Connections: March 14, 2022
Season of Lent
Updated Mask Policy at CCSM

The Board of Directors met on March 13, 2022 and adopted the following updated Mask Policy:

Based on current County and Federal guidelines, CCSM strongly recommends that everyone continues to wear a mask. While masks will no longer be mandated, we believe that as a church we are called to care for the “least of these,” including those who are elderly and made vulnerable by chronic illness, and we do so by wearing our masks. KN-95 masks will be available for those who need added protection.  

Coffee Hour is Back!

Have you missed that special time right after the worship service to catch up with friends, meet new people, and have a cup of coffee and nibble on something sweet?

In-person AND Zoom coffee hour are BACK as of next Sunday, March 20! Please join us immediately following the service on the Loggia (the walkway alongside the grass between the Sanctuary and Kloss Hall), or on Zoom at this link. Hope to see you there!
Dear Beloved Community at CCSM,

It’s it good to be back at CCSM!! What a wonderful community we have here. If you missed Sunday’s service I hope you’ll tune in sometime this week—I talked about our relationship to time and the importance of weekly rituals—like coming to church!!

Speaking of time, take a few moments to read this email—you’ll see ways to connect with one another and events going on in the life of CCSM.

I’ll share this reflection (adapted) by Chase which invites us to be in a spirit of prayer and openness as we keep the people of Ukraine in our hearts.
The 13th century poet and mystic Rumi once described grief in this way: “There is a window open from my heart to yours.”
There is a window open from my heart to yours.  
We see images of fleeing refuges and a window opens from our hearts to theirs. 
The crying child pulled from their father’s arms. A home in ruins. People lost in fear.
There is such temptation to run to close the window, to quickly draw the blinds.
We are tempted to turn away from these open windows.
But if you can, let your heart stay open just a little bit longer.
Yes, it is painful to be open, but remember how courageous you are.
Remember how courageous we ALL are. 
Remember the possibilities in leaving the window open. What will you see? What will you hear? What can you learn? Who will you call out to? Who calls out to you?
Allow yourself to be reassured that in ALL situations, at ALL times of crisis, there are moments of rest and safety, there are people who are helping, there are strange graces that fly to meet us.    
And we become the light for one another.
Come before your God with your small, empty hands, come with your tired, willing hearts.
And know this, that God’s heart window is always wide open. Always. Wide. Open. 
Open the window from your heart to God’s heart.  Let in the divine light. 
Ask only for God’s love and say, “that is enough for me.”
Bring only your open heart. All you have is love. That is enough. That is enough. 
—Chase Montara

Click on the video above for the most recent entire worship service, or click HERE to listen to Penny Nixon's sermon 4000 Weeks
Have you attended a Sound Bath @CCSM yet? If not, we recommend you experience the Logos Sound Bath this Saturday, March 19, from 5 - 6:30 pm. 

Sound rituals have been explored and developed from different ancient cultures and First Nation’s people, including India, Greece, China, Africa and Australia. A Sound Bath is meant to be an immersive experience that bathes us in sound and healing vibrations. Sound Baths can take us into deep states of meditation where you can experience inspiration or find deep peace. 

To find tickets, click HERE. (This month there is a 50% off discount code for anyone who has not been before. Use newcomer50 at checkout.) For an introduction to Sound Baths, click HERE.
Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm

CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th. We have decided to premier this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. We hope you will join us online weekly to continue our prayers and heal our hearts. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.

Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.

Link for Prayer Ritual on YouTube:
EEJ is looking for volunteers to join a task force
As we value and live our Christian values with Social Justice, your Energy Environmental Justice Ministry (EEJ) encourages us to also recognize the importance of Environmental Justice in our lives and for the health of our planet, Earth. One critical aspect of environmental health especially in California, is the impact of changing climate and drought. EEJ is looking for volunteers to join a task force to research water use and landscaping at CCSM and potentially make recommendations to Building and Grounds and the Board of Directors on how CCSM can save water and take positive action on drought. This aligns with our becoming a Climate Church.
Please contact Warren Long,, or Rev. Dr. Sheryl Johnson, for information on the goals of the task force. 
We also encourage you register for an upcoming Zoom webinar on What People of Faith Can Do to Heal the Earth, co-hosted by the Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt, Minister of Environmental Justice for the UCC. Date is March 23, 10:00am. To register, go to Topics to be discussed include native plants, landscapes and creating a transformative movement full of actions ordinary people everywhere can take to care for God’s creation.

Hope you can join us on the task force and on the webinar! Thank you!

Celebration of Life: Elise Leung
Please join us for Elise Leung's Memorial Service at CCSM  

March 26, 2022 at 1:00PM

Refreshments to follow after the service.

Here's a new video to share which gives a wonderful introduction to CCSM and a feeling for the community, both local and virtual.
Please enjoy and pass it along to anyone you think might be interested in finding out more about our church!
225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694