
Feb. 1, 2024

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Good Thursday morning on this Feb. 1, 2024,


Today’s issue brings more memories of our colleague Hal Buell and the legacy left by the beloved and highly respected former director of photos for The Associated Press.


A story on his death last Friday was in Wednesday’s Connecting. Please share your own favorite memories – they’d be so welcomed by all of us who knew Hal.


Another milestone! - Dodi Fromson - Murray's longtime friend and onetime colleague in Tokyo, Norman Sklarewitz, is 100 today. Not an AP-er (that I know of) but Stars and Stripes, Wall St Journal, US News and World Report, and hundreds of freelance articles on economy, travel, etc. He's in good spirits, though still mourning the passing of his wife Esther 2-3 years ago. Birthday party being given by his niece Joyce.


Here’s to the new month – may you be safe, stay healthy and live each day to your fullest.




Remembering Hal Buell, an AP photo legend

Tim Donnelly – Here is an image from March 2019 Jim Dietz memorial with current AP Director of Photos David Ake, and Santiago Lyon and Hal Buell – both former directors.



Hal Buell congratulates Dan Hansen at his going-away paarty in New York in December 1986, after Buell promoted him to the Boston AP bureau.


Dan Hansen - In 1979-90, I worked in the photo department of The Arizona Republic newspaper and during baseball spring training I would be hired by San Francisco AP photographer James “Jim” Palmer to help process, print and transmit his baseball photos to AP NY Photos. It was during this time that Jim suggested I contact Hall Buell to possibly work for AP.


I sent my resume, along with Palmer’s reference letter in April of 1980, to Hal Buell about possible photo openings with AP, and he wrote back a very encouraging letter but at the time had nothing to offer me. I wrote again in July receiving back another kind note that still nothing available, and I wrote again in October and the reply this time was there wasn’t much he could do for me while I was in Phoenix and suggested if I came East, it might improve my chances of getting an AP position.


So I wrote back that I would move to Washington, D.C., after the first of the year, and on Feb. 14, 1981 with what belongings fit in my car I drove east.


Hal granted me an interview the first week of March in NYC, forwarded my name and resume to Toby Massey at the AP Washington photo office and I started my 23-year AP photo career in D.C. a week later.


From D.C. to LA to NYC and 17 years in Boston AP - thank you Hal for believing in me, offering a wonderful career adventure, and being a great inspiring boss.




Mark Elias - After a few years as an AP stringer in Miami, and then as a photographer for the Tampa Tribune, I moved to New York to go into studio photography. A photographer I was assisting noticed that every time a siren would go blaring down Fifth Avenue, I would poke my head out the window to see what the emergency was. He suggested I still had ink in my blood and should continue with my journalism career. Taking that advice, I went to 50 Rock, reintroducing myself to the staff on the photo desk and then stopping at the bullpen to say hello to Mr. Buell. It was like talking to God, but that’s the way we always thought of him! He told me to get a pager and soon, at 21, I was one of the regulars there, covering all sorts of assignments.


After nearly three years in the city, I was seeking something a little more stable than an on-call position. One day after an assignment, I asked Mr. Buell if I could buy him a cup of coffee in what I think was called "the Pink Poodle" (The AP restaurant/coffee shop/snack bar). He listened to me pitch for a staff position, somewhere, anywhere, within reason, of course. He told me there was nothing at the moment but would keep the conversation in mind.


He was a man of his word. Several weeks later, he asked if he could buy ME a cup of coffee. He told me of positions opening in New Orleans, Chicago and Springfield, Illinois, quickly following with “but you don’t want Springfield.” Knowing how wise Mr. Buell was, I told him I loved Chicago, and he made the appropriate arrangements.  


For the next 11 years, it was the greatest assignment of my life. It’s one that would not have happened without Mr. Buell.


Rest in peace, Hal.



Photo by Bill Foley

Bill Foley - I was very sad to hear of Hal’s passing. He always seemed like the Energizer Bunny, with endless excitement and enthusiasm for the AP, photojournalism, and all the people he worked with. Hard to believe he is gone.


He was a true giant in his field and had observed and helped photojournalism make the transition from the darkroom to digital.


In 1978, after photographing the Indy 500 as an AP stringer, I went to NYC and met Hal for the first time at 50 Rockefeller Center. I had brought my portfolio of black and white prints. As we talked about the AP, Hal asked what I was looking for. I said my plan was to work overseas. As he closed the portfolio, he suggested that I should go to London and talk to Horst Faas, who was in charge of the AP Photo operations overseas.


