Exciting Opportunity for Students with Disabilities (Ages 14-22)!
If your child has a disability and is between the ages of 14 and 22, they are eligible for free Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)! These services are designed to help students gain essential skills and experiences that will prepare them for life after high school.
Pre-ETS includes:
Job Exploration: Helping students explore potential careers and job interests.
Work-Based Learning: Providing hands-on work experience.
Post-Secondary Counseling: Guiding students on opportunities for education and training after high school.
Workplace Readiness Training: Developing skills needed for workplace success.
Self-Advocacy Instruction: Teaching students how to speak up for themselves and their needs.
This is a great chance for your child to build confidence, learn valuable skills, and prepare for the future—all at no cost to you! To sign up, complete the application and return it to your child's teacher, the special populations department, or email to nmoliga@garycsc.k12.in.us.