Vol. 11, No. 8
August 2020
Dear Friends:

Summer 2020 is in full swing. While this summer may feel much different than previous years, something that hasn’t changed are hot temperatures. Heat and humidity can be uncomfortable for some, but for others, like an older adult requiring your care, heat exhaustion or even heat stroke are serious concerns. Normal physical changes that occur later in life mean adults slowly lose the ability to efficiently regulate their temperature, leaving them vulnerable to injury from heat.

FCA’s blog post on Hot Weather Tips provides a good overview of warning signs of heat related problems, and also lists steps for keeping an older adult cool. Additional resources have been published by the CDC and AARP.


Calvin Hu
Education Coordinator
“If you fell down yesterday, stand up today.”
— H. G. Wells
10th Annual Caregivers Count ConferenceNow Online

Caregivers Count is a free virtual conference for families and friends caring for a loved one. Join fellow caregivers and experts to learn about well-being, financial concerns, technology tools, stress reduction, and family dynamics. Register for one or more sessions.

September 12: Emotional Well-Being
September 19: Paying for Care
September 26: Technology Tools
October 3: Reducing Stress and Dealing with Parents and Resistance

When: Four Consecutive Saturdays, September 12, 19, 26, and October 3, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon (PT)
Where: Online
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
Listen to a New Podcast Series Focused on Caregiving

Check out a great new podcast series about caregiving. It’s part of a larger project sponsored by The Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Foundation, which includes documentaries and events. Podcast topics include technology and caregiving, the complexities of family dynamics in the caregiving setting, and how some organizations are addressing social isolation. 
Six-Week Online Support Group

This six-week online support group provides a place for family caregivers to get support and hear from other caregivers. It is moderated by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is open to caregivers who are caring for someone 60 or older with any diagnosis or between the ages of 18-59 with an adult onset cognitive or neurological impairment. Once you complete the registration below, someone will reach out to you to confirm attendance and provide the Zoom meeting information.

This support group is open to residents of Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, and Santa Clara County. This support group is specifically for family caregivers, not providers.  

When: Six consecutive Tuesdays, September 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, and October 6, from 3 to 4:30 p.m.
Where: Online
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
Young Adult Caregiver Support Group

This group focuses on the needs and unique challenges faced by caregivers 40 and under. FCA’s Young Adult Caregiver Support Group meets monthly online (via Zoom) on the 1st Thursday, and 3rd Thursday — 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Zoom login details will be provided with registration. To register contact Rachel, (415) 434-3388 ext. 331 or email [email protected].

This support group is open to family caregivers 40 years old and under in the San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties).
Grupo de Apoyo en Español Por Teléfono (Spanish Telephone Support Group)

Venga a compartir su experiencia, consejos y apoyo con otros cuidadores. El Tercer Jueves de Cada Mes, 2-3 p.m. Para Participar en el Grupo de Apoyo, Marque el Número 1 669 900 6833, ID de reunion: 963 2072 9945#

Para mas Información y Registrarse, Por Favor Llamar a Adriana Sanchez (415) 434-3388 ext. 316

El grupo de apoyo esta abierto para residentes en los siguientes condados: Alameda County, Contra Costa County, Marin County, San Francisco County, San Mateo County, Y Santa Clara County. Este grupo de apoyo es estrictamente para cuidadores familiares no para proovedores profesionales.
Get Your Own Personalized Caregiving Resource Dashboard

Go online to complete a brief questionnaire and get a personal dashboard loaded with information that matches your unique caregiving needs. CareNav, our secure online service, offers quality information, support, and resources for family caregivers of adults with chronic physical or cognitive conditions such as Alzheimer’s, stroke, Parkinson’s, and other illnesses. Try it out today. Click here.
COVID-19 Related Scams & Elder Abuse Webinar Recording

Scammers are exploiting the fear and isolation people are feeling during the COVID-19 shelter-in-place. These criminals may be posing as government officials, bank employees, or health professionals. Their goal is to steal your money and sensitive personal information, including Social Security number, Medicare number, credit card information, and bank account information. This webinar will provide information to help protect you and your loves ones from becoming a victim of these scammers.