I thanked him for his time in meeting with me and said that I would take his advice and go to London.


As one might imagine, travel in 1978 was far different than it is today. Pan Am had a deal at the time - Amsterdam from Boston for $99.00. I traveled to Boston and bought a one-way ticket to Amsterdam.


A few days after arriving in Europe, I made my way to London and made an appointment to see Mr. Faas. I was more than a little nervous about our meeting-he was a two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and had done just about everything, so, I was understandably a little worried about our meeting.


Walking into his office at the AP on Farringdon Road, he was very welcoming as I said what an honor it was to meet him and that I had recently met with Mr. Buell in New York, who had recommended that I should go to London and meet with you to discuss the possibility working overseas for the AP.


I handed him my portfolio. He opened it up, looked at the first few prints, then he closed the book and said “Would you like to go to Cairo and cover President Anwar Sadat and the peace process? I can offer you a contract to work for us in Cairo.


I immediately said yes. Horst and I then talked about what the AP was looking for in terms of coverage of Sadat and other events in Cairo and elsewhere. I was given a tour of the darkrooms, given a few pointers on the use of the AP transmitters.


A few weeks later, I returned to NYC and received more education about the AP and the overseas operations. I met with Hal a number of times during my week at the AP in NY.


I returned to London and packed up some darkroom supplies and a few bricks of film before heading to Cairo via Warsaw and Istanbul. (another long story).


In April of 1983, while transmitting photographs of the US Embassy bombing in Beirut, Hal came on the line to tell me I had just won the Pulitzer Prize.


Hal was a wonderful boss and a great friend. I am very grateful for the time I had with him.


He will be missed and will always remain in the hearts and memories of the countless people he helped, supported, and interacted with during his amazing lifetime.


RIP Hal!




Elaine Hooker - What could I add about Hal Buell? His obituary lists his accomplishments. His colleagues recall he was generous, loyal, open-minded, curious, need I say opinionated (and doubtless almost always right). Hal knew the ins and outs of the AP and of 50 Rock and reached out to help colleagues no matter how busy he was. I agree with Claude Erbsen’s comments in Connecting that Hal was a very thoughtful man of deep loyalties. Hal loved the AP and loved to reminisce about his time at the AP and his colleagues, even into his 90s. It was an honor to be Hal’s friend. He will be missed by many.




Guy Palmiotto - Sad to hear about Hal. He was the individual who had hired me, giving me my AP career. I started as his office boy, generally working with him and his “Bullpen”, Sandy Colton, Jake Schawdel and Tommy DiLustro. He was a mentor, teacher and above all a photojournalism visionary. In working with these four men was worth more than any photojournalism course I have ever taken. Yes, he was tough at times, and did not take any BS, but we were a very successful team. Under his watch, I gained perspective as a journalist, and more so, respect for the man and his sense of purpose. We moved from B/W to color and we transitioned from film to digital under his watch, and a multiple Pulitzer Prize winning team. It was a privilege and an honor to work for him, and for that I will be eternally grateful. He will be missed.


Sorry To Hear.




Francesca Pitaro - I will miss Hal Buell. Even before we became personal friends, I got a sense of what kind of man he was outside of his legendary career at the AP and his numerous post-AP projects. From our first meeting in the Corporate Archives, Hal was warm, friendly, and always available to consult on AP history. Hal had an encyclopedic knowledge of AP history, photography and photographers. One discussion that cropped up many times over the years was about the very first photo to be sent over the wire with the inauguration of the Wirephoto service in 1935. I appreciated Hal's generosity with his time and knowledge. In addition to my questions, Hal was happy to help the many researchers I sent his way over the years.


Later, when I came to know Hal as a friend, I realized there was much more to this special man. I remember our friendship as starting on the night about seven years ago when we took the subway from the AP offices on Liberty Street, after a 25-Year Dinner celebration, to Penn Station. We were headed for the same LIRR train. Hal's Douglaston stop was a few beyond my Flushing stop. Nick Ut had missed the dinner but was still going to spend the night at Hal's place. The plan was for the two of them to meet at Penn and travel to Hal's together. As things happened, Nick was delayed, and since Hal and I were having such a good time, I waited with him until Nick showed up. It was the beginning of many memorable conversations, dinners and good times.


