Thank you.

Upcoming Activities @ UVI

Join Us for Another Bright Lights Event


A unique mess of genres re-imagined by two delightful human beings.

Tickets available after Unity service or Purchase on EVENTBRITE

Remember to Like and Share

Facebook Link
Check out a Video
The Big Mess Bio

January 25th at 7pm

in Cedar Room - 2020 Estevan Road Nanaimo

Join us on Friday January 17- 6 PM

Quantum Healing Meditation


Ailsie Path


Quantum healing expands your awareness through the heart, and provides an adventurous experience towards clarity and understanding.

Sound bath by Rev T


This Friday January 17 at 6 pm

By Donation

You can lay down or sit for this event. Bring a yoga mat and blanket for laying down.

Link for tickets

Upcoming Sunday Service 

*New Location-First Met*

January 26 at 10:00 am

Upcoming Prayer Circle

 Feb 3 at 11 am @ First Met


Contact Judy Bell:

A Course in Miracles

Study Group

Every Thursday

10:30 am to 12 noon

UVI 2020 Estevan Rd


In the library

Hosted by Liane Moores

Look for ongoing events at Brechin in Nanaimo

Drum Circles, Yoga, Games Nights

Calendar Link:


White Stone Ceremony 

Sunday Jan. 12 10:15 am

Upcoming on January 14 and 28 Feb 11 at 10:00 am

Recent Meditation
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