A recording can be viewed here. A handout is available in English, Chinese (traditional), Spanish, and Russian.
Know Your Medicare Rights And Exercise Them: How Livanta Can Advocate For You Webinar Recording

Medicare is the federal health insurance program primarily for individuals who are 65 or older. This program includes many rights and free services that not all beneficiaries understand. Learning about these rights can help you to advocate for yourself during hospital stays, and communicate more effectively with your care providers. Livanta is a Medicare-contracted Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) that provides help, support and resources for Medicare beneficiaries. A Quality Improvement Organization can help if you need to file an appeal regarding your discharge, have complaints about the quality of care received, or need an advocate to help you obtain the services you’ll need following discharge. This webinar will discuss the many services and resources available at no charge to Medicare beneficiaries.

View a recording here. See the slides here.
Tech Tools for Caregivers

This webinar will offer a practical overview of how technology tools may help family caregivers provide care for a frail or ill family member, partner, or friend at home. Technology products like smart phone apps, communication aids, in home sensors, and webcams can help make a home safer and reduce the caregiving workload. The webinar will include information on how to determine what your needs are, the costs of tech tools, privacy considerations, and ease of use.

When: Wednesday, August 19, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. (PT)
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
Motivating Loved Ones: How to Communicate Better and Work Together to Help Those You Care For Stay Active and Engaged

This webinar will provide family caregivers an opportunity to learn the basics of Motivational Interviewing, a proven method for increasing engagement. When practiced by caregivers, Motivational Interviewing can help a care recipient become more active and involved in their health and well-being. Participants will learn practical strategies to help encourage and inspire care recipients to be more physically active, participate in rewarding activities, improve their diet, tidy up around the house, and more.

When: Wednesday, September 30, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon (PT)
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
U.S. Caregivers Struggle With Coronavirus in More Ways Than One

COVID-19 has introduced unexpected and unplanned obstacles for family caregivers, many of whom were already in distress. Shuttered facilities, reduced or suspended treatments, closed community social services, and the worry of exposing vulnerable family and relatives to COVID-19 are some of additional the hurdles now facing caregivers. Eli Cahan writing for Vice News highlights stories of caregivers across the country doing their best under the damages of COVID-19.
Where Family Caregivers Can Get Financial Assistance

Being a family caregiver can be very challenging emotionally, physically, and financially. For many family caregivers, the stress and worry of caregiving would be lessened with financial assistance. Margie Zable Fisher writing for Next Avenue explains some possible methods for caregivers to seek compensation or financial assistance for their caregiving work.
El Cuidado 101: Explorando las complejidades del cuidado de Familia (Caregiving 101)

La meta de este entrenamiento es identificar lo que es un cuidador, la importancia de ser identificado como cuidador y brindar un entendimiento al participante de el impacto que potencialmente deja en el cuidado de su seres queridos Y en ellos mismos.

Esta Clase esta abierta a cuidadores familiares en la area de la Bahia de San Francisco Y los condados de (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara). Esta clase es especificamente para cuidadores familiares y no para proveedores profesionales.  

Cuando: Jueves , Septiembre 3, de 12:00 a 1:30 de la tarde.
Costo: gratis
Registracion: oprima aqui
Contacto: Adriana Sanchez, (415) 434-3388 extension 316
Let’s Get Away, Together Fall Series: “Music, Travel, and Art” 
This series is comprised of interactive travel activity sessions with each week focusing on a new part of the country or cultural activity, while incorporating storytelling, music, poetry writing, and/or a simple craft. Each session will include a followup message filled with tips, activities, and recipes for families to continue to enjoy after the virtual trip. The focus of each group is to explore a new world, experience a variety of engaging opportunities, and enjoy a sense of camaraderie and community.

Let’s Get Away, Together! is intended to be an enjoyable activity for family caregivers and the person they care for. Those receiving care who are able to participate in the discussion and activities are encouraged to attend with their family caregiver.
September 8—Art Inspired by Nature, Lets talk about Self Care
We all deserve a moment of joy and self-care. Join us to admire art, nature, and camaraderie!

