Connections: Week of June 26, 2023
Dear Beloved CCSM Family,
Technically it is summer, but still a bit nippy. Yet, something special seems to be in the air. Maybe the Holy Spirit?
Not often does a worship service leave us speechless, but Sunday’s did. To celebrate PRIDE, tenor Juan Castro sang “I Am What I Am” and “True Colors.” No wonder he used to sing on Broadway. As the song says, “It's my world…I want to have a little pride in my world, and it's not a place I have to hide in…. Why not try to see things from a different angle? Your life is a sham till you can shout out ‘I am what I am.’”
And then our own Diane Kalliam, Don Ruthroff, and Margie and Austin Mader-Clark shared transformative stories about their experiences—and called us to work for justice, so that everyone can be who they truly are. Even one of our teenagers and Girl Scouts, Max Nayak, encouraged us to stop insisting on labels. A few months ago, Max laughed at my question about pronouns, saying “who cares!” What inspirational sharing from each of these special CCSM members!
Richard Rohr wrote, “Other systems exclude, expel, punish, and protect to find identity for their members in some kind of ideological perfection or purity. The contaminating element always has to be searched out, isolated and often punished. This wasted effort keeps us from the centrally important task of love and union.” Amen!
At CCSM, we say “whoever you are, and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” It is a scary freedom to actually be who we are, all that we are, and much more than we think we are. Yet, the Holy Spirit is moving among us and within us.
Onward together toward the important task of love,
Reflections from CCSM Members:
Diane Kalliam, Don Ruthroff, Max Nayak, and Austin and Margie Mader-Clark
Please join us for the
Wednesday, June 28
4:00 pm to 5:30 pm
via Zoom only
Or go to Zoom and enter: Meeting ID: 879 2458 5671 with Passcode: 582479
The 2024 CCSM Budget Process is Beginning!
Come Join In!
Have your voice heard!
CCSM is beginning to plan the budget for 2024. We seek your involvement during this process, which began Sunday, June 18. The process, which is outlined below, involves the Finance Committee, the Congregation, and the Board in three separate phases.
Phase 1 is the development of Budget Principles -- values-based and faith-rooted principles for CCSM -- that will guide us throughout budget development. At the June 18 Second Hour, Sheryl will lead off with ideas based on her book, Serving Money, Serving God. Together, she and the Treasurer will lead an exercise and discussion aimed to come away with a list of principles for the Board to discuss at its meeting on July 9.
Phase 2 is the development of one or more fiscal plan(s). The notion is to set out two or maybe three goals for general fund donations and also total revenue, together with a description of what we think would be funded at each revenue level. This phase is currently scheduled to involve the Congregation after worship on August 6 and would end with Board adoption at its meeting on Aug 13. This will be in time for the Stewardship Ministry to use the plan(s) when they kick off the campaign for pledges (which are estimates of giving) in early September.
Phase 3 is the development of one or more detailed first budget drafts -- possibly a budget for each fiscal plan. The tentative date to discuss with the Congregation is October 29, but much could happen between now and then to change that date. The notion is that CCSM would be providing detailed information more than two months prior to adoption of a budget in January at the Annual Meeting.
Come join in the discussions for one or all three phases.
Want to know what goes on behind the scenes, like how decisions are made or the church budget is put together? Want to learn how to have crucial conversations? Want to avoid toxic theology and live into our Guiding Principles? Then, don’t go on vacation—come to church!
Gatherings, classes and meetings will be before and after church in the Buckham Room (both live and Zoom).
Everyone is invited to participate.
July 2, 9:30AM
Exploring Membership
Munch on bagels before church and find out what it takes to officially become a CCSMer.
More happening every Sunday throughout the summer.
Because these classes might not be available for Zoom participants, the classes will be be filmed and uploaded to the website.
Hope not! But, if you aren’t a member of CCSM yet, you might want to officially join. Then, you can be right in the thick of things. Come Sunday, July 2, before church for bagels and conversation about the life’s journey of the church and your own. “Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome…” to join us in the Buckham Room at 9:30AM.
Youth and Family News
July/August 2023 - Summer camp sessions at Camp Tamarack! Please check the website to learn more and to see which week is open to your age group, registration should be open soon. Please let Sheryl know if you are interested for help with carpooling, assistance with fees, etc.
Saturday, August 26 - LifeMoves Bike Ride to End Homelessness. This is a fun ride for a great cause. There are routes for all ages - kids included! (See below for more information) Please consider signing up as a family.
Sunday, September 10 - Homecoming Sunday! Please plan to stay after church for facepainting, balloon animals, games, and more! Youth are encouraged to help out - and can earn volunteer hours. Please let Sheryl know if you're available!
Saturday, September 16 - City of San Mateo Annual Bayfront Cleanup
Fun was had by all
on July 17 at the
Marin Mammal Center.