Hal was unfailingly kind, a true gentleman. In the past months dealing with Claudia's death and his own health problems, he never lost his sense of humor or his curiosity about what was going on in the world or the people around him. We discussed our families, the news, food, Jesuit education, photography, and whatever else struck us as interesting or funny. I learned a lot from Hal and will treasure his friendship and the example of a life well lived.



Chris Sullivan - Hal Buell’s 2021 book, “From Hell to Hollywood,” which pivots on Nick Ut’s Pulitzer-winning photo of the Vietnamese girl fleeing from a napalm attack, took a story that we thought we knew – the whole world recognized that picture -- and revealed its much greater depth and meaning. It was my good fortune to be Hal’s editor on the book’s text, and as I sadly reflect on his death, I want to share a small story that shows both his modesty and thoughtful decisiveness.


After telling Nick’s fascinating story up to the moment when he shoots the image, then through the events that followed (including Nick’s intervention at a hospital that probably saved the girl’s life), Hal detailed how such a picture makes its way to transmission and publication. Each paragraph of Hal’s draft taught me something new and important. It was a riveting story.


But then the narrative reached the New York photo desk. There, of course, Hal, as head of Photos, entered the scene – except that he seemed to step back as he wrote that part. Modesty explained this. In our first conversation about the manuscript, I pointed to this noticeable shift away from the great detail, action and emotion of the story; I asked that he give readers more in the 50 Rock scene. What questions or qualms did he have or did he hear around the desk when that photo came in – with its shocking image of torment for a naked young child? He replied that he’d given a word sketch of that moment but did not intend for his part to overshadow Nick’s achievement in any way. But, I asked, without his cool judgment and gutsy decision making, would anyone even know of that photo? We talked for a few minutes, and finally he said, “OK, I can add a few graphs.”


In no time, he sent a substantial add (telling me not to ask for more).    


The photo was “unlike any image previously transmitted on the AP network,” he wrote. Noting that he himself had helped create guidelines that forbade nudity and anticipating that the picture would set off plenty of political chatter from partisans on the ongoing war and that it could be expected to upset editors and the public, he went on to assess the image with his professional’s eye. Terming the composition and other technical factors perfect, he next ran through a long list of questions filling his mind.


“These considerations,” Hal wrote, “were not checked off one-by-one on a list, imaginary or real. They morphed quickly toward a conclusion as the picture was viewed and discussed with editors. It was obvious to me that this was a photo … that had to be seen.


“We transmitted Nick Ut’s picture worldwide.”




David Tenenbaum - Working as a photo editor and then a photographer for Hal Buell was a huge gift for me. He ran a culture that above all, our images had to accurately tell the story, and tell it with impact so it would make the cut and get into the paper where it could help people understand whatever event we were covering. After that, it was all about winning: get maximum quality on the wire fast. And leave your ego at the door: if a stringer or local paper had the best shot, it goes first. Serving the members (and trouncing the competition) were what mattered. And when we did a good job and the play reports went our way, it was fun to think of Hal smiling in the morning.


Going to the occasional risky assignments with the culture Hal built in your back pocket was incredibly energizing. Wherever we went, we were the proverbial "Pros from Dover" and we were there to win.


Hal's lessons went beyond photos, to business and life, and they served me well running a company after AP. One bit of advice around hiring someone ("I'd rather have him in the tent pissing out, than outside the tent pissing in") had to have come from his Chicago roots! We had debates about the merits of the (inexpensive) Lucky enlarger being as good as a (pricey) Leica enlarger (he was right, they were equals), and about whether breaching whales were happy or upset (jury still out). One night at a national political convention he led the team in a rousing chorus of "Momma don't let your babies grow up to be Shooters". And one time, when it really mattered, he acted with extreme integrity when it likely made life harder for him. A guy like that maxes out the respect meter.


Godspeed, Hal.

Connecting wishes Happy Birthday

Regan Morris 

Connecting '80s/'90s Club   



(EDITOR'S NOTE: Connecting publishes this list at the beginning of each month. If you are qualified for one of the age groups and would like to be listed, drop me a note. Please let me know of any errors.)   




Norm Abelson

Malcolm Barr

Henry Bradsher  

Joseph Carter  

Phil Dopoulos

Hoyt Harwell  

Gene Herrick 

Joe McGowan  

Charlie Monzella  

Bob Petsche  

Arlon Southall

Lou Uchitelle   

Sal Veder   

Doris Webster

Joe Young






Hank Ackerman

Paul Albright

Rachel Ambrose   

Peter Arnett   

Harry Atkins   

Frank Aukofer

Jim Bagby 

Myron Belkind  

Ed Bell  

Dan Berger  

Adolphe Bernotas  

Brian Bland  

Lou Boccardi   

Hal Bock   

William Roy Bolch Jr.

