Connection and Imago Relationship Therapy
Dr Brantley has taught couples Connection and Imago therapy for Years with miracles Results(all glory to God) along with his 22 books.

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Imago relationship therapy is a form of marriage therapy that takes a relationship approach rather than an individual approach to problem solving in a marriage.
It was codeveloped by Dr. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, and documented in Hendrix's 1988 book, Getting the Love You Want, A Guide for Couples.[1][2][3][4] Hendrix and Hunt selected the word "imago," the Latin word for "image," as a name for the "unconscious image of the opposite sex that you had been forming since birth."[5] In February 2012, the BBC aired a Wonderland documentary that included an imago relationship therapy workshop on the cruise ship MS Golden Iris.