(another trip is scheduled for today)
Pictured above are: Morgan Family, Palmer-Sammons Family, Harris Family and the Kerwood-Gribben Family
(doing their best sea lion impressions)
Can you help? CCSM Marketplace is an experiment to test a way to make mutually beneficial connections in our community. For example, some of us need house cleaners, gardeners or caregivers. Others - especially people in our Spanish-language group - offer such services. Some congregants offer music lessons, tutoring, web design and other services while others seek such services. Some members need household goods such as furniture and kitchen equipment, and others would like to donate such items or sell them cheaply.
To launch this experiment, we need listings. Can you help?
• Do you have a service for which you would like to find a new customer/client/student?
• Do you have household goods (or other items) you would like to donate or sell cheaply?
• Do you need something that someone else in our congregation might like to provide?
Please let Sofia Floresca know by:
• Filling out the form on the back and giving it to Sofia or mailing it to her at 713 Murphy Drive, San Mateo 94402.
She will follow up with you personally to discuss how to list your offering or need, arrange for contacting you, etc.
Music and Art will continue meeting during the summer months at our regular time, 3rd Friday of the month at noon in the Buckham Room.
The next meeting is on July 21st. Remember to bring your own lunch and drink (other than ice water). We’ll have cookies for dessert.
This month, Rev. Dr. Kibbie Ruth will speak to us about the recent changes at CCSM. She came to CCSM in the spring of 1977 and has had five different titles here. Currently, she is serving as a Transitional Minister until we have a new Senior Minister. During most of her ministry, she has coached denominational leaders and congregations through abuse-related crises as the Founder and Senior Consultant of Kyros Ministry.
In the last few months, CCSM has experienced a lot of change. If the pace has left you breathless, join Music and Arts at our next meeting to reflect on what has happened. Kibbie will give us a brief update and answer any questions.
Music and Art is an affinity group of the longest duration @ CCSM. It is open to all church members and friends of CCSM. Watch for announcements in the Pine Tree, Connections, and Sunday bulletins.
Posy Posse Requesting Donations
Trying to clear out kitchen storage or the garage of extra vases or jars (5" or taller) you don’t need? Posy Posse can help you recycle those items into beautiful small floral arrangements. If you have items to donate, please bring them to the kitchen at CCSM. Please note: Vases that are very large, damaged (particularly chipped glass), or not completely waterproof are not accepted. Thank you for your help in keeping us in supplies for this active ministry. Contact Susan Lake or Laura Pierce McKenzie with questions.
Board of Directors
all meetings are Sunday at Noon
in the Buckham Room
(unless noted)
Next Meeting: July 9
August 13
September 17
October 8
November 12
December 10
To view June 14 Board Meeting Minutes,
Council of Ministries
all meetings are Sunday at Noon
in the Fireplace Room
(dates in yellow are combined BoM + CoM)
July 23
August 13
September 24
October 22
November 12
December OFF
CCSM Council of Ministries
Kay Harris - Council of Ministries Lead
Jim Schwandt - Buildings and Grounds
Kim Rey and Troy Grabow - Children, Youth, and Families
Diane Kalliam - Congregational Care
Alison Schwandt - Engagement
Gary White - Energy + Environmental Justice
Sandy McNabb - Connect and Celebrate
Julien Phillips - Latino/a Ministry
Laura McKenzie - Liturgical Arts
Sue Bell - Music
Genel Morgan - Service and Justice
Chris Wuthmann - Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.
Martha Bronitsky - Stewardship
You don't need to wait for the Ministry Fair to learn more, or join a ministry. Contact the Ministry Lead anytime!
Click HERE for CCSM's Governance Manual, and HERE for CCSM's Bylaws
The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community. The container will be in the narthex to collect food (canned, dried and boxed, no fresh food please! donations must be full UNOPENED containers, no fruits, vegetables, or bread) on any Sunday of the month. Thank you for your continuing generosity!
Pray for Ukraine Every Tuesday at 7:30pm
CCSM held a powerful live Prayer Ritual for Ukraine on March 6th, 2022, and will share this ritual ONLINE every Tuesday until the war ends. These are challenging times and this offering is a way to bring our community together and magnify our prayers.
Please share this link with your friends and family so we can extend this offering to as many people as possible.
9am - 1pm
Monday - Thursday
Please welcome Jennifer Prince Londgren
to CCSM’s administrative staff
Jennifer has been a CCSM member since 2002. Jennifer will be filling in for Zoe Mullery and Austin Mader-Clark over the summer (July-August) to bring you Connections and the Sunday Bulletin and to help out in the office. You can contact Jennifer at with any content for Connections or the Bulletin. Zoe Mullery will continue to produce the Pine Tree and can be contacted at
225 Tilton Ave. • San Mateo, CA • 94401
Scan the QR code above or go to
to make a donation or pledge to CCSM.
Don't forget to ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.