Ed Breen

David Briscoe   

Ben Brown   

Charles Bruce   

Ford Burkhart  

Harry Cabluck   

Sibby Christensen   

Shirley Christian   

Norm Clarke  

Steve Crowley   

Don Dashiell   

Bob Daugherty

Linda Deutsch   

Mike Doan  

Bob Dobkin  

Bob Dubill

Harry Dunphy   

John Eagan   

Claude Erbsen   

Mike Feinsilber   

Dodi Fromson  

Joe Galu  

Bill Gillen   

Steve Graham   

Bob Greene

Jerry Harkavy   

Paul Harrington

Mike Harris  

Chick Harrity

Merrill Hartson

Frank Hawkins

Monte Hayes

Jerry Jackson

Spencer Jones   

Doug Kienitz   

Dean Lee  

Pierce Lehmbeck   

Warren Lerude

Edie Lederer   

Carl Leubsdorf

Jim Limbach   

Bruce Lowitt  

David Liu   

Jim Luther

Larry Margasak

John Marlow   

Dave Mazzarella   

Chuck McFadden  

Yvette Mercourt   

Reid Miller

Karren Mills

David Minthorn

Peggy Mooney   

Bill Morrissey 

Harry Moskos

Ron Mulnix

Bruce Nathan

Greg Nokes

Larry Paladino   

Jay Perkins  

Lyle Price   

Charles Richards  

Bruce Richardson

Carl Robinson

Mort Rosenblum

Frank Russell   

Denis Searles  

Richard Shafer

Susanne Shaw   

Mike Short

Victor Simpson   

Rick Spratling  

Ed Staats   

Karol Stonger

Barry Sweet

Mark Thayer  

Marty Thompson   

Hilmi Toros   

Kernan Turner

Jeffrey Ulbrich  

Jack Walker  

Mike Waller  

Bob Walsh   

Dean Wariner  

Don Waters

Lew Wheaton

Jeff Williams

William Winter

Byron Yake   

Johnny Yost   

Kent Zimmerman   

Stories of interest


After budget slashing, more newspaper journalists plan one-day strikes (Washington Post)


Story by Laura Wagner


A wave of union walkouts at media companies nationwide has now reached several Pulitzer-winning regional newspapers owned by a firm known for slashing the operations of the hundreds of local newsrooms it has acquired in recent years.


On Thursday, employees at seven newsrooms, including the Chicago Tribune, the Orlando Sentinel and the Virginian-Pilot, plan to walk off the job to protest management’s refusal to offer cost-of-living raises and threats to end their 401(k) matches.


It’s the largest collective action by staff at the former Tribune Publishing chain since it was purchased in 2021 by Alden Global Capital, criticized by some employees for what they see as “vulture capitalist” practices, such as selling off real estate assets.


But while most of the recent media walkouts — from the New York Times just over a year ago to Condé Nast last week — have largely been PR exercises, aimed at pressuring owners in the court of public opinion, union members believe their action could seriously disrupt the Tribune newspapers’ production this week.


Read more here. Shared by Doug Pizac.




The Messenger to Close After Less Than a Year (New York Times)


By Benjamin Mullin


The Messenger, a news website that pledged to shake up the media industry with a playbook borrowed from the doomed publishing start-ups of yesteryear, will be closing down.


In an email to staff, the site’s founder, Jimmy Finkelstein, said that The Messenger’s shutdown was “effective immediately.”


“This is truly the last thing I wanted, and I am deeply sorry,” Mr. Finkelstein wrote.


By closing less than a year after it launched, The Messenger will now be one of the biggest busts in the annals of online news. And its collapse is the most substantial blow in recent months to the news industry, which is reeling from an unrelenting series of cutbacks.


The organization hired about 300 people, including journalists with experience at such publications as Politico, Reuters, NBC News and The Associated Press, who joined the company in the hopes that it would deliver on its promise to introduce an important new nonpartisan voice to the American news landscape.


Read more here.



Meta, TikTok and other social media CEOs testify in heated Senate hearing on child exploitation (AP)




Sexual predators. Addictive features. Suicide and eating disorders. Unrealistic beauty standards. Bullying. These are just some of the issues young people are dealing with on social media — and children’s advocates and lawmakers say companies are not doing enough to protect them.


