
vol. xxx | no. 19

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We See You

On so many levels, we appreciate each and every person who attended our Owners Meeting in Puerto Rico last month. And in honor of all the owners and leaders at ChemStation over the years, many of whom are no longer with us, you have risen to the challenges our business throws by showing up every day and doing the thing! For that, we raise our glass and this Connection is for you!

Cheers to all our Million Dollar Club Winners, especially those that LEVELED UP and are new to the club! (Blue stars**)

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ChemStation Chicago took home the Travelling Eagle Award and accolades for jumping to $12M in Sales in 2022! WHAT!?

Andy Lasker and team Chicago will receive one of Andy Homan’s famous Lego H700’s (SEE LAST WEEK’S CONNECTION…IN CASE YOU MISSED IT) to proudly display in Chicago!

Speaking of leveling up, special mention goes out to some of our Owners who have truly risen the bar this year!

This was a theme from Day 1 of the meeting where we discussed what ChemStation is doing in light of the explosive growth we are experiencing. We had a panel discussion where Owners at various stages of their careers/ownership were interviewed on how they’ve gone from one level to the next – be that a brand-new facility, growing from $1M to $2M, $3M to $5M… larger, you get the idea. We tried to capture the experience of owners at all stages. We also discussed some of the initiatives IGHQ is doing to help Owners level up – reducing base costs, the IT Support Program, an in-house Recruiter out of IGHQ, the Big A$$ Tank Program… these are things we announced at the meeting.

At the Awards Dinner we planned to give awards to Owners who have invested in their businesses and grown them to the “next level!” It can be challenging we know and we wanted to give a nod to your hard work.

Often, we recognize the large operations but fail to remember that they were once not so large. We are proud of Owners at any level, especially those who are newer to ChemStation and we know the hard work you are putting in every day. We appreciate you!

Brent Lundstrum and his team bring so much to the table and we applaud all you do team Ozarks. So much of ChemStation’s growth can be attributed to the strategic work you do with accounts like Tyson Foods. We see you!

And speaking of growth, cheers to Abilene and Chicago for the Growth Awards this year!

In Chris Cooley’s presentation on Why Safety Matters, he asked us the question: With all the growth we are experiencing… are we prepared? Toward that end, he introduced a new safety initiative called THE ROAD TO ZERO: Zero incidents, Zero Accidents, Zero HARM. A special award goes to Patrick and Chris Mittendorf in St. Louis who have led the charge in Safety from the front!

Without a doubt, we are at a true paradigm shift in ChemStation. We are the “billion-dollar company you’ve never heard of.” (More on that next week, tune into Connection!) And it has everything to do with YOU.

Thank you all!

We look forward to levelling up in 2023 and celebrating you again in 2024! Cheers.



7-10 | CBC | Nashville TN

29 | Memorial Day | IGHQ Closed


19 | Juneteenth | IGHQ Closed

26-28 | Orientation | Dayton OH (IGHQ)


4 | Independence Day | IGHQ Closed


4 | Labor Day | IGHQ Closed

25-27 | Orientation | Dayton OH (IGHQ)

29-10/2 | Operations Meeting | Destin FL


25-27 | CSI | Atlanta GA


23-24 | Thanksgiving | IGHQ Closed


25-26 | Christmas | IGHQ Closed

Connection is published weekly by ChemStation International, Inc. Some articles may contain confidential information. Contents are intended for ChemStation IGHQ, ChemStation Franchise operations and their employees.

Back issues of Connection are available on Teams here.

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