Connections: May 9, 2022
Hi friends,
I hope you are taking time out of your week and “turning aside” like Moses to see the beauty and wonder all around us and to hear that “still small voice” that whispers when we pay attention. Take some time to listen to Sunday’s service if you missed it— there were some lovely moments….here is a quote I used in my sermon:

This coming Sunday we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of ONA (Open and Affirming) at CCSM. It will be a meaningful service with the Bell Choir, a special solo and a moving testimony and my message on “No Crumbs”!

Please take the opportunity to scroll down through some upcoming important events at CCSM.

With love,
Click on the video above for the most recent entire worship service, or click HERE to listen to Penny's sermon, I WILL BE WHAT I WILL BE.

Upcoming Sermons from Penny

May 15—No Crumbs

May 22—Surprise

May 29—The Presence in Absence

June 5—Full Circle
Coming Back to Community Events
Sign Up Now!

You still have time to sign up for a spring/summer community event, but you need to act quickly! There's a hike in Huddart Park with Allison Rock and Chris Wuthman scheduled for May 21 which you don't want to miss. And we need to reserve seats NOW for the San Jose Giants game on August 12Check out the flyer HERE for details describing all the great events that are available to you—hikes, music, Carne Asada feast, SJ Giants game and BBQ, Family Fun Night, and Wine Tasting. You can sign up on the loggia on May 15 or 22, or contact  Sandy McNabb (, 650-678-5650) or Diane Kalliam (, 415-279-1359). 
These events are NOT Pick a Parties; that extravaganza will return in the fall. These events are low-cost, fun, largely outdoor events to bring our community back together.  
May 22 is the last day to sign up, so please act now. 
We hope you can join us for this special celebration!

Tickets are $35 per adult, $15 for child under 12. All are welcome, regardless of ability to pay (email for anonymous arrangements). Please bring your favorite wine, beer or beverage. Also, if you would like to write a letter to Penny, bring it on 8 1/2 x 11 paper and we will compile it in a book, or mail it in advance to CCSM.

You are invited to make an optional donation for a gift for Penny (cross country skis & funds towards a restorative vacation) and/or an optional donation to help defray costs of this event above and beyond ticket sales, and for sponsored tickets.

CLICK HERE to get your tickets and/or make a donation! If you need help or have further questions, contact Julie Lenden at

Please respond by May 21.
Interim Senior Minister Search
The board of directors is starting to interview Interim Senior Minister candidates. Please share this job description with your networks! Many churches in the NCNC are in transition; your help in getting the word out is greatly appreciated. 
A UCC church can call ministers from not only the UCC but also the Disciples of Christ, Presbyterian (USA), Reformed Church in America, United Church of Canada and ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)
FRIDAY, MAY 20 • Buckham Room 
You're invited to the grand finale meeting of the 2021-2022 season of Music and Art. It will be a potluck lunch. If you missed the April meeting and the food sign-up sheet, be prepared to let your contact person know whether you will bring sandwiches, salad or dessert.  

In addition to our time of fellowship and business meeting, we will have a special time to commemorate the three members we have lost during this past season: Thelma Kromhout, Barbara Mollison, and Carolyn Shaw. While we have lost other members as well, these three have not had a memorial service and we want to remember them and pay them tribute. Please feel free to bring a poem or a story to remember these lovely women. Penny will also be present to lead us in this ritual of remembrance.  

If you would like to celebrate these women, you are most welcome to attend. ALL who would like to attend MUST PLEASE RSVP to Susan Duty at or by phone 650-533-6830. This will be a special time for the close of our Music and Art season.
Memorial Day Remembrances
Once again we have the opportunity to remember those loved ones we have lost or to celebrate a life or event that we wish to honor. On Sunday, May 29, we will create a Memorial Day remembrance page for the worship bulletin. We are requesting a donation of $25 for the remembrance page, or $35 if you would also like a a succulent suitable for planting to take with you as a remembrance. Deadline is Sunday, May 22. Please click here for further information.
Newsy Update from your Moderator

We have a wonderful committee collaborating to plan the Celebration of Penny’s Ministry. The party is on Saturday June, 4 at CCSM. It will be all the better with you there. After dinner, the program will start at approximately 7:15 p.m. and it will be livestreamed. Please see the invitation above for more information, or click here.
The board is working to secure an Interim. We’ve had six candidates express interest in the position to date. One candidate is not a good fit, two withdrew due to geographical reasons or they were in late-stage communications with another church, and we are starting to get to know the remaining three candidates. We can really use your help to get the word out about this position. CCSM has always found the best people through word of mouth. Please share this job description widely. Thank you for your help.

We do not anticipate having an Interim Minister immediately after Penny’s departure. But there is a plan in place. The next few months are already programmed with guest preachers, as well as Jorge and Sheryl, and the amazing CCSM staff are working together to keep CCSM thriving.

The board is finalizing nominations for the Settled Senior Minister Search Committee. We are very excited about this committee, and are holding a Hybrid Congregational Meeting on May 22 after church to vote on this committee. Save the date! During this meeting, we will also share information about what to expect about the process of the search committee and more.

I am so energized by you, CCSMers. I feel similar to how a community feels after a natural disaster (in this case, Penny’s retirement from church ministry represents the natural disaster :-) ). We feel a bit rattled. But we’re checking in with each other, we’re enjoying pie together, we’re working in community to celebrate Penny, and we’re having deep and meaningful conversations to start envisioning what we want for our future. The baton has been passed from minister to minister many times through CCSM’s great history, and I am confident that this community is ripe for wonderful growth and renewal. I am honored to be your moderator and am looking forward to continuing this journey with you through all the stages of transition.
Julie Lenden
Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm

CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th. We have decided to premier this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. We hope you will join us online weekly to continue our prayers and heal our hearts. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.

Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.

Link for Prayer Ritual on YouTube:
225 Tilton Avenue • San Mateo, CA 94401
(650) 343-3694