September 15—Lets Go to Catalina!
This gorgeous part of the country will be explored through fun facts, live music, and great conversation!

September 22—Must-See Paintings!
Become inspired through these bucket-list art pieces from around the world!

September 29—Lets Take a Road Trip; West Coast edition!
This comedic adventure will sure to bring laughs, memories, and spark curiosity in the Golden Coast.
October 6— Inspired by a Rainbow
This breathtaking art-inspired trip will brighten your day and warm your soul.

October 13— Lets explore Music and Sound
Board? Tired? Uninspired? Join us for something NEW to boost your spirits and explore with your friends!

October 20— Lets Go to Alaska!
Learn something new about our 49th state through breathtaking views, fun facts, and inspiring music.

October 27— Harvest and Holiday Party
Let’s celebrate the season of fall, costumes welcomed!! We might even have a contest so think big and have fun preparing!
When: Eight Consecutive Tuesdays, September 8, 15, 22, 29, and October 6, 13, 20, 27, from 1 to 2 p.m. (PT)
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here

Registration is open to family caregivers, but priority will be given to residents of the San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties).
There Must Be a Better Way Than This! 

In this FCA class for family caregivers, you’ll have the opportunity to learn tips and strategies for understanding and communicating effectively with someone living with dementia. This class will also cover how to handle difficult behaviors, how dementia impacts a person’s ability to understand and communicate, and how to feel more confident in your caregiving role.

This class is open to family caregivers in the San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara counties). This class is specifically for family caregivers, not providers. 

When: Thursday, November 19, from 1 to 3 p.m.
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
COVID-19 Scams and Healthcare Fraud Webinar

Scammers are busy exploiting COVID-19 fears to steal from the public. Using phone calls, text messages, letters, email, social media, and fraudulent websites to ensnare their victims. These scammers are selling fake test kits, unproven and dangerous COVID-19 “cures,” and counterfeit personal protective equipment. This webinar will explain the most common COVID-19 scams, include information on healthcare scams and fraud, provide information on consumer warnings and safety tips, and give advice on how to detect and report scams.

This webinar is sponsored by California Senior Medicare Patrol and California Caregiver Resource Centers.

When: Wednesday, September 23, from 11 a.m. to 12 noon (PT)
Where: Online
Cost: No charge
Registration: Click here
FCA’s Facebook page offers articles and posts of interest for family caregivers. Please follow our page at www.facebook.com/FamilyCaregiverAlliance.
Headlines From the August 2020 Caregiving Policy Digest

  • AARP tackles health facility visitations
  • COVID-19 halt to physician office visits and elective hospitalizations: a benefit to patients?
  • Nursing home evictions leave vulnerable residents homeless

The entire August 2020 issue is available here.
Do You Get Caregiving Policy Digest?

Published monthly, this e-newsletter focuses on legislation and policy, caregiving research, and media coverage of caregiving issues. The recent, issue is available here. Visit the archive for past issues and click here to subscribe.
We would like to take a moment to extend a warm thank you to the many generous supporters who make the work we do possible through thoughtful donations to Family Caregiver Alliance.

FCA has led the way in supporting family caregivers for over 40 years.
Your donation makes all the difference!
Follow FCA on Social Media!
101 Montgomery Street | Suite 2150 | San Francisco, CA 94104
Phone: (800) 445-8106 | Email: [email protected]
Visit FCA’s website
Family Care Navigator
Caregiver tool for
state-by-state resources
Help support Family Caregiver Alliance by choosing FCA as your Amazon Smile charity. 
Connections Credits

Calvin Hu
Al Martinez

Kathleen Kelly
Calvin Hu
Lana Sheridan
Leah Eskenazi

Executive Director
Kathleen Kelly
FCA Board of Directors

Celine Takatsuno

Dan Lieberman

Wyatt Ritchie

Kathleen Raffel

Amanda Breeden
Athan Bezaitis
Deborah Kan
Shruti Kothari
Catherine Lelong
Rajiv Mehta
Scott Peifer
Tiffany Riser
Keely Stevenson
Ian Tong