On Wednesday, the CEOs of Meta, TikTok, X and other social media companies went before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify at a time when lawmakers and parents are growing increasingly concerned about the effects of social media on young people’s lives.


The hearing began with recorded testimony from kids and parents who said they or their children were exploited on social media. Throughout the hourslong event, parents who lost children to suicide silently held up pictures of their dead kids.


“They’re responsible for many of the dangers our children face online,” Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, who chairs the committee, said in opening remarks. “Their design choices, their failures to adequately invest in trust and safety, their constant pursuit of engagement and profit over basic safety have all put our kids and grandkids at risk.”


In a heated question and answer session with Mark Zuckerberg, Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley asked the Meta CEO if he has personally compensated any of the victims and their families for what they have been through.


“I don’t think so,” Zuckerberg replied.


“There’s families of victims here,” Hawley said. “Would you like to apologize to them?”


Read more here.



Journalism's winter of discontent




This week brought the sad news that the Messenger, an online news site that aimed to be nonpartisan, was shutting down after spending $50 million over eight months of operation. This comes several months after Buzzfeed News shut down, and follows large-scale layoffs in recent days at the Los Angeles Times, which cut its newsroom staff by 20%. Major troubles are brewing at Sports Illustrated and Business Insider, the New York Daily News and Forbes magazine. You can bet there’s more to come.


There are a number of pretty well-known reasons for this. The digital age has given advertisers many more options of greater scale than content sites can offer, and many have floated away, in part because of alternatives but also because they are so often bad news platforms that attach bad karma to their brands. Then social media created echo-chambers of toxic anger and convinced many to distrust any whiff of an “establishment” — like professional journalism, or the concept of fact-based truth.


That means more of the funding – most of the funding — must come from readers and viewers. But people rarely want to subscribe — that was always the case. And the media has not figured out a way of paying a la carte — the micropayments kerfuffle. And many news consumers refuse to pay at all because there are free options.


Read more here.



Roseburg’s daily newspaper misses first print edition in years after ransomware attack (KLCC)


By Rebecca Hansen-White


The News-Review, Roseburg’s 150-year-old daily newspaper, missed its first print edition in years Tuesday.


A ransomware attack targeting Lotus Media Group, which oversees The News-Review as well as five local radio stations, has disrupted operations, locking employees out of their email, as well as key systems used to design the print newspaper.


News-Review managing editor Sanne Godfrey said the attack has been reported to the police. She said the print edition may look a little different for the next few days because the paper’s fonts and templates have been lost.


“It’s very unlikely we will be getting anything back, so what we’re working on now is rebuilding everything from scratch,” she said.


Godfrey said the entire staff has been working hard to restore operations and continue reporting the news.


Read more here. Shared by Betty Pizac.




Jewish newspaper editor admits storming the Capitol on Jan 6 (Jewish Chronicle)




The former editor of an Orthodox Jewish newspaper in Brooklyn has admitted obstructing the police as they tried to hold off the mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6.


Elliot Resnick, 40, who used to edit The Jewish Press, at first claimed that he was at the Capitol as a journalist to cover Donald Trump’s speech.


But on Tuesday he pleaded guilty to a felony count of obstructing law enforcement during a civil disorder.


Court documents state that Resnick climbed a staircase on the building’s east side and urged others to follow him.


Resnick scuffled with police officers trying to hold the mob at bay and grabbed the arm of an officer when he tried to discharge pepper spray at the rioters.


Read more here. Shared by Doug Pizac.


The Final Word

Shared by Adolphe Bernotas

Shared by Doug Pizac

Today in History: Feb. 1, 2024

Today is Thursday, Feb. 1, the 32nd day of 2024. There are 334 days left in the year.


Today in History:


In Feb. 1, 2003, the space shuttle Columbia broke apart during re-entry, killing all seven of its crew members: commander Rick Husband; pilot William McCool; payload commander Michael Anderson; mission specialists Kalpana Chawla, David Brown and Laurel Clark; and payload specialist Ilan Ramon, the first Israeli in space.


On this date:


In 1790, the U.S. Supreme Court convened for the first time in New York, but because only three of its six justices were present recessed until the next day.


In 1862, “The Battle Hymn of the Republic,” a poem by Julia Ward Howe, was published in the Atlantic Monthly.


