Pictured Above: During Upper School Orientation on September 8, teachers provided 5th graders with paper hands to high five each other from chalk rectangles drawn six feet apart on the Upper Playground.

School is back in session! Cathedral's campus was abuzz with excitement and laughter last week when students returned to the Close for a series of orientations and introductory days—gathering together for the first time since March. After meeting their teachers and picking up their supplies, students returned home for distance learning, which will continue until Tuesday, September 29—when the school plans to reopen the building and campus for in-person instruction. Families have been given the option to participate in telepresence learning over Zoom if they prefer.

The school’s Operations and Facilities teams spent the summer reconfiguring the school building and making alterations to the grounds such that in-person instruction could safely take place this fall. They even transformed Synod Hall and the Crypt Gym into fully equipped classrooms! A large tent has also been set up on the Pulpit Green to allow for outdoor classes and meetings.

In order to maintain social distancing, grades have been split into smaller cohorts or homerooms. Each physical classroom space has been designated with a “SDC” or “social distance capacity” and cohort/homeroom sizes do not exceed the SDC of their designated classroom space. You can check out all of the enacted safety and health protocols and updates for Cathedral's reopening by visiting our Reopening Microsite.

The tireless efforts put into reimagining the school year by faculty and staff were evident throughout last week’s orientations and introductory days. We cannot wait to see students and teachers back on the Close full-time!
Cathedral looks forward to engaging all members of our community in creative and meaningful ways this year—be on the lookout for updates.

In the interest of our full community's safety and health, we are unable to accommodate visitors at this time. Should you have any questions or news, please contact [email protected]. 
Meet Cathedral’s New Chaplain, Gina Gore!

Cathedral is excited to introduce our alumni community to Chaplain Gina Gore—especially because she is a former Cathedral parent! Gina is a native of Denver, Colorado and earned her Bachelor of Science in Music at the University of Colorado. Gina's eldest child, Sophie, was a kindergartner at Cathedral in 2001 when her husband took a job in Los Angeles, causing the family to move cross-country. They were very sad to leave the Cathedral community, and little did she know then that the school would be a part of her professional journey 19 years later!

While living in L.A., Gina earned her Certificate of Anglican Studies from Bloy House, the Episcopal Theological School at Claremont School of Theology. She then attended Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she earned her Master of Divinity. After her ordination as a priest in 2016 she worked as a preschool and kindergarten school chaplain in Huntington Beach, CA. All the while, she couldn’t wait to return to NYC; and lucky for us, her family moved back in 2017.

When the Chaplain position became available this spring, Gina jumped for joy! Although she was a Cathedral parent for only one (cherished!) year, she had such fond memories of the entire school community.
While Gina is Cathedral School’s Chaplain, she simultaneously serves as the Interim Rector at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Newburgh, NY. Additionally, she is a member of several Diocesan committees in New York on Church Planting, Church Vitality, and Anti-Human Trafficking.

Chaplain Gore is honored to be “back home” at Cathedral taking on the extremely important work of shaping and inspiring students for a lifetime of wonder and spirituality in a school that deeply honors all faith traditions.
On March 11, the Cathedral community learned that Marsha Nelson will retire after 18 remarkable years as Cathedral's Head of School. Subsequently, Bill Bermont (P '21, '24), Board President, shared that Cathedral retained RG175, a nationally recognized firm specializing in Head of School placements. He also named Katie Conway (P '24, '27), Vice President of the Board of Trustees, Search Committee Chair. A representative search committee was then assembled and the work of the search began in earnest. In a recent address to parents, faculty, and staff, Conway stated the following:

"I am pleased to share that RG175...has said that they have received applications from an incredible pool of candidates. Even more important, these dynamic educators are interested in Cathedral for the same reasons we love this school: a commitment to rigorous teaching and learning, the advancement of our social justice mission, and a deep belief in the importance of community."

Click here to read Conway's full letter and visit the Head of School Search webpage for the latest updates.
Members of the Class of 2016 are attending
the following colleges and universities:
American University
Amherst College
Barnard College
Brandeis University
Brown University
Caltech Institute of Technology
Carleton College
Colgate University
Cornell University
George Washington University
Lafayette College
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 
Northeastern University
Oberlin College
Pitzer College
Santa Clara University
Smith College
Tufts University
University of Vermont
University of Westminster
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Vassar College
Wake Forest University
Some members of the Class of 2016
are taking gap years to explore different
opportunities during this unique time:
Nicole Greenhut
will be taking a leadership and outdoor skill-building course in the Rockies.
plans to work as a ski instructor in the Sierra Nevada Mountains and explore a series of national parks.
Cameron Leo
is working as a
Field Organizer for
the Colorado
Democratic Party.
We are delighted to announce the digital publication of The Cathedral School’s 2019-2020 Giving Report. This year’s report celebrates two of Cathedral’s most defining and enduring features—the Character Education curriculum, as embodied by our seven Core Values, and the extraordinary generosity of our community, whose support makes this important work possible. We are particularly grateful for the continued care and support of our alumni and alumni families. On behalf of all Cathedral School students, faculty, and staff, THANK YOU!
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