Connections: June 7, 2022
Penny being appreciated at her party on June 4
Dear Beloved Community at CCSM—

If you're anything like me, you're probably feeling a swirl of emotions today after the experience of celebrating and honoring Rev. Penny last weekend. If you missed either the celebration on Saturday or the service on Sunday, please know they are available online (see links below) and you won't want to miss either! 

On this day, I imagine you may be feeling grateful, worried, nostalgic—and much more. Whatever you may be feeling, or not feeling, know it is valid and sacred. Please know that Rev. Jorge and I and the rest of the pastoral team are here for you, as is the whole church community. Honor your feelings and reach out to others. Chances are, someone else may be feeling the same thing or at least will be moved by your trust in sharing your truth with them. We need to draw together closely in this time and trust that transition is a process. 

One of my favorite metaphors for transition is pilgrimage. A journey from the known into the unknown. One where we may encounter challenges that teach us about ourselves and our faith and lead us to a place that is both completely brand new and entirely back home. 

This week we begin our summer series, focused on pilgrimage. We will enter this journey together, bringing with us all that we have learned and loved from Rev. Penny to sustain us in this wilderness time. We will go forward as a community, bonding with our fellow pilgrims on the road. We will go forward in faith, trusting that God knows our steps and will not let us fall. 

Be blessed and know you are a blessing—


Click HERE to see some wonderful photos by Chris Yeh from Saturday night's celebration, and click HERE to see more fantastic photos by Brian Mathews. The whole program from Saturday's celebration may be viewed HERE. And of course Sunday's service is always available online.
A Word from Your Moderator
My heart is full after a wonderful weekend of showing Penny our love with our hands, feet, and faces! Whether you were live at 225 or online, I know Penny felt our gratitude for her 15 years of ministry. Thank you for your part in giving Penny a meaningful sendoff. 
After the formal 'release from ministry' ritual that Veril, Penny, and I recited during Sunday's service, I returned to the pew and collapsed into tears. It is truly a bittersweet time for us all. But before I even went to sleep Sunday night, a CCSMer reached out to offer his skills with facility needs at CCSM, which served to remind me people are, in fact, doubling down on CCSM!
Here is an update to keep you well-informed about the Board’s progress toward finding an Interim Senior Minister: 15 individuals have now applied for the position, we have interviewed eight, and have had further discussions with five candidates about potential barriers, including salary and geographic/schedule limitations. We then narrowed the group down to three and talked with their references. The Board, Settled Search Committee Co-Chairs, and a few staff members will be meeting with two finalist candidates in-person over the next week. We will keep you updated when we have news to share.  

Julie Lenden
Click on the video above for the most recent entire worship service, or click HERE to listen to Penny's last sermon here at CCSM, FULL CIRCLE.
Penny blesses the congregation at the end of Sunday's service
Summer brings new possibilities!

As the restrictions of lockdown seem to be easing, the opportunities to capture summer fun seems endless when compared to this time last year.

As you embark on your summer adventures, whether away or at home, here's a question we would like you to have you ponder.

What is something you’ve been missing or gave up during the Pandemic that you want to reconnect with this summer?

As Homecoming Sunday gets closer, reflect on something you experienced this summer that felt freeing from the restrictions of lockdown. Was it a spiritual experience, an event, a person, or place? The Liturgical Arts Team will be creating an installation for Homecoming Sunday with anything you provide that physically represents your adventures. It could be a photo, poem, art work, rock, flower, or anything that evokes your experience.

If you would like to participate, check the Sunday Bulletin for more details.
Wishing everyone a glorious experience of “the possible” this summer.
Coming Back to Community Events
Sign Up Now!

Celebrate summer with your fellow CCSM members! Don't miss these!

June 12, 1:00-3:30 Laurelwood Park hike with Rev. Sheryl Johnson. There are still a few spots left for a great outdoor experience.  

June 18, 7:00pm Ice Cream Social Singalong at CCSM. If you enjoyed seeing old and new faces at Saturday's celebration of Penny, and joining in song with those folks at Sunday service and coffee hour, please join Melanie Dresbach and Siew Kang to continue that feeling.  Melanie and Siew have spent a lot of time coming up with songs which will appeal to all ages, tastes and vocal abilities. Songs by John Denver, Do Re Mi from Sound of Music, Down in the Meadow (remember teaching your kids that one?).... If you have a favorite, just email Melanie, and she'll get the words to include your special song.  All are welcome to attend – there are no age or vocal talent requirements -- plus ice cream! Sign up and invite a friend.  

Sign up with Sandy McNabb (, 650-678-5650) or Diane Kalliam (, 415-279-1359). 

March for our Lives
Saturday, June 11, 10am
CCSM: Meet at the big tree in front of City Hall!

This coming Saturday, June 11, I hope you’ll join me to march in solidarity with our community, and millions of people across the U.S., to call for an end to the gun violence ravaging our country.
The event will start with a brief rally at Burlingame City Hall at 10AM, followed by a family-friendly march down Burlingame Avenue.  You can sign up to attend here
Thank you so much, and I hope you can join for this important event! 

Tracy Avelar
CCSM Playlists for inspiration

If you're looking for some comfort and inspiration, one place to look might be one of the playlists Chuck has created on Youtube where you can find uplifting prayers and songs selected from our services. You can find the prayers here and the songs here. Please make use of this wonderful resource!
Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm

CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th. We have decided to premier this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. We hope you will join us online weekly to continue our prayers and heal our hearts. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.

Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.

Link for Prayer Ritual on YouTube:
225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694