In 1865, abolitionist John S. Rock became the first Black lawyer admitted to the bar of the U.S. Supreme Court.


In 1943, during World War II, one of America’s most highly decorated military units, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, made up almost exclusively of Japanese-Americans, was authorized.


In 1959, men in Switzerland rejected giving women the right to vote by a more than 2-1 referendum margin. (Swiss women gained the right to vote in 1971.)


In 1960, four Black college students began a sit-in protest at a Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, where they’d been refused service.


In 1979, Iranian religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (hoh-MAY’-nee) received a tumultuous welcome in Tehran as he ended nearly 15 years of exile.


In 1991, 34 people were killed when an arriving USAir jetliner crashed atop a commuter plane on a runway at Los Angeles International Airport.


In 1994, Jeff Gillooly, Tonya Harding’s ex-husband, pleaded guilty in Portland, Oregon, to racketeering for his part in the attack on figure skater Nancy Kerrigan in exchange for a 24-month sentence and a $100,000 fine.


In 2011, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak announced he would not run for a new term in September elections but rejected protesters’ demands he step down immediately and leave the country.


In 2013, Hillary Rodham Clinton formally resigned as America’s 67th secretary of state, capping a four-year tenure that saw her shatter records for the number of countries visited.


In 2016, the World Health Organization declared a global emergency over the explosive spread of the Zika virus, which was linked to birth defects in the Americas.


In 2020, as China’s death toll from the new coronavirus rose to 259, Beijing criticized Washington’s order barring entry to most foreigners who had visited China in the past two weeks.


In 2021, actor Dustin Diamond, best known as “Screech” on the 1990s sitcom “Saved by the Bell,” died of cancer at age 44.


In 2023, the FBI searched President Joe Biden’s Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, home as part of its investigation into the potential mishandling of classified documents.


Today’s birthdays: Today’s birthdays: Actor Garrett Morris is 87. Bluegrass singer Del McCoury is 85. TV personality-singer Joy Philbin is 83. Political commentator Fred Barnes is 81. Rock musician Mike Campbell (Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers) is 74. Blues singer-musician Sonny Landreth is 73. Actor-writer-producer Bill Mumy (MOO’-mee) is 70. Rock singer Exene Cervenka is 68. Actor Linus Roache is 60. Princess Stephanie of Monaco is 59. Actor Sherilyn Fenn is 59. Comedian-actor Pauly Shore is 56. Actor Brian Krause is 55. Jazz musician Joshua Redman is 55. Rock musician Patrick Wilson (Weezer) is 55. Actor Michael C. Hall is 53. Rock musician Ron Welty is 53. Rapper Big Boi (Outkast) is 49. Roots rocker Jason Isbell is 45. Country singer Julie Roberts is 45. Rock singer-musician Andrew VanWyngarden is 41. TV personality Lauren Conrad is 38. Actor-singer Heather Morris is 37. Actor and mixed martial artist Ronda Rousey is 37. Rock singer Harry Styles (One Direction) is 30.

Got a story or photos to share?

Connecting is a daily newsletter published Monday through Friday that reaches more than 1,800 retired and former Associated Press employees, present-day employees, and news industry and journalism school colleagues. It began in 2013. Past issues can be found by clicking Connecting Archive in the masthead. Its author, Paul Stevens, retired from the AP in 2009 after a 36-year career as a newsman in Albany and St. Louis, correspondent in Wichita, chief of bureau in Albuquerque, Indianapolis and Kansas City, and Central Region vice president based in Kansas City.

Got a story to share? A favorite memory of your AP days? Don't keep them to yourself. Share with your colleagues by sending to Ye Olde Connecting Editor. And don't forget to include photos!

Here are some suggestions:

- Connecting "selfies" - a word and photo self-profile of you and your career, and what you are doing today. Both for new members and those who have been with us a while.

- Second chapters - You finished a great career. Now tell us about your second (and third and fourth?) chapters of life.


- Spousal support - How your spouse helped in supporting your work during your AP career. 

- My most unusual story - tell us about an unusual, off the wall story that you covered.

- "A silly mistake that you make"- a chance to 'fess up with a memorable mistake in your journalistic career.

- Multigenerational AP families - profiles of families whose service spanned two or more generations.

- Volunteering - benefit your colleagues by sharing volunteer stories - with ideas on such work they can do themselves.

- First job - How did you get your first job in journalism?

Most unusual place a story assignment took you.

Paul Stevens

Editor, Connecting newsletter

[email protected]